25 Types of Relationships and How They Affect Your Life

There are many different types of relationships you will run into over your dating years. Some of them are fantastic bonds that will shape and change your romantic future, but others are painfully irritating reminders that the game of love has many faces.
So if you are wondering what kind of relationships are there, this article shares an account of 25 types of relationships that you might encounter in your life.
Moreover, we also reflect on what compatibility is in a relationship, what is a perfect relationship, and some relationship skills you can learn to form a healthier relationship.
What is a relationship?
A relationship is a state of being connected to the other person where both partners have some accountability towards each other. Trust is the most integral part of any relationship a person has. To better understand what it means to be in a relationship, give this article a read. These insights will help you understand the true meaning of a relationship.
25 types of relationships
Here are the 25 different types of relationships between people you will cross paths with, whether you like it or not.
1. The first
Your first relationship is a special one, even if it didn’t feel like it at the time. In the first serious romantic relationship, you have set up the path for how you are in relationships to follow.
It teaches you what you’re good at, what areas need improvement, how you communicate, kiss, how you trust, and how faithful you intend to be. Your first relationship is the beginning of everything.
2. The rebound
Different types of relationships all have their own unique set of circumstances, but none quite as complicated as the rebound. The rebound occurs when you are freshly out of a serious relationship and are still nursing bruises.
Your self-esteem is shot, and so you pursue a relationship with someone new way too fast. You’re essentially filling time with someone to do date-like things with until the real deal comes along. This is unfair to your partner and to yourself.
3. Controlling relationship
A controlling relationship is not a fun one to be a part of. Often going hand in hand with jealousy, a controlling partner wants to monitor your social media and electronic devices.
A study concluded that the characteristics of a controlling individual include a strong need for social interest from others, an expectation that others will include him in their social groups and activities, low internal proneness to conflicts, and internality in the area of interpersonal relationships.
In such types of relationships, your partner may even demand proof of where you are at any given moment. They may try to control who your friends are and how much time you spend with other people. This is an unhealthy, damaging relationship.
4. Clingy relationships
Being a clingy partner often stems from insecurities. You may not feel good enough for your mate or have dealt with broken trust in a former relationship that has carried on to your current one.
This can lead to a barrage of text messages to your partner that you think seem sweet but are actually overbearing and a little annoying. Spending time together is key to maintaining a strong bond as both friends and lovers, but spending time apart is equally as important.
You need to maintain your sense of self by pursuing your own friendships and hobbies outside your relationship.
According to Dr. Jennifer Jacobsen, PhD in Psychology,
Clingy relationships can develop when one partner has attachment issues. These are unhealed childhood wounds that begin with an insecure attachment to parents or caretakers.
When a parent or caretaker is absent, neglectful, or psychologically abusive, a person can develop attachment problems, causing them to become overly dependent in relationships, because they fear abandonment.
Related Reading: 10 Signs of a Clingy Boyfriend and How to Deal With Him
5. Too independent
Opposite of the above types of relationships, there is such a thing as being with someone who is too independent.
If you are in a serious relationship and your partner is too independent to regularly spend time with you or to consider your opinion on important matters, this can be problematic.
6. The open relationship
Also known as a non-exclusive type of relationship, an open relationship is an intimate relationship that is sexually non-exclusive.
An open relationship implies having more than one sexual partner. In such a relationship, the partner agrees to engage in different types of romantic relationships or sexual activities outside their relationship.
7. Experimental relationship
Such types of relationships start out when you are trying to break the cycle and try something new. It can also be considered a dating relationship where you are exploring options you have never considered.
An experimental relationship allows you to see yourself from a different perspective and even influence what you look for in your future relationships.
8. Toxic relationship
When you’re in a relationship, you should feel special, secure, and happy. These types of relationships are just the opposite. A toxic relationship seems great at first, and your partner’s true colors begin to show.
Signs of a toxic relationship include:
- Passive-aggressive behavior.
- Physical or verbal abuse.
- Excessive criticism.
- The feeling of walking on eggshells around your mate.
- A severe lack of getting back what you’re giving to your partner.
What’s worse is that a toxic relationship drags down your self-worth, which makes it harder for you to leave. Moreover, a study even found that people with low self-esteem are the most subjected to such relationships.
9. Held by grief relationship
Such types of relationships are based on the concept that ‘misery loves company. In this relationship, the partners come together because they have a shared sense of loss or grief.
Their pain has brought them together as they needed someone to share their pain with. Such relationships usually fall apart as the pain begins to subside.
10. Opposites attract
Many couples find themselves in a relationship with someone with whom they have fun, love, and want to spend their life, but they have little to nothing in common.
No shared hobbies or no common beliefs. Instead, their common bond is each other. This relationship can be a blessing. The opposite characteristics of both parties tend to balance the other one out and better each other.
11. Scripted relationship
Some types of relationships happen not because you like somebody but because you feel like you should like that person. Take a good one-paper relationship, for example.
You don’t necessarily have feelings for this guy, but he’s handsome, sweet, has a good job, and makes you laugh. He’s total marriage material. So you date him anyway.
These types of relationships are usually good ones. You have a great time together, he treats you well, and your friends and family absolutely love him. But if there’s something missing, a little spark that reminds you, he’s just not the one.
12. Career-oriented relationship
A relationship where a career takes precedence over everything else.
Such a relationship thrives when the couple mutually agrees to contribute toward each other’s career goals and not create any liabilities.
13. Unhappy relationship
In an unhappy relationship, the couple has reached a point where they are unhappy and don’t have the will to look for ways to reconnect with each other. In such types of relationships, the couple usually stays together for anything other than love.
