Are You Feeling Lonely Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 39 | Updated: Jul 01, 2024
Are You Feeling Lonely Quiz

Feeling lonely can be more than just being alone; it's about feeling disconnected even when people are around. 

This quiz is designed to help you assess your feelings of loneliness and understand your social and emotional state better. Answer these questions to explore your current level of connectedness and discover meaningful ways to engage with your world.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you feel understood by the people you talk to?

A. Almost always

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

2. Do you feel that you have someone to turn to when you need to talk?

A. Yes, I have several people

B. Sometimes, but not always

C. No, I feel I have no one

3. How often do you find yourself wishing you had more people to talk to?

A. Rarely

B. Occasionally

C. Very often

4. When you are in a group of people, how do you usually feel?

A. Comfortable and included

B. It varies; sometimes included, sometimes not

C. Out of place and disconnected

5. How do you feel about your social life?

A. I’m satisfied with it

B. It’s okay, but could be better

C. I’m unhappy with it

6. When was the last time you felt a deep connection with someone?

A. Recently

B. It’s been a while

C. I can’t remember

7. How often do you feel that no one really knows the real you?

A. Almost never

B. Sometimes

C. Often

8. Do your weekends feel fulfilling?

A. Yes, I usually have plans and enjoy them

B. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t

C. No, I often feel lonelier on weekends

9. How would you describe your interactions with neighbors or community members?

A. Friendly and frequent

B. Occasional and somewhat superficial

C. Rare and awkward

10. How often do you engage in activities that you truly enjoy?

A. Regularly

B. Now and then

C. Seldom

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