10 Inspiring Ways Women in Business Can Preserve Their Marriage

There’s a common denominator when it comes to understanding what makes a woman in business successful, and what makes a marriage successful. The attention that a woman pays to how she manages her life and business is extremely similar in both cases.
And it all revolves around self-respect, self-empowerment, love and time management all of which equates to the practice of self-care.
Most intelligent women in business understand that they need to take care of themselves. For if they don’t, then they won’t be able to take care of everybody and everything else requiring their attention at any period of time including their marriage!
But even if you are not a woman in business, you can take these tips, and strategies from women in business to build on your marriage and home life, so that you, your husband and your marriage stays happy and rock solid for many many years.
Self-care is more than a trip to the doctors or hairdressers. It’s taking the time out to plan for success in business and in their marriage simultaneously. It’s creating strategies for managing failures and problems. It’s making time for themselves, their family, their work and their interests. It’s about having it all, in a way that ensures that nobody is neglected and everybody is empowered including yourself.
So, what do women in business do differently? How do they practice self-care in those moments when things go a little bit crazy? How do they protect their well-being when the chips are down?
Here are 10 things that women in business do to preserve themselves, their marriage and their business, through practising self-care.
1) They don’t over plan
There’s only so many hours in the day, and only so much you can do. Nothing creates the illusion of failure more than an unticked ‘to do list’ at the end of the day. Women in business understand this well and make sure that they are realistic about how they plan.
Tip! Manage your productivity by planning three small things to complete each day and to break big projects into smaller ‘bite-size’ steps. When you’ve completed your three business tasks, stop and focus on your home life to find that perfect balance between work and home.
2) They delegate
Your business needs you, your family needs you and if you aren’t delegating the work that others can do for you-you are denying your business and family. Wherever possible smart women in business delegate and we don’t always mean to the husband!
Tip! Always maintain a list of tasks that they can be outsourced when time and resources allow.
3) They embrace their flaws
Have you ever considered how much energy you waste when you pay attention to your flaws or weaknesses? It’s a huge amount. Smart women in business know this! If you stop paying attention to your flaws, you can spend that energy on much more rewarding tasks.
Tip! Profanity is – imperfection is perfect! Own your flaws, you will be loved for it!
4) They are honest about their qualities
Forget about everything that you’ve been taught in the past, forget everything that has conditioned you. It is perfectly ok to accept and embrace your qualities. You should be proud of them, you should show them off to your family, Husband, clients and peers. It is never ok to hide your qualities (or your shine) from the world, women in business, usually understand this well.
Tip! Take time to notice when you hide your ‘shine away from the world and consider ways that you could stop yourself from doing that.
5) They expect respect
You have to be respected, and yes, you have to show respect to gain respect there is a reason why this phrase is cited so often. So, if somebody doesn’t respect you, or vice versa then you are going to have problems inside and outside of your business.
Tip! Don’t allow this boundary to be breached!
6) They don’t apologise for having emotion, or empathy
No, they don’t apologise, women in business own it! And you’d be well advised to do so too. Your humility and honesty will shine through, people around you will have no other choice but to respect you.
Tip! Make a habit of planning in advance, as much as possible – so that you can catch a break at those times when emotion takes hold in an awkward situation such as a meeting.
7) They manage any negative thoughts
Smart women in business know that it is too dangerous and damaging to allow negative thoughts to exist in their reality. They eliminate them.
You know the type of thoughts ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I don’t know how to do this’ etc. smart women replace these thoughts with a positive statement instead – because they are worth that effort and they know it.
Tip! Replace all negative thoughts with a positive statement or a positive question. E.g If you think ‘I don’t know how to do this’, change that thought to ‘ How can I find out how to do this?’.
8) They don’t underprice themselves
Women in business know that the higher that they price their services, the more they are respected. They never justify their fees, and because they operate from integrity they charge the correct price for their services.
Tip! Assess your prices, check out your competitors, can you deliver the same quality of service, or better – if you can amend your prices accordingly.
9) They stay in their lane
Women in business frequently don’t allow emotional, mental or physical manipulators to pull them away from their goals. And they don’t watch another person’s success and allow it to highlight their failures.
They don’t fall in love with another person’s lifestyle. They know that nobody gets to ‘easily’ have a perfect life, and they don’t suffer fools gladly. By staying in their lane, they take care of their own business and their own needs so that they can bring in their level 10 game where it’s needed the most.
Tip! Stop comparing yourself to others!!
10) They are kind to themselves
Successful women in business never beat themselves up mentally or emotionally, they never reject themselves, they pay attention to their needs and address them too. They know that’s how they can bring on epic results
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