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Dr. Stephen Snyder

Sex Therapist | Verified Sex Therapist Claimed
Dr. Stephen Snyder, Sex Therapist in New York City, NY


Stephen Snyder MD — sex therapist, relationship therapist, and sexual medicine specialist — has dedicated his entire career to helping individuals and couples with sex and relationship concerns. Over 30+ years, he’s helped over 1,500 individuals and couples regain closeness and satisfaction in their relationships.
Dr. Snyder is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City and the author of one of the most acclaimed sex and relationship books of our time, LOVE WORTH MAKING: How to Have Ridiculously Great Sex in a Long-Lasting Relationship (St Martin’s Press, 2018).
Stephen Snyder is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in New York City


Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

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Office Location

115 Central Park West, Suite 15, entrance at 10 West 72 St,
New York City New YorkUnited States 10023