It could be financial reasons, and they might stay together for their kids or due to social pressure.
14. Long-distance relationship
If you’re looking for types of relationships that are only for the brave, look no further than the long-distance relationship.
You will promise yourself that it’s no big deal to live far away from the love of your life and that you guys will be the ones to succeed!
Related Reading: 13 Ways to Make Him Feel Special in a Long Distance Relationship
15. Validation relationship
If your partner repeatedly seeks your validation for their physical attractiveness, intellect, social status, sexuality, wealth, or other attributes, then you are in a validation relationship.
In such types of relationships, individuals are constantly looking to shore up their self-esteem in areas where they have felt inadequate or doubtful.
16. Insecure relationship
If your partner is constantly looking for inconsistencies in your behavior, your loyalty, or your interest in them, then you are in an insecure relationship.
In such types of relationships, you can only go so far as to make your partner believe in your intention, but beyond a point, you can’t do much but let go.
Related Reading: 16 Signs of Insecurity in Relationships
17. Sacrificial relationship
Making sacrifices in a relationship can be attributed to the very definition of true love. Many times the sacrifices that you make for your partner can have a positive impact on your relationship.
However, if your partner expects you to give up or give in every time, you might soon find yourself in a relationship with an imbalance of power. A sacrificial relationship is the perfect example of unconditional love gone wrong.
A study assessing the positive and negative effects of sacrifice in a relationship found that for those individuals whose partners provided less social support to them, the more they sacrificed, the lower marital satisfaction and the higher depressive symptoms they reported.
18. Asexual relationship
In such types of relationships, the couples are not sexually attracted to each other but are attracted to other people and might even be sexually active outside of their relationship.
Usually, such a scenario is brought on by boredom from a sexual routine.
Watch this video to know more about asexual people
19. Complicated relationship
A complicated relationship is one where a couple is unable to resolve a conflict or fix an issue and is stuck in a limbo.
The partners are aware of what is troubling their relationship but are unsure how to deal with it.
20. Just in it for the sex
Call it friends with benefits, call it physical attraction, or just admit that you’re just in it for the sex. Sometimes you have chemistry with a person that is undeniable, but you know in your heart that this person is not relationship material.
This usually turns into a relationship where you just use one another for sex.
21. Love-hate relationship
With equal parts love and equal parts hate, in such types of relationships, the couple is madly in love but at the same time can’t stand each other.
The drama that comes with such a relationship can be fun at first, but over time it starts to mentally and emotionally deplete you unless you resolve your issues.
22. Mature relationship
A mature relationship is one with a relative lack of judgment and relatively few nonnegotiable rigid expectations.
Usually associated with people over 40 when their needs have changed or evolved. In such a relationship, people may move away from their predetermined scripts.
23. Feels more like friendship
Opposite of the above, there are some types of relationships where you end up feeling more like friends than lovers. This person is the first one you call for a fun night out, and you spend enough time together to start dating finally.
You always have fun together, but when it comes to getting cozy, you’d rather not.
24. Trophy relationship
Such types of relationships are considered status symbols, or else they give you something materialistic in return.
The premise of a trophy relationship is greed, where a person is either a gold digger or looking for a trophy partner.
25. The one
Finding the one is like getting a burst of butterflies in your stomach constantly. You have finally met your match – the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.
You know you’ve found the one when you talk seriously about your future together, receive positive reinforcement, have fun together, sacrifice for one another, plan a future, trust, have open communication, and agree on the big things in life. And finally? You make one another better.
Finding the one is the most satisfying of the relationship types out there. Remember that you have to go through a few dud relationships to find the right one.
Relationship skills you can learn
Relationships evolve and change over time. So in order for us to cope with the changing needs, it is essential that we adapt and learn new skills to conquer the setbacks and challenges and build a good relationship.
Following are some essential relationship skills you can learn to evolve your relationship.
- Being open to feedback instead of instinctively defending against any criticism
- Spending time together, taking chances, and trying new things
- Allow your partner to really know you to achieve mutual understanding
- Being honest is an essential part of a relationship
- Being optimistic is a notable relationship skill and life skill, for that matter
- Respect is a quality in a relationship that allows you to be open and honest with your mate
- Couples who support one another are more content in their relationship
- Learn to share mutual trust to feel safer both emotionally and physically
- Maintain individuality to nurture other important relationships
As Dr. Jacobsen explains,
It’s important to learn and grow from failed relationships, otherwise you’ll take the same unhealthy patterns into the next relationship.
How to keep your relationship healthy and strong?
Keeping your relationship healthy and strong isn’t rocket science. If you both can practice positive habits and don’t let the negatives affect you severely, it is easy to maintain a good relationship.
If you think that your relationship has become unhealthy to the point that you can’t turn it around on your own, it would be better to go for relationship counseling.
To understand how to keep your relationship healthy, strong, and happy in-depth, read this article.
What are the 5 most important relationships?
The five most important relationships vary by individual values but generally include family, friends, romantic partners, colleagues, and oneself. These relationships provide emotional support, companionship, love, professional growth, and personal development.
Maintaining a healthy balance and open communication within these relationships is crucial for overall well-being and happiness.
Our relationships are connected together through us and are the reason for many beautiful things. These relationships give meaning to our lives and who we are. The better we understand them, the better our chances for attaining peace of mind.
The language we use to describe different types of relationships changes over time and sometimes depends on your culture, belief system, and location.
Taking time to understand different types of relationships can help you clearly communicate about your status, history, and values.
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