Am I The Golden Child Or Scapegoat Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 344 | Updated: Dec 28, 2023
Am I the Golden Child or Scapegoat Quiz

Growing up, many individuals find themselves cast into specific roles within their families. If you've ever questioned your role as the favored child or the family scapegoat, our quiz can offer valuable clarity. 

'Am I the Golden Child or Scapegoat Quiz' aims to help you recognize the dynamics within your family and how they have influenced your life. Let's dive into this journey of self-awareness to gain insights into your family experience.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you perceive the way your parents or family members treat you compared to your siblings or other family members?

A. I often receive more praise and attention

B. I don't notice a significant difference in treatment

C. I often receive more criticism and blame

2. When you achieved something significant in your life, such as academic success or a career milestone, how did your family react?

A. They celebrated and praised my accomplishments

B. They acknowledged it but didn't make a big deal out of it

C. They seemed indifferent or downplayed my achievements

3. How does your family typically handle conflicts or disagreements within the family?

A. They try to maintain harmony and avoid conflicts

B. They address conflicts openly and respectfully

C. They often blame or target one family member during conflicts

4. Have you ever felt that you were held to higher standards or expectations compared to your siblings or family members?

A. Yes, I often feel I have to meet higher expectations

B. Not significantly, we all have our own expectations

C. No, I feel my expectations are lower than others'

5. How do you perceive the way your family discusses or criticizes your life choices, such as relationships, careers, or lifestyle?

A. They often support and validate my choices

B. They offer input and advice but respect my decisions

C. They frequently criticize and disapprove of my choices

6. In times of family conflicts, who is usually blamed or made the target of criticism?

A. It's often others; I'm rarely blamed

B. We all share responsibility for conflicts

C. I'm often the target of blame or criticism

7. How does your family typically respond when you express emotional distress or vulnerability?

A. They offer comfort, support, and empathy

B. They may acknowledge it but don't offer significant support

C. They dismiss or downplay your distress

8. Have you ever felt that you were tasked with maintaining family harmony or mediating conflicts in the family?

A. Yes, I often play a peacemaking role in family conflicts

B. Occasionally, I help mediate conflicts, but it's not a defined role

C. No, I'm not involved in mediating family conflicts

9. How do your family members react when you set personal boundaries or assert your independence?

A. They respect and support my boundaries

B. They may challenge boundaries but ultimately respect them

C. They often disregard my boundaries and expect compliance

10. How do you feel about your self-esteem and emotional well-being in the context of your family?

A. I have high self-esteem and feel emotionally well

B. It varies depending on family interactions

C. I have low self-esteem and often feel emotionally drained

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