Does She Like Me? 15 Signs She Is Interested in You

Does she like me? In a world with so many rapid-fire tools to facilitate communication—texting, direct messaging, email, etc.—you would think it would be an easy question to answer.
But, because “does she like me or not” is a question fraught with emotions—what if the answer is no? It is not a simple question to ask outright!
How to know if a girl likes you? There are certain behaviors that a person displays when they like someone. Some things they might do consciously and they might do other things without realizing it.
So here is a guide with good advice to help you identify signs a girl likes you.
15 signs that answer the question, “does she like me”
You could wonder, how do you figure out ‘does she like me more than a friend?
In real life, there are several tangible ways that a woman uses to send the message that she is interested in you.
The best way to see if she likes you is to watch what she does. If she displays any of the following signs she’s into you, you can rest assured about this woman. Here are the signs a woman is interested in you.
1. Eye contact
How do you know if a girl likes you?
When you are talking, she looks at you. Oh, she may glance away from time to time, especially if she is shy, but her eyes will always return to yours.
If this is happening to you, perhaps you have got your answer to the lingering question, “does she like me?”
Related Read: 5 Types of Eye Contact Attraction
2. Facial expression
When you two are in conversation, she has a soft look to her features. Her smile is present, and her face is relaxed.
A woman interested in you might frown, but only if she is about to ask you a question or disagrees with something you say. But her facial expression will return to one that is pleasant and happy.
3. She laughs, even if your jokes are lame
If the girl crinkles her eyes with laughter each time you make a joke, it is a sign she is attracted to you.
Research shows that laughter is an important element of romantic attraction.
Someone who wasn’t would roll her eyes and walk away. But she’s still there, laughing and waiting for you to make another of your imitations.
This is a good indication to put your query, “does she like me compared to others?”
4. She plays with her hair
You can tell a girl likes you if she touches her hair while speaking. She may twirl a piece of it or shift it to one side or another.
It’s a message a woman likes you when they “preen” while you are discussing something. If she pulls out her lipstick and starts applying it, that’s a clear sign of female attraction!
5. She tilts her head while listening to you talk
You can tell if a girl likes you if she does a head tilt while you are speaking. It’s subconsciously done, but women do this to indicate they’d like to go” further with you.
Sometimes this body language is accompanied by a hair flip, too. Both are signals beckoning you to move in closer.
6. She plays with her jewelry
If you are wondering, “Does she really like me,” try to observe her hand movements.
A girl likes you if she twists her rings on her fingers, slides her bracelets up and down on her wrist, or starts fooling with her dangling earrings. These are subtle prompts meant to draw your attention to her physical looks.
7. She crosses and uncrosses her legs
Still wondering, does she like me? Well, here’s a solid one!
You can tell if a girl likes you if she constantly crosses and uncrosses her legs when you are together. It’s her intuitive way of revealing that she is nervous around you! So she can treat it as a clear sign that she likes you.
Check out this video to learn more about the body language signs that show that she is attracted to you:
8. She meets up with you all dressed up
If she shows up to your coffee date in a tight, low-cut transparent t-shirt, you can trust that this woman is interested in you. She’s showing you the goods and hopes you will respond to what is on offer.
If she sits down and bends over so you can get a good eyeful, she may be showing you signs she loves you.
Do you still need cues to put your doubt on? Does she like me to lay in the grave?
9. She remembers things you have talked about
Does she like you? Yes, if she revisits a subject you two discussed earlier, it’s a sign she’s into you.
Women who only talk about themselves and never refer back to something you have said are either extraordinarily self-centered or not attracted to you. You don’t want to be dating either of those.
10. She talks about you to her friends
She likes you if she’s talking about you to her girlfriends. That means she’s showing you off to them. She wouldn’t want to share anything about you with her girlfriends if she weren’t into you, right?
Signs she likes you include talking about you as a way for her to keep you in her mind if you aren’t together now.
11. She picks fake fights with you, but in a funny way
It’s an old trick that will show you that a girl likes you when they pretend to be mad about something you’ve done or said.
“Hey! You never answered my text!” they might say, frowning yet winking simultaneously. This is a mating ritual and one that shows you that she is ready to mate!
Related Read: 10 Reasons Why Fighting Is Good in a Relationship
12. She wants to know more about you
Wondering, “Does she like me over text or in person?”
Whenever she is talking to you, she is looking for more personal information related to you.
If a girl tells you about her personal life, it’s not a big deal, but if she is there listening to you, trying to find out about your family, friends, hobbies, schedule, etc., she might be giving you subtle hints that she is interested.
13. She keeps staring at you
Does she really like me?
Of course! It’s a no-brainer if you have caught her staring at you many times, and she never backs down from locking eyes whenever she gets a chance.
You should believe she might like you if you two have exchanged glances more than you should. This is what an expert would tell you during relationship therapy.
14. She wants to know if you are single
You can’t learn how to make a girl like you, but you can certainly find out if a girl likes you. If she is inquiring too much about who you are romantically involved with or if you have a girlfriend, she might be interested in you.
She may or may not ask this directly, or she will ask every question that can give her a clear idea about your love life.
15. She keeps texting you throughout the day
She can be your friend and text you all day long, but if she is texting you with heart and love emojis or trying to flirt with you over texts, she might be into you.
She might not state it clearly, but she might be attracted to you.
Does she like you but not show it?
There is a possibility that she is trying to hide her feelings in front of you. She might like you but cannot bring herself to let you know about it, right?
She might be shy, cautious or in denial about her feelings for you. Be kind and patient, as it will allow her the time to accept her feelings. It may even give her the confidence to confess.
Is she into you or is she just a flirt?
If a girl is giving you attention, she might be just flirting with you. Someone who is just flirting with you will try to keep your conversations limited to fun and easy topics. They will refrain from trying to discuss meaningful things with you.
Is she looking for my attention?
If you want to understand, “does she like me,” you may find yourself trying to understand the reason for her interest. Try to assess whether she wants to date you or is just looking for you to give her attention.
Observe her behavior further to assess whether she truly cares for your well-being and hopes to have a future with you.
Grady Shumway, LMHC, says,
Pay attention to whether her actions consistently show genuine interest and care for you rather than just seeking attention. Look for signs of meaningful connection and a desire to build a future together to understand her true intentions better.
Wrapping up
These are just some of the signs that a girl likes you. Hope these signs have helped you to answer your question, “Does she like me signs?”
If you’ve seen her doing any of these, you can feel confident taking the next step and asking her out for a formal date.
You can be sure she won’t turn you down because she’s already been communicating her desire for you – you have to look for it!
Grady Shumway adds,
By recognizing these signs, you can confidently approach her, knowing she’s likely interested in you too. Trust your observations and take the initiative to ask her out, as she’s likely been signaling her feelings all along.
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