Am I Having A Midlife Crisis Quiz

Karah Germroth
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Karah Germroth, LCSW
Karah Germroth
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Karah Germroth is a Licensed Master Social Worker licensed in the State of New York. A Tennessee native, Karah completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the... Read More

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1373 | Updated: May 20, 2024
Am I Having A Midlife Crisis Quiz
Do you find yourself talking so much about the past and trying to relive those moments? At a certain age, especially men, people tend to have flashbacks of their lives which sometimes lead to depression. Do you find yourself in this bracket? Do you think ‘Am I Having A Midlife Crisis?’ Take this quiz to find out!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you find yourself reminiscing about your past lately?

A. Yes, a lot

B. Not really

C. I barely have time to reminisce

2. Do you experience sleeping problems?

A. Yes, very frequently

B. Yes, due to work-related pressure

C. No

3. Are you still excited about intimacy?

A. No, not really

B. Yes, just been too busy to think about it

C. Kind of/ intermittently

4. How do you feel when you see people young and energetic?

A. I wish I could go back to those times

B. Well, good for them

C. I could care less

5. Are you concerned about your physical looks?

A. A lot

B. Not, really

C. I don't really care

6. Is your health a worry?

A. A lot

B. Not, really

C. Not at all

7. Are you unattached to your spouse?

A. Yes

B. Not, really

C. No

8. How would you describe your sense of fashion?

A. I put a lot of effort into my clothing choices

B. Just normal

C. Don’t care about fashion

9. Do you get bored easily?

A. Yes

B. No, not really

C. Always bored

10. Do you no longer find satisfaction in the things you do?

A. Yes

B. I am satisfied just tired most often

C. I don’t know

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