15 Romantic Indoor Date Ideas for Couples That Aren’t Netflix and Chill

“Netflix and Chill?” That seems to be the modern urban term for indoor couple activities or a house date these days.
Netflix series/movie marathon does sound fun and sometimes Netflix and chill lead to some hot steamy commercial breaks, but after a while, it becomes a routine and boring.
Thinking about fun indoor date ideas is harder than just thinking about other potential dating activities. The limited facilities in a normal house (extra stress on normal) forces the couple to be a bit more creative.
Related Reading: 35 Fun and Romantic Games for Couples
Here are indoor date night ideas to add variety to your “Netflix and chill date ideas”
1. Schedule a cooking contest
Bring your own ingredients and surprise your partner with your culinary skills.
The dish should be something unique (or more of something neither of you tried before).
One partner does the main course, while the other does the side dishes and then switch roles next time. If you don’t have any culinary skills watch a youtube video about the dish you want to make and practice.
2. Yoga
It’s one of those really simple indoor date night ideas, turn on the TV, Youtube, or play a video of a yoga instructor and try to follow it.
If both you and your partner want something more physical, then try kickboxing or aikido. Make sure to listen carefully from the instructor and practice the safety first rule.
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3. Build a custom charcuterie board
Do your research and find the hundreds of delicacies that you can add to a charcuterie board.
Talk to your partner about your selection and then build it. Pair it with your favorite red or white wine and enjoy the night taste testing each and every piece. I’m sure a couple can find more creative ways to consume finger food and wine.
4. Play online
Partner up with your spouse for romantic ideas for couples and play an online game together.
For indoor date ideas like this one make sure you have plenty of pizza and beer on hand.
If neither of you is interested in games, then collect photos of each or together from your phones and social media accounts and play with them using online photo editing services.
5. Sing together
In case you are not aware, there are now mobile karaoke apps out in the market. The rest is self-explanatory, but I suggest getting tipsy first with your favorite drink before you try one of these couple’s date ideas.
Make sure you do a duet. If this isn’t one of the best indoor date ideas that anyone can think of, I don’t know what is.
6. Treat each other to a massage
Youtube is your friend and it can come superb handy when you want to try fun indoor date ideas with your significant other.
Learn the tricks of the trade, buy essential oils, then experiment on each other. It’s a skill that will eventually be useful down the line even if you don’t end up together.
This is one of the most romantic indoor date ideas on this list.
7. Virtual travel
There are 4K drone sourced videos of beautiful and remote places on earth. Watch them together as a couple and relax.
You can also try to play a game and guess the location and the loser will do anything the winner asks. (The massage thing earlier will pay off right away.)
8. Convert the tub into a jacuzzi bubble bath
Here is a step by step procedure on how to turn any bathtubs into a jacuzzi.
Assuming the bath is just for one person, that shouldn’t be a problem for an intimate couple. Don’t forget the champagne. This one sounds like one of the sexiest couples’ indoor activities, doesn’t it?
9. Play a modern board game
One of the good indoor date ideas that would dig deep into the couple’s psyche and learn more about each other is to play “Cards against Humanity.”
If you don’t have a deck of it, then play an online version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire or Jeopardy.
10. Watch Ted TV
Some couples are just too serious for romantic date ideas. If you fall under this category, watching Ted TV together may liven up your night.
Since you are watching it together with someone, try to watch something motivational.
11. Play with children toys
It may sound weird in the list of romantic ideas, but it’s actually a cute indoor date idea to buy toys that you’ve always wanted to play, but your parents never bought you one.
Playing with each other with toys may sound weird when talking about indoor date ideas, but it’s fun and will dig deep into your childhood psyche.
If you can’t afford those toys, watch cartoons of your era. This is a must-try in the list of fun indoor activities for couples.
12. Create a “When we marry” bucket list
Like seriously research it and use Google to window shop ideas. You’re doing it now, it’s the same thing, except with your partner for fun indoor dates.
13. Recreate prom
As one of the cool and crazy indoor date activities, this is one of the unique ones.
Make sure you dress the part complete with a spiked punch and all the songs during your high school days that you can remember.
13. Watch scary Youtube ghost experience
Google is really your friend. They (now) own Youtube by the way.
Indoor romantic ideas for couples are not for everyone. Some like a dash of darkness and spookiness. So watch a scary movie together that is full of edge of the seat chills, spills, and thrills!
Make sure you set the mood by turning out the lights and light up incense. Don’t use candles (it might cause unfortunate accidents).
This is one of those indoor date ideas for couples that you might decide to either keep on doing or never do again after trying it once.
14. Play with Google
There’s really no end to what you can do with Google, learn how to say romantic and dirty things in 20 different languages using Google Translate and other online resources.
Who knows you might end up liking this activity too much and end up becoming linguists (at least for naughty pickup lines).
15. Learn a new skill together
If languages are too boring for you, trying learning how to play the guitar or any other simple musical instrument.
Do it together and see who can become an expert first. It is one of those really cute indoor date ideas that you will surely enjoy.
Stay at home dates can be as fun as going on a night out with your partner if you know how to be creative.
There are times when the weather is not cooperating well enough to travel and have a proper date. Indoor date ideas can be just as fun, intimate, (expensive), and rewarding past just watching a movie marathon if you’re imaginative enough.
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