Are You Dating A Lazy Boyfriend Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 99 | Updated: Oct 05, 2023
Are You Dating a Lazy Boyfriend Quiz

Relationships can be a source of joy and fulfillment, but they also require effort and commitment from both partners. If you've ever wondered whether your boyfriend is truly invested in your relationship or might be leaning toward the lazier side of things, this quiz, "Are you dating a lazy boyfriend?" will help you gain some clarity.

In the next few minutes, you'll answer a series of questions designed to shed light on your partner's level of motivation, responsibility, and engagement in your relationship. So, let's discover if you're dating a laid-back lover or someone who might need a gentle nudge to step up their game!

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your boyfriend often avoid helping with household chores or responsibilities?

A. Yes. He rarely helps with chores or responsibilities, leaving most of the work to me. It's frustrating and tiring

B. Sometimes. He occasionally helps with chores, but it's not consistent. I wish he'd take more initiative

C. No. He actively participates in household tasks and responsibilities, and we share the workload fairly

2. Does he frequently procrastinate or delay important tasks and responsibilities?

A. Yes. Procrastination is a constant issue. He postpones important tasks until the last minute, causing unnecessary stress

B. Sometimes. He occasionally procrastinates, which can be frustrating, but it's not a constant problem

C. No. He manages his responsibilities effectively and rarely procrastinates on important tasks

3. Is he often too "busy" to spend time with you or fulfill commitments?

A. Yes. He frequently cancels plans or is too "busy" to spend quality time together, making me feel neglected

B. Sometimes. There are times when he's busy, but it's not a constant issue. However, I wish he'd prioritize our time together more

C. No. He makes an effort to spend quality time with me and fulfills commitments, demonstrating that he values our relationship

4. Does he lack ambition and long-term goals in his personal or professional life?

A. Yes. He seems content with the status quo and doesn't have clear goals or plans for his future, which concerns me

B. Sometimes. While he has some ambitions, he could be more proactive in pursuing his goals and career aspirations

C. No. He is ambitious and has clear long-term goals, demonstrating a strong sense of purpose in his personal and professional life

5. Does he frequently make excuses to avoid responsibilities or commitments?

A. Yes. Excuses are a common theme. He always has a reason to avoid responsibilities, and it's frustrating to deal with

B. Sometimes. He occasionally makes excuses, which can be frustrating, but it's not a constant behavior

C. No. He takes responsibility seriously and rarely makes excuses to avoid commitments or responsibilities

6. Does he rely on you to do most of the planning and decision-making in the relationship?

A. Yes. I feel like I'm the one constantly making plans and decisions. He doesn't take the initiative in our relationship

B. Sometimes. While I often take the lead in planning, he's willing to participate when I ask, but I wish he'd take more initiative

C. No. We share the responsibility for planning and decision-making in our relationship, and it feels balanced

7. Does he often neglect his physical health and well-being?

A. Yes. He rarely exercises, eats poorly, and neglects his health, which worries me about his long-term well-being

B. Sometimes. He occasionally neglects his health, which concerns me, but he's not completely careless about it

C. No. He takes good care of his physical health and well-being, showing a responsible attitude toward self-care

8. Does he frequently complain about being tired or lacking energy?

A. Yes. He often complains about being tired, even when he hasn't done much, which makes me question his energy level

B. Sometimes. He occasionally complains about fatigue, but it's not a constant issue. It could be due to legitimate reasons

C. No. He rarely complains about being tired and generally maintains good energy levels, which is a positive sign

9. Is he unenthusiastic or uninterested in trying new activities or experiences?

A. Yes. He's often reluctant to try new things, and it's challenging to get him excited about new experiences

B. Sometimes. While he can be hesitant about trying new activities, he's open to them once in a while

C. No. He's enthusiastic about trying new things and is open to exploring new experiences, which adds excitement to our relationship

10. Does he frequently need reminders or follow-ups to complete tasks or fulfill commitments?

A. Yes. I have to remind him constantly to do things, which can be frustrating, and I feel like I'm his personal assistant

B. Sometimes. He occasionally needs reminders, but it's not a constant issue. I wish he'd be more self-reliant in this regard

C. No. He's reliable and responsible, rarely needing reminders or follow-ups to complete tasks or fulfill commitments

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