Am I In Love With My Female Best Friend Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2186 | Updated: Jun 12, 2024
Am I in Love With My Female Best Friend Quiz

Is there a female in your life that you consider special? There may be someone that you have always considered to be a friend. You might be confused about whether you are in love with her.

A certain level of vulnerability is involved when you grow close enough with your girl best friend. You become more dependent on her. It may come to a point when you may become a bit confused about whether your dependency is still bordering on friendship or it is already love. This is your chance to know more about yourself and your feelings. Take this 'Am I in Love With My Female Best Friend' quiz now, and the results may surprise you.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you find yourself staring at your girl best friend for no reason at all?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. All the time

2. Is your girl best friend the first person that you call when something good or bad happens to you?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. All the time

3. Do you try to make your best friend happy?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. All the time

4. Do you get jealous when she talks about the people she likes?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. All the time

5. Do you make an effort to look good when you know that you are going to see her?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. All the time

6. Do you dream about her?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. All the time

7. Do you sometimes think about kissing your best friend?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. All the time

8. Do you think of doing something grand for her on special occasions?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. All the time

9. Do you find yourself looking for reasons to be with her even on ordinary days?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. All the time

10. Do you feel worried when they are sick?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, definitely

11. How do you feel when you hear about her going on a date with someone else?

A. Indifferent, it's just part of her life

B. Curious, but happy for her

C. Unsettled or upset

12. When you two discuss the future, how often does she feature in your plans?

A. Rarely, our futures are separate

B. Sometimes, in a friendly context

C. Often, I imagine us doing many things together

13. How do you prioritize your time when you know she needs you?

A. I try to balance my time between her and other commitments

B. I will make some adjustments if necessary

C. She becomes my top priority

14. When something funny or memorable happens to you, who do you want to share it with first?

A. Anyone who's around at the moment

B. I think about telling her, but it's not urgent

C. Definitely her, she's the first I want to laugh with

15. Do your family and other friends see a special connection between you two?

A. They think we're just good friends

B. They occasionally joke about us being a couple

C. Yes, they often comment on our chemistry and closeness

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