Am I A Good Lover Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 645 | Updated: Dec 28, 2022
 Am I a Good Lover Quiz?

How do you know if you are a good lover? What exactly makes up a good lover? Are you able to satisfy your partner's needs? These are all questions that come up frequently whether you are in a relationship, looking for a relationship, or trying to figure out what went wrong in relationships. 

Everyone wants to be sure they are able to satisfy their partner and be a good lover, but in order to do that, it actually requires more than just sexual activities. Physical or sexual acts are not exactly the only qualities of a good lover, but emotional intimacy and other forms of affection can actually be the key to being a good lover. 

So, are you a good romantic partner? Take this ‘Am I a good lover’ quiz to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you make sure to always set aside time for sex in your relationship?

A. Not really. We are frequently just too busy or too tired or not in the mood.

B. Sometimes, but not always

C. Yes, we do

2. Do you have fun when you are being intimate with your partner?

A. I don’t know; it is just sex

B. I am sure my partner has fun. I aim to please

C. Yes, we are very playful and passionate about sex

3. Do you enjoy giving pleasure as much as you enjoy receiving it?

A. I would prefer receiving it, but that rarely happens

B. Sometimes, but I would rather give pleasure than worry about my own pleasure

C. Yes, definitely

4. Do you and your partner open up to each other and communicate your sexual needs openly?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

5. Are you confident in your lovemaking abilities?

A. Not really

B. Most of the time

C. Yes

6. Are you emotionally connected during sex and willing to allow yourself to be vulnerable?

A. I don’t really know

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

7. Are you open to trying new things and being adventurous in the bedroom?

A. It depends but I’m not really into being adventurous in the bedroom

B. Most of the time, but there are certain things I won’t try

C. Yes, I like to keep things fresh and interesting so it is not always the same

8. Do you feel like you make your partner feel sexy?

A. No/I am not sure

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

9. Are you fully present during sex with your partner?

A. I am not sure

B. Sometimes, but it is hard sometimes when I am doing it because I feel obligated

C. Yes

10. Are you non-judgmental towards your partner's sexual desires and performance?

A. I have made negative comments in the past or been judgmental when I shouldn’t have

B. I think so, but my partner has not really talked about or done anything out of the ordinary

C. Yes, I think so

11. Can your partner tell you what they are uncomfortable with doing during sex?

A. I'm not sure

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, for sure

12. Can you sense your partner’s mood by the way they approach sex?

A. Not really

B. At times

C. For sure

13. Are you open to learning new things when it comes to sex?

A. Not really

B. At times

C. For sure

14. Do you let your guard down emotionally in front of your partner?

A. Not really

B. At times

C. For sure

15. Do you communicate when something does not work for you sexually?

A. Not really

B. At times

C. For sure

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