Some Humorous & Inspirational Wedding Ceremony Vows

Whilst a wedding ceremony vow is important and requires thought and commitment (otherwise it’s just words and lip service!). They don’t have to be stuffy, or impersonal to you as a couple. Your wedding ceremony vows can be humorous, sweet, romantic, poetic, or practical – anything goes. But whilst we can’t tell you what to do, it would be wonderful for your future marriage if what you did write in your wedding ceremony vows were chosen for the meaning behind them too – even if it isn’t obvious to your guests.
For example, if in your vows you say “I promise not to fall asleep when you pick the movie on Netflix” might get the laughs and you may well mean this in its literal context. However, the meaning behind it may also mean something else to you. Such as, you promise to respect your partner’s choices, or make sure that you are available mentally to your partner at times when he or she would appreciate, and feel valued if you did so.
Some of the smaller, funnier wedding ceremony vows, can also serve as a reminder to be kind and patient with each other – by not allowing the small things in your relationship build up into something big and unnecessary.
In normal everyday life, some of our biggest challenges in relationships can be the small things, Such as not washing the dishes, picking your toes, being constantly late. To just not being able to do something that may seem like a simple task to your partner.
Whatever type of relationship you have with your fiance, there will be some wedding ceremony vows, that (even though they seem to be funny, or small things) may build up to a point where you really will have to remember your wedding ceremony vows, and remind yourself that you did commit to accepting whatever quirky (and annoying traits) your partner may have.
Here are 6 interesting wedding ceremony vows, that reflect these little and occasionally frustrating idiosyncrasies-
“I promise to always listen, even when you ramble”
“I promise not to eat your candy stash, even if I think you’ve taken too long to bust into it”
“I vow to pretend I am interested in your latest video game (insert appropriate hobby) obsession”
“I promise to love you, even when you can’t find anything on your own”
“I vow to use a recipe as a guideline when fixing meals”
“I vow to trust you even when we deviate from our grocery lists, GPS navigations or life goals”
There are also times in life where we can become so busy with life, with working, parenting, a hobby – and even living in our own ‘self’ rather than in the relationship. These times are challenging for a relationship, and are frequent causes of conflict.
Here are some vows that reflect this challenge and remind us to remember what we promised when we gave of wedding ceremony vows, even when our partner frustrates us by not being present-
“I promise to remember that neither of us is perfect but instead strive to remind myself of the ways we are perfect for each other”
“I vow to believe you when you compliment me, and to only use sarcasm when necessary”
“I will love you even on the days I don’t like you”
“I promise to encourage your compassion because that’s what makes you unique and wonderful”
“I promise to nurture your dreams because through them your soul shines”
“I vow to value our differences as much as our common ground”
“I will delight in our many adventures and challenges”
Finally, the other category of wedding ceremony vows which are more like clear promises, delivered in such a way that everybody will understand the literal meaning (love, respect, kindness and gratitude).
Now, these promises may not be as humorous as some of the others, but they’ll be sure to touch even the hardest of hearts. And will serve to remind you, in times of need, or gratitude to remember how you promised to treat your partner.
Here are the best examples of these types of vows, extracted from Pinterest-
“I see these vows not as promises, but as privileges, just as I see my life with you as a privilege – not just a promise”
“I will work with you as a partner, not possessing you but working with you as part of a whole”
“I used to not believe in soul mates, but I’m here today because you made me believe”
“I will laugh with you, not at you”
“I promise that you’ll never be sad, and you’ll never be lonely and that you’ll always have me to dance with”
“I promise to love you as you are, not as the person I thought you would be”
And our final, but a favourite vow – perhaps because it’s a little close to the truth is this wedding ceremony vow:
“I promise to love you, respect you, support you and above all else make sure I’m not yelling at you because I’m hungry”
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