Am I Scared Of Intimacy Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 13132 | Updated: Aug 07, 2024
Am I Scared of Intimacy Quiz

Are you finding it challenging to connect intimately in your relationship?

Do trust issues or difficulty in expressing your emotions create barriers between you and your partner?

The "Am I scared of intimacy?" quiz is designed to help you uncover the underlying issues affecting your relationship. Through a series of insightful questions covering trust, emotional expression, and sexual desire, this quiz offers a comprehensive look at your relationship patterns.

Understanding these barriers is the first step toward promoting a deeper, more fulfilling connection with your partner. Take the quiz now to gain valuable insights and begin your journey toward a closer bond.

Questions Excerpt

1. How comfortable are you with expressing your feelings to your partner?

A. I find it extremely difficult and often keep my emotions to myself

B. I can share my feelings sometimes, but it's challenging

C. I am comfortable expressing my emotions openly

2. How do you react when your partner tries to get closer to you emotionally?

A. I feel anxious and tend to pull away

B. I feel a bit uncomfortable but try to engage

C. I welcome the closeness and feel comfortable

3. How do you handle conflicts in your relationship?

A. I avoid discussing issues and hope they resolve on their own

B. I bring up issues reluctantly and only when necessary

C. I address conflicts openly and work towards resolution

4. What is your approach to physical intimacy with your partner?

A. I often feel uncomfortable or anxious about physical closeness

B. I enjoy physical intimacy but sometimes feel hesitant

C. I am comfortable and enjoy physical intimacy

5. How often do you find yourself doubting your partner's feelings for you?

A. Frequently, I constantly need reassurance

B. Sometimes, but I try to trust my partner

C. Rarely, I feel secure in my partner's feelings

6. When thinking about long-term commitment, how do you feel?

A. The idea of a long-term commitment makes me very anxious

B. I have some concerns but am open to it

C. I feel positive and excited about the idea of long-term commitment

7. How do you perceive your need for personal space in a relationship?

A. I need a lot of personal space and feel overwhelmed if I don't get it

B. I need some personal space but try to balance it with closeness

C. I enjoy spending most of my time with my partner

8. How do you handle emotional intimacy in conversations with your partner?

A. I avoid deep emotional conversations and keep things surface-level

B. I participate in emotional conversations but find it draining

C. I engage in and enjoy deep emotional conversations

9. How often do you reflect on your past relationships to understand your intimacy patterns?

A. Rarely, I prefer not to think about past relationships

B. Sometimes, but I find it difficult to gain insights

C. Often, I actively reflect to understand and improve

10. How do you react when your partner expresses vulnerability or asks for emotional support?

A. I feel uncomfortable and unsure how to respond

B. I try to offer support but feel awkward

C. I provide support and feel comfortable doing so

11. How comfortable are you with sharing your past experiences and personal history with your partner?

A. I find it very difficult to talk about my past

B. I share some things but keep many details private

C. I am open about my past and share freely

12. When you think about being emotionally dependent on your partner, how do you feel?

A. It makes me feel very anxious and vulnerable

B. I have some reservations, but try to be open

C. I feel comfortable and secure with emotional dependence

13. How often do you initiate conversations about your relationship's emotional and physical intimacy?

A. Rarely, I avoid these conversations

B. Occasionally, but I find them difficult

C. Often, I believe they are important for the relationship

14. How do you feel about being physically affectionate in public?

A. I feel very uncomfortable and avoid it

B. I am okay with it sometimes, but I prefer privacy

C. I am comfortable and enjoy being affectionate in public

15. How do you respond to vulnerability in your partner?

A. I feel uncomfortable and unsure how to react

B. I try to support them but find it challenging

C. I am supportive and comfortable with their vulnerability

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