Abandonment Issues Quiz

Christiana Njoku
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Christiana Njoku, LPC
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 52093 | Updated: May 17, 2024
Abandonment Issues Quiz

A traumatic childhood or a people-pleasing attitude can often lead to abandonment issues. This translates into living under constant fear of being left out and incessantly craving people’s love and attention. People suffering from abandonment syndrome have low self-worth and struggle with prioritizing themselves over others. They constantly feel a void within themselves, leading them to seek validation from others. So, do you suffer from abandonment syndrome?  If you think you do, take our Abandonment Issues quiz now.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you feel as though you are flawed or inadequate?

A. Sometimes

B. Frequently

C. Always

2. Were you compared negatively to your siblings or friends by your family?

A. Sometimes

B. Frequently

C. Never

3. Do you feel unloved and/or worthless?

A. Never

B. Sometimes

C. Frequently

4. Did others ever make you feel ridiculed or humiliated during your childhood?

A. Sometimes

B. Seldom

C. Always

5. Do you feel unappreciated?

A. At times

B. Often

C. Never

6. Did you feel neglected as a child?

A. Sometimes

B. Never

C. Frequently

7. Did someone make you feel guilty for being your true self?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Frequently

8. Were you criticized harshly as a child?

A. Never

B. Sometimes

C. Frequently

9. Do you feel emotionally withdrawn?

A. Sometimes

B. Frequently

C. Never

10. Were you hit or physically abused as a child?

A. Frequently

B. Never

C. Sometimes

11. Do you find joy in showing kindness to others, hoping it might lead to friendship?

A. Maybe

B. No, you are nothing like that

C. Yes, all the time

12. Do you admire "popular people" from afar?

A. You used to but not anymore

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, all the time

13. Does rejection scare you?

A. Maybe

B. Yes

C. No, not at all

14. Do you feel dead inside knowing others don’t love you enough?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Not really

C. Yes, sometimes

15. Do you crave other’s affection?

A. Not really

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

16. Do feel like people take you for granted most of the time?

A. No

B. Yes

C. Yes, it's possible

17. Have you thought/been told that you are too generous with people?

A. Sometimes

B. Yes

C. No

18. Do you feel that you like your friends more than they like you?

A. Maybe

B. Yes, it’s possible

C. I actually feel it is a reciprocal relationship

19. Do you imitate other people?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

20. Do you find yourself displaying your achievements in hopes of gaining more acceptance from others?

A. No, you will never do that

B. Yes, all the time

C. Sometimes

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