Are You Dating Someone Or Not Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 492 | Updated: Jan 18, 2024
Are You Dating Someone or Not Quiz

Swimming in the waters of modern relationships can often be confusing. It's not always clear if the bond you share with someone special is just a deep friendship or something more romantic. This is especially true in a world where relationships can be casual, undefined, or evolve over time. 

Our ‘Are You Dating Someone or Not’ quiz is designed to help you decipher the nature of your relationship with this particular person. By answering some insightful questions, you'll gain a clearer perspective on where you stand. Remember, the key to a useful result is honesty in your answers. So, take a deep breath, think about your relationship, and let's dive in!

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you and this person hang out together?

A. Almost every day

B. A few times a week

C. Occasionally

2. What kind of conversations do you have?

A. Deep, personal topics

B. Casual and friendly topics

C. Mostly small talk

3. Have you met each other's families or close friends?

A. Yes, both

B. Only close friends

C. Neither

4. How do you feel when you're around this person?

A. Excited and romantic

B. Comfortable and happy

C. Just like I'm with any other friend

5. Do you share meals, and if so, who pays?

A. Yes, and we take turns paying or split the bill

B. Sometimes, and it's usually casual

C. Rarely share meals

6. Have you discussed your feelings or relationship status with each other?

A. Yes, we've talked about it clearly

B. Kind of, but it's not clear

C. No, we haven't

7. How do others describe your relationship?

A. They think we're a couple

B. They're unsure or think we're just good friends

C. They definitely see us as just friends

8. Do you have physical contact beyond casual hugs?

A. Yes, quite frequently

B. Occasionally, but it's ambiguous

C. No, only friendly hugs

9. Do you make plans for the future together?

A. Yes, we talk about future plans often

B. Sometimes, but nothing too serious

C. No, we live in the moment

10. How does this person introduce you to others?

A. As their partner or something similar

B. As a friend, but sometimes it seems more

C. Always as a friend

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