Am I Pushing My Husband Away Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 72 | Updated: Dec 26, 2023
Am I Pushing My Husband Away Quiz

Here’s the Am I pushing my husband away quiz. Understanding the dynamics of your marriage is essential for maintaining a strong bond with your husband. If you've been feeling distant from your partner or suspect that you might be engaging in behaviors that push him away, our quiz, 'Am I Pushing My Husband Away,' can provide certain valuable insights and suggestions for rekindling the warmth and connection in your relationship.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you communicate with your husband about your feelings and concerns in the relationship?

A. Regularly, we have open conversations

B. Sometimes, but I wish we talked more

C. Rarely, I keep my feelings to myself

2. When disagreements arise, how do you typically handle them in your relationship?

A. We discuss them calmly and seek solutions

B. We argue at times, but we resolve things eventually

C. We avoid confrontations, and issues remain unresolved

3. Do you actively make time for quality moments with your husband, such as date nights or shared activities?

A. Yes, we prioritize quality time together

B. Sometimes, but I'd like to do it more often

C. No, we rarely spend quality time together

4. How do you react when your husband expresses his opinions or desires that differ from yours?

A. I respect his opinions and seek compromise

B. I may push back but am open to negotiation

C. I dismiss his views and insist on my own

5. How often do you show appreciation and affection toward your husband in your daily interactions?

A. Frequently, I express my love and gratitude

B. Occasionally, but I'd like to do it more

C. Rarely, I seldom express affection or appreciation

6. Are there unresolved issues or grievances that you've been holding onto without discussing with your husband?

A. No, we address and resolve issues together

B. Yes, there are some unresolved matters

C. Yes, I have many unresolved grievances

7. How do you react when your husband needs personal space or time for his own interests?

A. I respect his need for personal time

B. I understand but occasionally feel a bit left out

C. I feel upset and demand his attention

8. When conflicts arise, do you engage in the silent treatment or withdraw emotionally from your husband?

A. No, I prefer open communication during conflicts

B. Sometimes, I need space but eventually discuss it

C. Yes, I often withdraw and become distant

9. Do you feel a sense of control over your husband's decisions and actions in the relationship?

A. No, I believe in shared decision-making

B. Sometimes, I may try to influence decisions

C. Yes, I often feel the need to control the relationship

10. How do you react when your husband makes mistakes or experiences setbacks in his life?

A. I offer support, understanding, and encouragement

B. I may get frustrated, but I eventually provide support

C. I criticize him and hold his mistakes against him

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