Are We Intellectually Compatible Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1415 | Updated: Aug 09, 2022
 Are We Intellectually Compatible Quiz?

Intelligence and mental agility often represent one of the main pillars of couple compatibility. When partners have similar mental inclinations and interests, they find it easier to understand each other and it gives them more common ground for meaningful conversations. 

Communication is the heart of intimacy, and when two people have nothing to talk about, their relationship starts to degrade. You don’t need to measure your IQ or compare your educational degrees to discover if you are intellectually compatible – take this ‘Are we intellectually compatible’ quiz and find out everything you need to know.

Questions Excerpt

1. What games do you like to play together?

A. Chess

B. Scrabble

C. Card games

D. Bingo

2. What is your favorite pastime activity that you do together?

A. Reading books

B. Going to music concerts

C. Exercising

D. Watching TV

3. What cultural events do you prefer attending together?

A. Opera

B. Theater plays

C. Events at the museum

D. Popular movies and concerts

4. What kind of music do you listen to?

A. Classical and jazz

B. Greatest hits of all time

C. Rap and hip hop

D. Mainstream music I hear on the radio

5. You read an interesting article. What do you do next?

A. Show it to my partner and discuss it together

B. Analyze it on my own

C. Just enjoy it

D. I don't read

6. Do you understand each other when you have a conversation?

A. Yes, and we complete each other's sentences

B. Yes, most times

C. We have misunderstandings sometimes

D. No, I feel like I'm talking to a wall

7. Has your partner made any book or film recommendations for you?

A. Yes, actually my partner had recommended my favorite book to me

B. Yes, they are okay

C. Yes, but I didn't like it

D. Never

8. How do your conflicts end?

A. We respect each other's opinion

B. We get upset but try to resolve things eventually

C. One of us manages to outsmart the other

D. With physical aggression

9. Do you share the same basic values?

A. Absolutely

B. Yes, mostly

C. Not really

D. No

10. Do you feel your communication is authentic and personal?

A. Yes, we are like one soul in two bodies

B. Most times, yes

C. Sometimes

D. Never

11. Can you discuss your views on politics and world affairs with your partner?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. In rare moments

D. No, not at all

12. Do you watch similar shows and movies?

A. Yes, we have very similar choices

B. Yes, most of the time

C. Sometimes

D. No, we have very different choices

13. Have you faced difficulty in talking to your partner about the things that matter to you?

A. No, not at all

B. No, not really

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, this happens all the time

14. Do you have similar ideas about what life should be like?

A. Yes, we align together on those things

B. Yes, for the most part

C. Sometimes

D. No, not really

15. Do you feel that there is someone out there who is better aligned with you intellectually?

A. No, I can’t think of anyone

B. No, I doubt that

C. Maybe

D. Yes, I’m sure of it

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