Is Me And My Spouse Compatible Under The Christian Faith Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 114 | Updated: Mar 30, 2023
 Is Me and My Spouse Compatible Under the Christian Faith Quiz?

For most Catholics, having a level of compatibility with their spouse is important because the church recommends it. This is considering the church aims to guide its followers into imitating Christ and applying his sacred principles. These principles may, in fact, help you have a positive and long-lasting impact on your marriage if you follow them. 

So, do you think you and your spouse are compatible under the Christian faith? Take our quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How long does it take you to make up with your partner?

A. A week

B. A day

C. A few hours

D. Months

2. Do you often read the bible together?

A. Yes, of course

B. Sometimes

C. Once in a few month

D. It's very rare

3. Is the Bible the main inspiration for the couple you two are?

A. Definitely

B. Sometimes

C. Only when it fits you

D. Absolutely not

4. What is the most notable verse in the bible, according to you and your partner?

A. "You reap what you sow"

B. "Ask and you will be given"

C. "The Lord is my shepard, I lack nothing"

D. We don't really have a favorite one because we don't read the bible that much

5. Who do you seek for advice when there are no solutions between the two of you?

A. Our pastor

B. My mother

C. Friends

D. No one

6. What is the main trait that attracted you to your partner?

A. Their honesty

B. The way they conduct themselves as Christians

C. Their physical appearance

D. I don't really know

7. Do you have faith in your partner?

A. Yes

B. Most of the time

C. Not really

D. No, I don't trust people in general

8. Have you asked for any blessings from the church when it comes to your relationship?

A. Yes, as a devoted Christian it is important

B. Yes, because my partner asked me to

C. Yes because I want to be accepted by the church

D. No, and why should I?

9. Was your faith in Jesus the main thing that brought you together?

A. I have no doubt that it was the case

B. I can't say for certain but it's possible

C. I've got no idea

D. No, our love for each other brought us together

10. Do you see each other together 5 years from now?

A. Yes, in the name of the lord!

B. Yes, but it will depend on your faith in Jesus

C. Yes, but it will depend on your faith in the relationship

D. Only time will tell

11. Do you and your partner look up to Jesus as your savior?

A. Yes, always

B. At times

C. Rarely

D. Don’t think so

12. Do you and your partner intend to raise a strong Christian family together?

A. Yes

B. Hopefully yes

C. Not sure about it

D. Don’t see a need for it

13. Does your partner agree with your religious views?

A. Yes, they respect it

B. They are fine with it

C. They don’t really care anymore

D. Not really

14. Are you and your partner aware of Catholic history?

A. Yes

B. Just the basics

C. We have forgotten over time

D. No

15. Do you and your partner visit the church?

A. Yes regularly

B. When we get time

C. Only when we needed

D. Rarely

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