Am I Being Taken Advantage Of In My Relationship Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 312 | Updated: Nov 30, 2023
Am I Being Taken Advantage of in My Relationship Quiz

Here’s the ‘Am I being taken advantage of in my relationship’ quiz. Relationships should be a source of joy and support, not a place where you feel used or unappreciated. If you're wondering if you're being taken advantage of in your relationship, our quiz can offer clarity. 

'Am I Being Taken Advantage of in My Relationship Quiz' is designed to help you identify signs of imbalance and understand your worth within the partnership. Join us in this exploration to uncover the truth about your relationship dynamics.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you find yourself making sacrifices or compromises in your relationship?

A. Rarely, I prioritize my needs as much as my partner's

B. Occasionally, I make some sacrifices, but it's not constant

C. Frequently, I often put my partner's needs above my own

2. When you express your feelings or concerns, how does your partner typically respond?

A. They are receptive and actively address my concerns

B. They listen but may not take immediate action

C. They dismiss or downplay my concerns

3. How do you feel about your partner's level of involvement in household chores and responsibilities?

A. We share responsibilities fairly and equally

B. They help occasionally but not consistently

C. They rarely contribute, and I handle most of it

4. Does your partner frequently cancel plans or commitments you've made together?

A. Rarely, we generally stick to our commitments

B. Occasionally, they cancel plans, but not consistently

C. Yes, it happens often, and I'm left disappointed

5. How does your partner react when you need emotional support or comfort?

A. They are empathetic and genuinely comforting

B. They offer support, but it may feel half-hearted

C. They seem disinterested or avoid providing support

6. How do you perceive your partner's attention and interest in your personal goals and dreams?

A. They are consistently interested and supportive

B. They're occasionally interested, but not consistently

C. They rarely show interest and don't offer support

7. Does your partner frequently monopolize conversations, making it challenging for you to express yourself?

A. No, we have balanced and respectful conversations

B. Occasionally, they monopolize conversations, but not always

C. Yes, they dominate conversations, and I struggle to share my thoughts

8. How often do you find yourself apologizing or taking blame for issues in the relationship, even when it's not your fault?

A. Rarely, I only take responsibility when it's warranted

B. Occasionally, I apologize, but not consistently

C. Frequently, I often take blame to avoid conflict

9. How does your partner handle financial matters, and do you feel your financial contributions are equitable?

A. We jointly manage finances, and contributions are fair

B. They manage finances, and it's somewhat equitable

C. They control finances, and I feel my contributions are inadequate

10. When you express your needs or boundaries, how does your partner respond?

A. They respect and actively work to accommodate my needs and boundaries

B. They acknowledge them, but compliance is inconsistent

C. They often ignore or dismiss my needs and boundaries

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