Am I Abusive To My Partner Quiz Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 21617 | Updated: Mar 20, 2025
Am I Abusive to My Partner Quiz

Wondering if your behavior toward your partner is healthy?

If this question is on your mind, it could be because your partner has expressed concern or you have started noticing certain patterns in yourself.

Sometimes, what feels normal to us may actually be hurtful to someone else. Frustration, insecurity, or past experiences can all shape how we treat those we love.

If you are unsure whether your actions cross a line, this "Am I abusive to my partner?" quiz can help you reflect. Answer honestly and use this as an opportunity for self-awareness and growth.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you often find yourself being highly critical of your partner?

A. Sometimes

B. No

C. Yes

2. Do you feel like your partner owes you affection, intimacy, or certain behaviors because you are in a relationship?

A. Yes, often

B. No

C. Occasionally

3. Do you dismiss your partner’s feelings by telling them they are overreacting or being too sensitive?

A. Yes, often

B. No

C. Occasionally

4. Have you ever made your partner feel guilty for wanting time alone or pursuing their own interests?

A. Yes, often

B. No

C. Occasionally

5. Do you get upset when your partner spends time with friends, family, or others without you?

A. Yes, often

B. No

C. Occasionally

6. Do you ever give your partner the silent treatment to punish or control them?

A. Yes, often

B. No

C. Occasionally

7. Do you often feel like your partner does not do things the right way?

A. Sometimes

B. No

C. Yes

8. Have you ever spoken to your partner in a way that was belittling or unkind?

A. Sometimes

B. No

C. Yes

9. Do you tend to blame your partner when things do not go as planned?

A. Sometimes

B. No

C. Yes

10. Do you behave differently in public than when you are alone with your partner?

A. Sometimes

B. No

C. Yes

11. Has your partner or someone else ever expressed concern about how you treat your partner?

A. Yes, plenty of times

B. No

C. Only once or twice

12. Have you ever intentionally said hurtful things to your partner during disagreements?

A. Yes, plenty of times

B. No

C. Only once or twice

13. Do you think your partner ever feels intimidated or uneasy around you?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

14. Do you believe that raising your voice, being highly critical, or using harsh words is acceptable when you are upset with your partner?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

15. Do you feel it is important to always know who your partner is talking to, where they are, and what they are doing?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

16. Have you ever damaged your partner's belongings during an argument or disagreement?

A. Yes, plenty of times

B. No

C. Only once or twice

17. Do you frequently call or text your partner persistently if they are not where you expect them to be or are not responding?

A. Yes, plenty of times

B. No

C. Only once or twice

18. Have you ever engaged in physical actions during conflicts with your partner, such as hitting, pushing, or grabbing?

A. Yes, plenty of times

B. No

C. Only once or twice

19. Have you ever made threats of harm toward your partner?

A. Yes, plenty of times

B. No

C. Only once or twice

20. Have any of your past partners or someone else ever mentioned concerns about your behavior in previous relationships?

A. Yes, plenty of times

B. No

C. Only once or twice

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