How to Save Your Marriage by Applying Workplace Appreciation

How long can you continue working at a job with unflinching dedication, sincerity, and commitment and without adequate appreciation or timely rewards?
Without these things, most people suffer burnout, feel disinterested, lack motivation, and gradually or sporadically start looking elsewhere for fulfillment. Often such people lose work-life balance and are left looking for help on “how to save your marriage.”
Just as you need a sense of accomplishment and financial reward in the workplace, appreciation and rewards are paramount to saving your marriage.
Lot many problems crop up by being not appreciated in a relationship, like, frustration, arguments, and resentment. We even start wondering if this relationship is meant to work out or not! It’s not that your marriage should be treated exactly like a job, but it does pay to consider how some of the management lessons you learn at work can be applied to improve and save your marriage.
Don’t misinterpret appreciation with puffery
Honeyed words convey hypocrisy, and if caught by your partner, it could impair a healthy relationship. The experts in psychology emphasize showing appreciation in a relationship but with utmost honesty and sincerity.
Appreciate your partner in time and with all your heart, even if you find their jobs humdrum.
To understand the importance of ‘why to compliment your partner’ to save your marriage, let us look at a very simple scenario, which could be common to most couples out there.
Your spouse always drops your kids to school, runs the house errands, and probably makes you the best coffee in the world when you get back home. Your spouse has been doing it for a while, and leave alone appreciating. You haven’t even taken the time to notice all these things.
Now imagine that your spouse stops doing all these things!
You could then need to get out of your slumber every day and rush your kids to school, even rush yourself to work, skip your favorite TV show and even miss out on the bliss of getting served a cup of freshly brewed hot coffee when you return home tired!
Do you still feel that it is not important to show your appreciation for your partner to save your marriage?
Lack of appreciation is truly detrimental to a relationship
Appreciation is the key, and you got to try for once to save your marriage and not let your relationship go off-balance.
Appreciating your man or spouse can make them feel good about themselves, improve their self-worth and thus revive any stagnant relationship.
Do not consider appreciation as a task or some unusual celestial activity.
You can start with simple things like saying, ‘I really appreciate your help and support,’ or even browsing for ‘appreciation messages for her’ or refer to some ideas to show appreciation if ‘how to show appreciation in a relationship’ baffles you or leaves you in a fix!
And, if you are someone who just doesn’t believe in verbal expression of love and affection and do not wish to refer to a handbook or even take unsolicited advice, you can always say a simple ‘Thank you’ for the little things your partner does.
Make sure that you maintain eye contact with your spouse while expressing your gratitude.
How to show appreciation to your boyfriend or girlfriend: 5 ways
If you have been wondering on and on about ‘how to show your girlfriend or boyfriend you appreciate her’ or ‘how to show appreciation to your wife or husband’, ‘check out these five simple things that will show your spouse you appreciate them.
You do not need to say these every day but certainly, a couple of times a month.
1. I love you
A simple expression of love goes a long way. Most people, especially those who have been married for a while, lose their chivalry. Expressing love should never be an occasional thing. You should not take your partner for granted or think that just because you are married, you do not need to express love through words anymore.
Also Watch: 7 Ways To Say I Love You (Without Saying It)
2. I enjoy being with you
Remember your first date or the first few times you spent long hours chatting, dining, and having fun?
Remember how many times you said that you enjoyed their company? You need to express that joy of just being together, regardless of how many years you have been married. It’s one of the best ways to show appreciation to your husband or wife.
3. Your feelings, emotions, and opinions are important to me
Sometimes it’s easier just to make assumptions and move forward without checking in to see how the other person feels. This is especially true when you are in a long-term marriage and have fallen into habits.
However, people change all the time, and it’s important to know that your opinions, views, and emotions matter to your spouse.
4. You look great
Spouses often see themselves as they perceive their partners see them.
Telling your spouse that they look great will not only deepen your love and make your spouse happy, but it will also do a world of good to their self-esteem. It’s one of the simplest ideas to show appreciation.
5. I’m so glad I married you
Appreciating a good relationship is incredibly meaningful.
Remind yourself and your spouse that despite the challenges in life, your relationship has made both your lives enriched and fulfilled. This is something that you should get in the habit of saying ever so often instead of when things start going downhill and you are ultimately wondering about what would be the different ways to save your marriage.
Appreciation, whether it is at a workplace or in a personal relationship between two people who love each other, does not take much effort. All you need to do is realize your partner’s efforts and give them positive, honest, and constructive feedback with your appreciative words. This will go a long way preserving the relationship.
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