25 Things to Remember When You Love a Woman

If you claim to love a woman, it is important not to limit it to just words. Instead, she needs to know that you are serious and deliberate about it. Sometimes, people assert that they love someone, but none of their actions validate what they say.
Anyone who hears that they are loved will look forward to further actions that would substantiate that affirmation.
However, if there is nothing to show for it, they will realize it was a façade, and they will most likely not fall for those words again.
When you love a woman and have informed her, it is important to make her feel cherished and appreciated.
If you are focused on increasing the odds of winning her heart, you have to be intentional about your love.
To spice up your relationship and marriage, you need to check out I.U Patrick’s book titled: Making Your Woman Feel Loved. The book contains proven and practical steps to help men make their relationship with women more beautiful.
How to make a woman feel loved and appreciated
If you claim to love a woman, it is important to make her feel loved and appreciated. Usually, the first thing to note is her love language.
Once you have figured out her love language, use the knowledge to show her sufficient love. For instance, if her love language is gift-giving, you need to shower her with more gifts than often.
Another way to make her feel special is to give the impression that you have placed her on the highest pedestal in your life.
As a result, she will realize that you will first consult her before anyone else before you make any decision.
Emilie Barnes’ book titled: What makes a woman feel loved is a book that everyone should must-read. It contains practical tools that keep a relationship and marriage healthy and strong.
25 things you should remember when you love a woman
When you love a woman, remembering the right things to do will make her love you more. The mistake some partners make when they love a woman is not conscious of their actions towards her.
This will make her feel out of the picture because you are not reaffirming your love towards her.
If you have a strong and authentic love for her, here are 25 things to always remember
1. Compliment her
One of the profound ways on how to show you love her is by complimenting her. Women love to hear sweet words that boost their morale and self-esteem.
But, if you hoard those lovely words, she might start thinking that she is not good enough for you.
It is essential to mention that complimenting a woman helps her create beautiful memories of being loved and cherished.
You don’t have to over-flatter her before she is impressed. However, be genuine with your words so that the compliments would hit the right spot.
Related Reading: How to Compliment a Girl- 15+ Best Compliments for Girls
2. Spend quality time with her
When you love a woman, you need to show her that she matters so much to you. Hence, spending quality time with her would be quintessential in showing that she is your utmost priority.
When someone says that they are too busy to spend time with you, it means they don’t value you. If you value someone, you will spend time with them no matter how busy your schedule is.
3. Provide her with ample support
One of the best ways on how to love women is to show full support. When she is about to undertake any venture, ensure she has your backing.
Always give her soothing words that she is not alone and that you are there for her. When she is about to give up, make sure you tell her words to revive her passion.
Related Reading: 20 Steps to Becoming a Supportive Partner
4. Plan surprises
Not everyone might like surprises, but many women like it when something planned springs on them. You don’t have to make it lavish when you want to surprise a woman because of your love for her.
Usually, it is the thoughtful and straightforward things that matter. For instance, you can give her a call out of the blues that she should get dressed for dinner. Women want acts of kindness that come packaged as gifts.
Related Reading: 10 Ways to Thrill and Surprise Your Special Someone
5. Please don’t cheat on her
If you cheat on someone you claim to love, there is a chance that they won’t take you seriously again. Even though other girls catch your fancy, remember that there is someone you love, and it would not be fair to break her heart.
Instead of spending your time catching feelings with someone you might be attracted to, invest that time in treating the woman you love right.
Related Reading: 15 Reasons Why You Should Not Cheat on Your Partner
6. Always listen to her
If you love a woman, it is important to listen to her because it will make her feel safe amidst what she is going through. A woman always wants to be loved, heard, and listened to.
Therefore, when she notices that you are an effective listener, she will prefer discussing with and relying on you rather than other people in her life.
Related Reading: 4 Tips to Be a Better Listener in a Relationship- Why It Matters
7. Show her respect
When it comes to showing a woman respect, it is not about the conventional gestures we are used to, like opening doors for her, etc.
If she has an opinion and you approach it politely, she will realize that you respect her despite your differences. Always be ready to hear her out when she has anything to say.
Related Reading: 10 Reasons Why Respect Is Important in a Relationship
8. Always appreciate her
When it comes to loving a woman, it is essential to let her know that you appreciate everything you have done.
No matter how small the favors are, it would be best if you showed your appreciation so that it would spur her to do more. When you do this, you are validating your authentic intentions of loving her.
Related Reading: 8 Ways to Show Appreciation to the Love of Your Life
9. Be honest with her
It is not advisable to hide anything from the woman you love because she can be disappointed when she finds out.
Hence, to make her feel loved, it is vital to remain an open book with her. Ensure she doesn’t find out about things related to you from someone else because it could be painful.
Then, when she can vouch for the fact that you keep no secrets, she will have no reason to doubt your love.
Related Reading: Why Honesty in a Relationship Is So Important
10. Be a good problem-solver
Another great way on how to love a woman is to ensure that you don’t ghost off when she is faced with problems.
