Am I Dating Someone With Peter Pan Syndrome Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 319 | Updated: Jul 23, 2024
Am I Dating Someone With Peter Pan Syndrome Quiz

Are you questioning, "Am I dating someone with Peter Pan Syndrome?" This quiz is designed to help you explore these feelings. Although Peter Pan Syndrome isn't officially recognized in the DSM-5 manual, the term was introduced in 1983 by psychologist Dan Kiley.

Peter Pan Syndrome describes adults who lead a carefree, child-like life, avoiding responsibilities and commitments. If you're dating someone with these traits, you might notice a lack of communication, commitment issues, and immature behaviors in your relationship.

This syndrome can affect anyone, regardless of gender, and is often linked to overprotective parenting. When a guardian is overly protective, it can hinder the development of essential life skills, making it challenging for the individual to face adult responsibilities. Such individuals often take longer to realize the need for change.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you feel that your partner is completely dependent on you?

A. I think so

B. I don’t think so

C. I am not sure

2. How open are your conversations with each other?

A. Quite open

B. Highly shielded

C. I am not sure

3. Are your partner’s parents overprotective?

A. No, they are not

B. Yes, they are

C. They are usually protective but sometimes act quite possesive

4. Can you call your partner your 2:00 AM friend?

A. Yes, I can

B. No, they are unreliable

C. I don’t think so

5. Do you split the bill on dates?

A. I pay most of the time

B. We both split the bill

C. They sometimes try to pitch in

6. Do you think they are aware that they may be acting like a childish adult?

A. I don’t think so

B. I think that they know

C. I am not sure

7. Have they ever talked about a future with you?

A. Yes, they have

B. No, they don’t talk about the future

C. They always avoid such talks

8. Do you feel burdened with responsibilities around them?

A. Yes, I do feel more responsible

B. I don’t feel burdened around them

C. I feel they need to be more responsible

9. Can they take care of themselves financially?

A. I don’t think so

B. I think so

C. I don’t know

10. Do you detest their presence?

A. Not really

B. Kind of

C. Yes, I do

11. Does your partner take responsibility for their actions?

A. Rarely

B. Always

C. Sometimes

12. How does your partner react to conflicts?

A. They avoid them

B. They address them maturely

C. They react emotionally

13. Does your partner have long-term goals?

A. No, they live in the moment

B. Yes, they have clear goals

C. They have vague plans

14. How often does your partner need your help with daily tasks?

A. Frequently

B. Rarely

C. Occasionally

15. Does your partner engage in activities that seem more suitable for younger people?

A. Yes, often

B. No, they engage in age-appropriate activities

C. Sometimes

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