Are We Happy Together Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 816 | Updated: Aug 25, 2022
 Are We Happy Together Quiz?

As relationships progress over time, it is sometimes hard to know if you are genuinely happy together or living a life of fallacy. There is a difference between being truly happy with each other and posting 'happy' pictures on social media to create an illusion. So, what do you think, are you a happy couple in the real sense? Take this quiz, and find out now!

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you fight?

A. We don’t fight. We have healthy arguments.

B. Sometimes we fight. But, that’s normal, I suppose

C. Every time we meet!

2. Do you stick to the same routine and expectations regarding paying bills, chores, household projects, etc.

A. For the most part, yes!

B. It really depends on the situation.

C. Nope, unfortunately, we do not!

3. Do you share the same values, morals, and world views?

A. Yes, definitely!

B. Almost.

C. Not really.

4. Do you consider each other, your best friend?

A. We are good friends, but not best friends.

B. No, I wonder if we are even good friends.

C. Of course!

5. How often do you have sex?

A. We make love, and we do it often!

B. Pretty often.

C. It’s sex every time, but I wonder if there’s anything more to our relationship /(OR) We hardly ever have sex.

6. Do you respect each other’s individuality and make the most of your differences?

A. Yes, we do.

B. We do that sometimes.

C. I really don’t think we do this.

7. Do you often argue about or wish that they would change things about them and vice versa?

A. Not really-

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, always!

8. Do you feel like your communication is always open and honest?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

9. Do you spend time working together on your relationship to make it stronger?

A. Sometimes

B. Yes

C. No

10. Do you have the same views and goals regarding your relationship and your future together?

A. For the most part, yes.

B. Yes

C. Not really

11. During or after the argument, how do you both diffuse the situation?

A. We don’t talk to each other

B. We ask for explanations from each other

C. We try to understand the situation and look for a solution

12. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, on what priority do you put the relationship?

A. 1-4

B. 5-7

C. 7-10

13. Have you ever thought about cheating on your partner?

A. It comes in my head sometimes

B. Just once when we fought really bad

C. Never

14. How do you both usually spend your time together?

A. We are usually busy in our lives

B. We visit a place

C. We have phone-free time and talk to each other

15. How is your sex life so far?

A. We haven’t been intimate for pretty long now

B. Average

C. It’s going amazing

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