Am I Dating A Sociopath Quiz

Karah Germroth
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Karah Germroth, LCSW
Karah Germroth
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Karah Germroth is a Licensed Master Social Worker licensed in the State of New York. A Tennessee native, Karah completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 13179 | Updated: Jun 19, 2024
Am I Dating a Sociopath Quiz

A sociopath is someone with an antisocial personality who doesn't show empathy, lacks remorse, and tends to exploit relationships. At times, people can’t decide if they’re dating a sociopath or just facing some common relationship issues.

A sociopath can appear just like any other person. It takes a certain effort to realize whether their traits are alarming or not. So, if you’re thinking, ‘Am I dating a sociopath?’ let us help you figure out the answer through this quick quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your partner listen to your concerns?

A. Yeah

B. Not really

C. Sometimes

2. Do they show you respect on a daily basis?

A. Yeah, they respect me

B. No, they don't care

C. Not on every little thing

3. Did they win you over very easily?

A. Yeah, almost too easily

B. It took some time, but they did have charisma

C. No, they were genuine with me

4. Did they move fast in your relationship?

A. Yeah, super fast

B. They did move a bit quicker

C. No, we took our time

5. Have you caught them lying?

A. Yeah, a lot

B. No, they’re honest with me

C. At times

6. When confronted, are they upfront with you?

A. Sometimes they are, sometimes not

B. No, they tend to lie until I call them out

C. Yeah, they’re upfront with me

7. Do they love to brag about themselves?

A. Yeah a lot

B. Sometimes

C. Nah, they’re usually just confident

8. Do they recognize your accomplishments?

A. No, I feel they talk over me

B. Yeah, they’re my cheerleader

C. Sometimes but not that often

9. Do they include you in activities?

A. No, they usually don’t

B. Yeah, I'm mostly included

C. Sometimes they forget about me

10. If you tell them there’s something that they need to change, how do they react?

A. They’ll think about it and would want to discuss it further

B. They’ll get offended

C. They’ll listen but dismiss the point

11. When you try to share a problem with them, how do they react?

A. They get serious

B. They invalidate it

C. They ask me to be patient; the issue will resolve itself

12. What are their views on your friend circle?

A. They like my friends

B. They’re annoyed with my friends

C. They don’t pay attention to my friends

13. Do they get over-emotional every time they’re denied something?

A. Yes, almost always

B. No

C. At times

14. Is your partner abusive?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

15. Do they make you feel like you’re not good enough?

A. No

B. Many times

C. Rarely

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