Am I Dating Someone Who Is Asexual Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 5057 | Updated: Aug 04, 2023
 Am I Dating Someone Who Is Asexual Quiz?

There is no denying that sex and sexual attraction are huge parts of most relationships and are often major factors in creating a more intimate and emotionally connected relationship. So if you are dating someone who shows no sexual attraction or sexual interest towards you at all, it could feel pretty terrible.

Most people want to be desired. So, when you start to wonder if your partner is uninterested in you or maybe your partner is asexual, you need an answer. When someone is asexual, they have little to no interest at all in having sex or being sexually intimate with another person, which clearly could create major issues in a relationship. Are you dating someone who is asexual? Take this ‘Am I Dating Someone Who Is Asexual’ quiz to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your partner have any interest in being intimate at all?

A. They used to seem interested, but not anymore

B. No, they never have

C. It seems they are interested, but it just never happens

D. Yes

2. Does your partner have the ability to be romantic and have romantic feelings towards you, even if they aren’t related to sex?

A. In the past definitely, but not anymore

B. No, it doesn’t seem like they have any sexual or romantic feelings at all

C. Yes

D. Sometimes

3. Has your partner ever had a sexually intimate relationship with another person that you know about?

A. We never talked about it specifically, but i am almost positive they have

B. No, never

C. I am not sure, but not that we ever discussed

D. Yes, several

4. Does your partner masturbate?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I am not sure

D. I am sure they do, but we have never specifically talked about it

5. Does your partner seem to have a desire to be in a serious relationship with you?

A. I used to think so, but I’m not sure anymore

B. No, not at all

C. Yes, I think so

D. We are in a pretty serious relationship already

6. Does it seem like your partner is able to connect with you on a deeper emotional level?

A. We used to, but I don’t feel very connected anymore

B. No, not at all

C. Yes, I think so

D. Definitely

7. Has your partner ever talked about their lack of sexual desire and attraction towards other people?

A. No, they definitely have talked about attraction and desire many times

B. Yes, they say they never experienced any sexual attraction/desire

C. No, not really

D. No, we never had a conversation like that

8. Does it seem like sex is ever on your partner's mind?

A. I used to be able to tell, but anymore it doesn’t seen to be on their mind at all

B. No, never

C. No, never

D. Sometimes it seems that way, but they seem to be holding back or shy

E. Sometimes it seems that way, but they seem to be holding back or shy

F. Yes, I can always tell

. Yes, I can always tell

9. Do you and your partner ever talk about sex?

A. Not anymore

B. I try, but they have no interest in discussing it

C. No

D. Yes

10. Do you truly think your partner could be asexual?

A. I am not sure, but things changed and I don’t know what it is

B. Yes, I definitely do

C. Sometimes I do and other times I don’t

D. I really don’t think so, but I am not completely sure

11. Have you tried discussing your concerns about your sex life with your partner?

A. Yes, and it has helped

B. Yes, but it didn't make a difference

C. No, I haven't brought it up

D. No, but I plan to

12. Have you noticed any changes in your partner's behavior or mood that could be related to their sex drive?

A. Yes, they seem more irritable or distant

B. No, their behavior seems the same

C. I'm not sure

D. Yes, they seem more interested in sex than usual

13. Have you considered seeking professional help or counseling for your sex life?

A. Yes, we have already sought help

B. Yes, but we haven't taken any action yet

C. No, I haven't considered it

D. No, I don't think it's necessary

14. Have you tried experimenting with different sexual activities or techniques to improve your sex life?

A. Yes, and it has helped

B. Yes, but it didn't make a difference

C. No, I haven't tried anything new

D. No, but I plan to

15. Have you noticed any physical changes in your partner that could be affecting their sex drive?

A. Yes, they have experienced health issues or changes in medication

B. No, their physical health seems the same

C. I'm not sure

D. Yes, they have been exercising more or taking better care of themselves

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