SaraKay Smullens

Psychologist | Verified Psychologist Claimed
SaraKay Smullens, Psychologist in Philadelphia, PA


SaraKay Smullens, MSW, LCSW, CGP, CFLE, BCD is a certified group psychotherapist and family life educator. She is devoted to highlighting destructive societal forces through communication, advocacy and activism. In her work she illuminates the impact of abuse, not only on individuals, but on the attitudes and behaviors that destroy marriages, families, friendships, work settings, communities and societies. She is known in the U.S. and abroad for her work in recognizing, addressing and healing what she has called "the invisible and lethal epidemic of emotional abuse." SaraKay is also a best-selling author and award-winning writer. Her latest book deals with the toll of burnout in our fast paced society and the necessity of self-care. Although it is written for mental health professionals, her findings and explanations can help us all. Visit her website:

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

Saving Your Marriage Yourself: Eleven Time-Tested Perspectives to Consider

Save Your Marriage

Saving Your Marriage Yourself: Eleven Time-Tested Perspectives to Consider

When a marriage is volatile, when alcohol and drug use has become problematic, and when there is either physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, or a combination, ...
Forgiveness: An Essential Ingredient in Successful, Committed Marriages


Forgiveness: An Essential Ingredient in Successful, Committed Marriages

Have you heard the parable about the king and queen who sent their oldest son, destined to be king, on a worldwide quest for an honorable, kind, intelligent ...
Preparing To Be a Wife

Pre Marriage

Preparing To Be a Wife

So, there you are having found the one you are planning a wedding with or hoping you will marry a one you are now seeing. Or perhaps you are single and ...
Is It Possible To Get Over Cheating & Move On In Marriage?


Is It Possible To Get Over Cheating & Move On In Marriage?

It was her first appointment. My 29 year old client, Mickie not her real name, of course) who had been married for 5 years with a 9 month old son, trembled ...
How to Prevent Burnout in Marriage


How to Prevent Burnout in Marriage

Several years ago, because so many in my field were leaving work they trained for and cared deeply about, I began six years of research into the causes ...