Are You Homophobic Quiz

Juliana Alpízar
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Juliana Alpízar, Sex Therapist
Juliana Alpízar
Sex Therapist
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Juliana Alpízar is a Sexologist and Coach specializing in unconventional sexual practices. She uses her knowledge in Communication and coaching to support individuals,... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 4044 | Updated: May 17, 2024
Are You Homophobic Quiz

Society has made great strides toward accepting all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, cultural background, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Despite this fact, some people may hold hatred or disgust toward sexual diversity. Maybe you’ve even been accused of hatred, and people have labeled you as homophobic. If this is the case, take our “Are You Homophobic Quiz” below to get some answers.

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you ever caught yourself using terms like “faggot” with no regard for how people around you may feel about this language?

A. No, I would never speak like this

B. I have occasionally used a term like this when I’m angry or in private environments I know it’s not something I should say.

C. Actually, yes. I used this term frequently.

2. Do you have any religious views that lead you to believe homosexuality is immoral?

A. I believe what is written in the Bible, which says that homosexuality is a sin

B. I was raised to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, but I know other people may feel differently

C. I have my own personal religious beliefs, but I know that other people have a right to live as they please, and I shouldn’t judge them based on my own beliefs

3. Do you have any friends who identify as gay, lesbian, transgender, or bisexual?

A. I have a few acquaintances who are not heterosexual, but I haven’t really had the opportunity to develop friendships with non-heterosexual individuals

B. Yes, I have friends with all different lifestyles! I know sexuality is just one part of who someone is, and I appreciate different perspectives

C. I haven’t ever had a friendship with someone who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. I wouldn’t have much in common with them

4. Has anyone ever said that you are homophobic?

A. No, I have friends of all different sexual orientations

B. I’ve been accused of this multiple times, but but I have the right of my opinion that homosexuality is wrong.

C. People have accused me of this a few times when we’re debating religion, but I try not to be defensive about it

5. How do you feel about seeing a same-sex couple showing affection toward each other in public?

A. To be honest, it’s something I prefer not to see

B. I don't care and wouldn’t even give a second thoughts about it

C. It might strike me as odd since I’m heterosexual, but I wouldn’t make a big deal about it

6. How would you feel if a good friend you’ve known for years came out as gay, lesbian or any other non-heterosexual orientation?

A. I’d probably end the friendship

B. I wouldn’t view them any differently

C. I’d probably be a bit shocked and need time to come to terms with it

7. How would you feel if someone of your same sex made a sexual advance toward you?

A. I’d be highly offended. I’m not gay or lesbian 

B. I’d understand that these things happen. I might even be flattered 

C. I would feel uncomfortable

8. If your best friend asked you to be a best man or maid of honor in their wedding, and they were marrying someone of the same sex, how would you react?

A. I would be so excited, and I’d accept the offer 

B. I would decline and, probably, this would not be my best friend. I know them.

C. I would feel a little uncomfortable with the whole thing, but I’d still be there for my friend on their wedding day

9. How do you feel about sexually diverse couples adopting children?

A. This shouldn’t be allowed to adopt

B. They should have every right to adopt children and have the same opportunity to have children 

C. I feel that children should be raised by a mother and father, but I understand that not everyone feels this way, and we’re probably moving toward a time when same-sex couples will be able to adopt

10. Do you think it’s okay to make jokes about same-sex couples?

A. There’s no harm in joking, as long as you aren’t being purposely offensive 

B. I find myself making jokes about same-sex couples often with my friends

C. No, and I avoid making these jokes

11. How would you react if a close family member came out as gay?

A. I would be supportive and love them just the same

B. I might struggle initially but would try to understand and accept their identity

C. I would be uncomfortable and prefer not to discuss it

12. What is your opinion on same-sex marriage?

A. I fully support it and believe it should be legal everywhere

B. I'm indifferent to it; it doesn't affect me personally

C. I am opposed to it and believe marriage should be between a man and a woman only

13. A coworker in a same-sex relationship invites you to their wedding. How do you respond?

A. I would happily attend and celebrate their relationship

B. I would feel uncomfortable, but might still go to show support

C. I would decline the invitation because it goes against my beliefs

14. How do you feel about laws that protect LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination?

A. Such laws are necessary and should be strongly enforced

B. I'm not sure how I feel about these laws

C. I think these laws are excessive and unnecessary

15. If an LGBTQ+ group was holding a public event in your community, how would you react?

A. I would consider attending to show support or learn more

B. I wouldn't attend, but I have no issue with the event

C. I would be unhappy that this event is taking place in my community

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