Am I Having A Phantom Pregnancy Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 165 | Updated: Nov 30, 2023
Am I Having a Phantom Pregnancy Quiz

The human body can sometimes create the illusion of pregnancy when there's none. If you've been experiencing symptoms that mimic pregnancy but the tests indicate otherwise, then you might be dealing with a phantom pregnancy. 

'Am I Having a Phantom Pregnancy' quiz is here to help you explore these feelings and symptoms.  Use this quiz as an initial step to understand your situation and consider consulting a healthcare professional for further guidance.

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you experienced a missed period recently?

A. Yes, my period is significantly overdue

B. My period is slightly irregular but not overdue

C. No, my menstrual cycle is regular

2. Are you noticing any physical changes in your abdomen, such as bloating or a perceived baby bump?

A. Yes, I've noticed significant abdominal changes

B. There are some changes, but they're not major

C. My abdomen appears normal

3. Are you experiencing nausea, morning sickness, or food cravings associated with pregnancy?

A. Yes, I've been experiencing pregnancy-like symptoms

B. I have some symptoms, but they're not severe

C. I don't have pregnancy-related symptoms

4. If you've taken a home pregnancy test, and what was the result?

A. Yes, it was positive

B. Yes, but the result was inconclusive or unclear

C. No, I haven't taken a pregnancy test

5. Are you emotionally convinced that you're pregnant, even when there's no medical confirmation?

A. Yes, I strongly believe I'm pregnant

B. I have some doubts, but it's on my mind

C. I don't believe I'm pregnant

6. Have you experienced breast changes, such as tenderness or swelling?

A. Yes, my breasts have noticeably changed

B. There's some sensitivity, but not major changes

C. My breasts appear normal

7. Are you feeling fetal movements, despite a negative pregnancy test or medical confirmation?

A. Yes, I'm feeling what seem like fetal movements

B. I have felt some sensations, but I'm not sure

C. I'm not experiencing fetal movements

8. Have you experienced changes in your vaginal or cervical mucus?

A. Yes, there have been noticeable changes

B. I've noticed some changes, but they're not significant

C. My cervical mucus seems normal

9. Are you convinced that you're pregnant despite multiple negative pregnancy tests or medical opinions?

A. Yes, I'm convinced I'm pregnant regardless of test results

B. I have some doubts, but it's on my mind

C. I don't believe I'm pregnant

10. Do you have a history of anxiety or psychological factors that might influence your perception of pregnancy?

A. Yes, I have a history of anxiety or psychological factors

B. I have some anxiety, but it's not related to pregnancy

C. I have no history of anxiety or psychological factors

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