Get Ready to Rofl with These Valentine’s Day Tweets That Are Relatable Af

Valentine’s Day is rarely as rosy and romantic as it’s shown in movies. For most people, it is about following their usual routine and ending their day with some ridiculously expensive champagne and ordering take away!
This Valentine’s day keep it real and appreciate the relationship you have. And maybe even laugh at the quirks and goofiness that makes your relationship fun.
Whether you are single or are in a committed relationship, here are the top Valentine tweets that’ll make you ROFL.
Person: “You have any plans for Valentine’s day?”
— Jack Mull (@J4CKMULL) January 24, 2018
Every Valentine’s Day card in history was signed on the dashboard on a car in a Walgreen’s parking lot.
— Bill Dixon (@BillDixonish) February 3, 2016
the best thing about being single on valentine’s day is I get to eat all 2 dozen of these roses by myself
— thomas violence (@thomas_violence) February 14, 2015
Two types of people on Valentine’s Day
— T-Foots (@t_foots) February 1, 2016
me leaving instagram comments on Valentine’s Day— GirlReligion (@girlreligionco) January 21, 2018
Me on Valentine’s Day:
— feelstagram 🐶 (@feelstagram_) January 25, 2018
Me on Valentine’s day: ” This is a money making scheme we shouldn’t be practicing it!”
Also me on Valentine’s day:
— Nikesh Kooverjee 🚗 (@NikeshKooverjee) January 29, 2018
That moment you realize your milk has a Valentine’s Day date & you don’t…
— Curtis Lepore (@curtislepore) February 1, 2016
“What are your plans for Valentine’s day?”
Me:— Ivycado 🥑✨ (@IvyKungu) February 12, 2017
If you’re single on Valentine’s Day you’re allowed to have two dinners right?
— Mitchell Davis (@mmitchelldaviss) February 6, 2016
Valentine’s Day really separates the men from the boys, and then separates me from both of them in a third location
— Megan Amram (@meganamram) February 15, 2015
— helen (@helen) August 20, 2017
My Valentines day reservation is Done
— خان❣ (@Maaahyyy) January 27, 2018
Yup that just about sums it up #singleprob
— Single Probs (@singleprob) February 17, 2014
me realizing i have a crush on someone
— Hannah Giorgis (@ethiopienne) March 9, 2017
Last minute festival shopping
— dorku (@Dorkstar) February 14, 2018
Wow, look at the Edible Arrangement I got for Valentine’s day. So beautiful
— Cool Eric (@OBiiieeee) February 14, 2015
Fun Valentine’s Day Tip: For the cost of a dozen red roses, you could get a pitcher of beer and a dozen wings. Prob even pay for parking too
— Jenny Johnson (@JennyJohnsonHi5) February 4, 2016
Can’t wait for Valentines Day. I’m gonna run into as many restaurants as I can shouting “Knew I’d find you here! You bastard” then run out.
— 🌈🌈Ruthe Phoenix🌈🌈 (@RuthePhoenix) January 24, 2015
Hope everyone who uses the word “bae” has a terrible Valentine’s Dae 💘
— Gloria Fallon (@GloriaFallon123) February 14, 2015
Let’s all take a moment of silence this Valentine’s Day to think about the couples who started dating end of January
— Mike Ginn (@shutupmikeginn) February 14, 2015
I told my wife her Valentine’s Day gift this year is the privilege of being married to me. She’s so happy she still hasn’t stopped crying.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) February 14, 2013
Valentines Day
— Sam Reece (@SamReece) January 23, 2018
catch me on valentines day wearing a flowy top, crossfaded off allergy meds and a glass of wine, twirling to fleetwood mac in my bedroom mirror
— jaboukie (@jaboukie) January 25, 2018
This Valentines give her what she really wants: a throne forged from the bones of her enemies & a relentless reign of terror over the masses
— Jeff Wysaski (@pleatedjeans) February 13, 2015
Sometimes I think ‘maybe I should go out and meet people’ and then I remember I don’t really like people or leaving my house. #whyimsingle
— Tammy Watson (@Tamashay) February 9, 2017
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