Marriage Dating: Romantic Ideas for Her

A lot of people forget that once you are married and have kids, it is still important to date your spouse to have a healthy relationship. Dating each other years after being married to each other is a preventive measure against divorce and infidelity.
It may sound troublesome, but so is divorce. You married the person, so at the very least, your partner is someone you like. You still love them now, but love is just background noise that you don’t notice anymore.
If this is the case for you, then you need to start dating again.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with dating your spouse. There is something wrong if you aren’t doing it.
As a man, you should take the lead even after marriage.
Here are some romantic ideas for her to keep your relationship healthy and grow even stronger as time goes by.
Romantic date ideas for her
It may sound so simple, but most husbands miss it. If a woman married you, every relationship milestone you had as a couple is very important to the woman.
That is the reason why women remember calendar dates clearly while men don’t even remember their children’s birthdays.
Speaking of dates, one of the most romantic date ideas for her is to relive your milestone moments.
Going back to places where you had your first date, where you proposed to her, where you had your first kiss, and all that can be very romantic for a woman. Having you remember all those milestone moments shows how much you love and value her.
Even if you are the forgetful type, thinking deep will make you remember little details about the day itself.
You did end up marrying that girl, so subconsciously, you did value her and what she means to you. The more details you get right, the more romantic it would be for her.
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Surprising her with a gift
Women expect to receive something on specific days such as birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, etc. But giving a gift outside those special days can have more meaning.
After being married for more than a few years, it would seem that those gifts are obligatory. That is why a non-obligatory present will have more impact.
If you are thinking about romantic gift ideas for her, don’t think about expensive shoes or bags.
Think about what she wanted when she was young
A bike, a pony (if you can afford it -you can rent), a Hula Barbie, or whatever that you mentioned when you were dating that she always wanted to have but never got.
It doesn’t matter how ridiculous it sounds now that she is married with kids. It’s all about telling her that you listened to her long stories when you were still young and still trying to get under her skirt.
Research has also indicated that an inadequate reception of gifts from their partners is part of the motivation for them to seek divorce.
It can also be something to replace a memento that she lost. A particular teddy bear, a Hello Kitty wallet, or any other little trinkets that she loved and lost for whatever reason. Women love little doodads; you just have to pay attention.
Spicing up your sex life
Couples married for a couple of years already know each other’s moves in bed and are satisfied with it. It is comfortable, familiar, and safe, but it will also become repetitive and boring.
Reigniting your relationship through sex may not sound like one of the romantic ideas for her in the bedroom that you are looking for. Still, if your partner married you, that means she enjoys doing it with you.
Until she gets bored with it.
So how does a man go about learning new tricks without going and experiencing it with another woman?
There’s porn, but that’s not advisable. Pornographic scenarios are fictional fantasies performed by professional actors and actresses. A lot of things that happen there will never happen in reality.
Open communication with your partner is the best answer. You may find it awkward at first to talk about your deepest carnal desires with your spouse, but if you can’t discuss it with your partner, then your relationship isn’t as stable as you think.
As a married couple, you’re already in a long-term sexual relationship. There’s no reason why you can’t be comfortable talking about it with each other.
Once you start and keep an open mind, it should be easy to experiment and evolve your sexual preferences to fit your partner and vice versa.
Doing the little things at home
Funny as it may sound, but it’s easy to be sweet to your wife with little effort.
Little things like giving her a massage, cooking her favorite meal, and simply saying “I love you” to appreciate her being with you every day is one of the best romantic ideas for her at home and everywhere that you can do.
Showing how much you love and appreciate your partner by putting in a small effort every day goes a long way.
Remember to do something different each time, if you always say “I love you, honey” every day before you leave for work. It will lose its meaning after a few years. So be creative and think up something new you can do to show your wife you love her every day.
Send her a text, prepare a bath, wake up early, and make breakfast, hug, buy her favorite coffee, watch the corny soap she likes with her, things like that. You can also surprise her with a house date.
Some of the best romantic ideas for her I’ve ever encountered is when a husband cleaned the house before her wife woke up.
It may sound stupid, but if your wife has been working as a full-time domestic maid for you and your kids every day for years, she would appreciate a break.
Romantic evening ideas for her include treating her to a wine and dine once in a while or volunteering to cook and clean during Saturday nights.
Think about it, if your wife gives you a cold beer and prepares Nachos while you watch Monday Night Football, didn’t it make you feel like a King? Reciprocate that feeling.
Putting a small effort every day to improve your relationship to keep it healthy and growing, so it would last a lifetime is a worthwhile investment.
Your wife is already a part of you. She is most likely the mother of your children and the person who agreed to spend the rest of their lives with you.
There’s no harm in keeping her happy, and women are hardwired to by nature to pay it back with interest. Thinking about romantic ideas for her will not just make her happy; she would be sure to pay you back a hundredfold.
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