Even though you don’t have the resources to solve her problems, it is important to be there for her to figure out a solution.
Staying by her side during trying times will ease the burden as you both find a solution to the problem.
11. Be ready to make sacrifices
One of the ways to know if you truly love someone is if you are willing to sacrifice for them. When you love a woman, be willing to sacrifice your privacy, secret, personal time, money, pride, and a host of others.
If you are in a relationship, remember that it is a partnership, and many things need to be sacrificed.
12. Show her that she is part of your life
It is important to let her know that she is an integral part of your life when you love a woman. As you make plans in life, please do not leave her out.
Similarly, don’t view her contributions as needless; you will be surprised at how she can make meaningful and worthy contributions.
If you are serious about being in a relationship with her, you have to show her with all seriousness.
13. Show her that you are proud of her
When you show that you are proud of a woman, she understands that you don’t mind flaunting her to the world.
However, before you brag about her, ensure she is cool with it. Some women love their privacy, and you have to seek her consent not to offend her.
Related Reading: 30 Sweet Things to Say to Your Wife & Make Her Feel Special
14. Know what she likes
Since you are not clairvoyant, it is important to know her favorite things. You can start by asking about her favorite TV shows, meals, color, time of the day, etc.
Many women believe that having this knowledge means that they are special to you. Hence, when you make decisions, you will consider what she likes.
15. Create experiences with her
Women love to be pampered, and when you say you love them, you should be willing to go all out.
If there’s a place she wants to visit, you can plan a surprise trip for the both of you. Ensure there is no third party so that you both would have time for yourselves.
Watch this video for romantic ideas to spend time together as a couple and have better experiences:
Related Reading: 15 Awesome Ways to Create Memories with Your Partner
16. Always inquire about how her day went
It is important to have a good idea of how her day went each day. Then, you can go ahead to ask about some details that would make her open up to you.
If you show little or no concern about her daily activities, she might find it hard to believe that you genuinely love and care about her.
17. Don’t compare her to other women
When you compare a woman to others, it means that you feel they are better than her. Every woman is special with their uniqueness, and it is not a great idea to start comparing them to one another.
If you have had exes, do not make the mistake of comparing the current woman in your life to them.
Related Reading: Compare No More: Building Confidence in Your Marriage
18. Don’t discuss your exes negatively in front of her
Concerning matters of exes, it is a topic that women are susceptible to. Anytime you discuss the issues of other women in your life, it is important to watch what you say.
When you say negative things about other women, the present woman might assume that you will talk about her that way if things don’t go as planned
19. Don’t forget important dates
Some people are in the habit of not remembering the important dates of those who matter to them. If you have told a woman that you love her, it is your responsibility to remember essential dates that mean a lot to her.
You can write it down in your journal or set a reminder on your mobile phone to avoid forgetting when those special days arrive.
20. Admit and apologize for each mistake
It is important not to deny them when you make a mistake because it can make your woman mad. One of the reasons people don’t admit and apologize for their mistakes is their ego.
However, when you love a woman and want her to feel special, apologizing for your mistakes should be one of your habits.
21. Build a relationship with her family and friends
To most women, getting to know their family and friends means a lot. When you love a woman, you need to show interest in people close to her.
Even though it is difficult, it is important to get along with her family and friends consciously. She will be happy to see that you are sincere with your efforts in getting to know other people in her life.
Related Reading: 12 Reasons Why You Need to Build Friendship Before Relationship
22. Make her feel secure with you
When it comes to showing a woman security, it involves physical and emotional care. First, she needs to be sure that she can feel safe with you. Similarly, she will trust you more and always rely on you for her needs.
23. Be patient
When you love a woman, be ready to accept her flaws and imperfections. She will not change overnight; you have to guide her through each decision and step that she will take.
Unfortunately, some partners make the mistake of expecting too much from each other, which is why conflicts exist in relationships.
24. Always keep your word
Women love having partners that will stay true to their word. For instance, if you tell her that you want to meet with her at a particular time, you need to show up without any excuses.
If you are in the habit of giving excuses for not meeting up with fixed appointments with her, she will not take you seriously. And when you tell her you love her, she will take your words with a pinch of salt.
25. Please don’t make her feel bad when she makes mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes in life, and if we blame instead of encourage, it can affect their self-esteem.
So when the woman you love makes mistakes, do not make her feel less of herself. Instead, encourage her with soothing words and always let her know that she can do better.
Also, make her see failure and mistakes as integral aspects of a learning curve.
To check out more tips on what to do or remember when you love a woman, Christian Pedersen’s book is for you.
The book is titled When you Love Your Woman. It contains several lessons that allow you to capture your woman’s heart once and for all.
When you love a woman, you need to take additional steps to prove that you genuinely love her.
If you have had issues loving a strong woman in the past, the points mentioned in this piece are sure to provide smooth guidance. There is no magic in showing love to a woman the right way.
All you need do is ensure she feels safe and secure with you in all aspects of her life.
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