Stephanie Robson

Counselor | Verified Counselor Claimed
Stephanie Robson, Counselor in Calgary Southwest, AB


Stephanie has an experience of 15 years in counseling children and adults belonging to different age groups. She helps them with problems such as anxiety, depression, anger, grief, loss, parenting challenges and relationship issues. She has a Masters degree in Social Work from University of Calgary. She has also done additional training in counseling for helping adults and children with developmental disabilities.

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

Communication Styles and Maintenance in Relationships


Communication Styles and Maintenance in Relationships

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines communication as, the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviours to express or exchange information ...
How to Deal With Abusive Family Members During the Holidays


How to Deal With Abusive Family Members During the Holidays

Yes, I realize the title sounds a bit ridiculous. Some would react after reading it, thinking, Well of course you wouldn t spend the holidays with abusive ...