Am I In An INFJ Relationship? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 15 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Am I in an INFJ Relationship?
In today’s dynamic world full of possibilities and complex interactions, it can be challenging to recognize the kind of love relationships we find ourselves in. Take this test to find out if you have an INFJ – the rarest in the world – dynamics with your partner and get a glimpse of its mysterious ways.

Questions Excerpt

1. You feel that you and your partner are:

A. a committed, straightforward, and stable couple

B. supportive, understanding, and devoted to each other

C. compatible souls who have found true love in each other

D. an open-minded and spontaneous tandem

2. When you and your partner disagree, you:

A. avoid conflict and criticism

B. tend to provoke arguments

C. tend to use guilt manipulation

D. are impatient and judgmental

3. When planning a vacation, you and your partner prefer gladly traveling to:

A. picturesque cities

B. nature reserves

C. big cities of the world

D. romantic seaside destinations

4. You and your partner prefer:

A. spending time with family

B. socializing with a large group of friends

C. being alone with each other wherever you go

D. volunteering together

5. You would say that the most valuable trait of your current relationship is:

A. honesty

B. shared values

C. stability and harmony

D. passion

6. Communication between your partner and yourself is:

A. supportive and practical

B. confident and objective

C. open and direct

D. thoughtful and caring

7. For you and your partner, intimacy is:

A. exciting and a bit frightening

B. energetic and physical

C. bonding and selfless

D. warm and loving

8. In the beginning of your relationship, you and your partner:

A. had difficulties trusting each other

B. preferred facts over interpretations of events

C. analyzed a lot before starting to trust each other completely

D. adjusted what you have learned from your experience in order to be able to trust each other

9. In an interaction with your partner, personal boundaries are:

A. set firmly

B. mostly firmly set, but sometimes pushed

C. mostly relativized

D. hard to set

10. Choose the conversation topic you enjoy talking about the most with your partner:

A. deep and meaningful, like the purpose of life, religion, and helping people

B. hobbies, experiences, and plans

C. future in general and possible outcomes

D. TV, movies, books, and topics from neighborhood

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