Am I Sabotaging My Relationship Quiz

Imani Bowman
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Imani Bowman, LPC
Imani Bowman
Licensed Professional Counselor
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Imani enjoys working with children, families, and individuals. She is especially passionate about working with pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults as they transition through... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 5007 | Updated: Aug 18, 2024
Am I Sabotaging My Relationship Quiz

Some of us have been blessed with great relationships, particularly marked with amazing partners. Some of us will acknowledge how lucky they are and will make everything possible to help the relationship work. Others, will voluntarily or involuntarily sabotage their relationships for selfish reasons or because they just can't help it.

So, are you someone who doesn't take people for granted and give them back all the happiness they bring to your life or are you one of those who are toxic enough to turn a great partner into a victim? Take our 'Am I sabotaging my relationship' quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. What reminds you of how lucky you are to have your beloved in your life?

A. The way they treats me

B. The way they look at me

C. Their beauty

D. Their wealth

2. Do you listen to each other?

A. Sometimes

B. All the time

C. Only when it seems important to me

D. Only when I feel like it

3. Who wears the pants in the relationship?

A. I do

B. They do

C. We both do

D. I don't know

4. How far do you think this relationship will go?

A. Very far, and I think I might risk my life for it

B. Forever

C. I'll marry this person one day

D. Not that far, as I'm already overwhelmed by it

5. Have you introduced your lover to your loved ones?

A. Yes, especially my mother

B. No, no yet

C. No, I don't have the guts to do that

D. That will certainly never happen

6. How do you think you often sabotage your relationship?

A. By talking too much

B. By being disrespectful

C. By being physical

D. I don't sabotage my relationships

7. Who brings the most toxicity into your relationship?

A. My mother

B. My siblings

C. I do

D. Maybe my partner

8. Have you ever received an ultimatum from your partner because of your behavior?

A. Yes, very often

B. At least once a month

C. At least once a year

D. It has never happened

9. Do you feel that you really need to be in a relationship right now?

A. Yes, why not

B. Absolutely

C. No, I think this was a mistake

D. No, maybe being single is best for me

10. What do you think a relationship is?

A. One where two people complete each other

B. One where two people learn to coexist

C. One where you share assets to grow together

D. I don't really know

11. How do you react when your partner gives you constructive criticism?

A. Consider it carefully

B. Get defensive

C. Ignore it

D. Use it as an opportunity to criticize them back

12. When you have a disagreement, how often do you bring up past issues?

A. Never

B. Sometimes, if it's relevant

C. Often, to make a point

D. Always, to win the argument

13. How do you handle your partner's success?

A. Celebrate with them

B. Feel indifferent

C. Feel jealous

D. Undermine it

14. When feeling upset or stressed, how do you typically act towards your partner?

A. Calm and communicative

B. Withdrawn

C. Irritable and argumentative

D. Blame them for my feelings

15. How do you approach compromise in your relationship?

A. Willingly and openly

B. Reluctantly, but fairly

C. Rarely, I prefer my way

D. I avoid it, it feels like losing

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