Twin Flame vs Soulmate vs Karmic: Know the Differences

“True love is generated from within.” The revered Vietnamese Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, was clear. Life isn’t about looking for mystic solutions to end our worldly troubles. It’s about feeling complete within ourselves first. The question shouldn’t be “twin flame vs. karmic”; it should be “How do I love?”
Reviewing twin flames, soul mates
We crave connection and nurture. We’re born with it but how we experience attachment with our caregivers impacts our approach. This psychologist’s article on Nurturing Connections refers to neuropsychiatrist Dr. Siegel’s 4 S’s of attachment: safety, soothing, security, and to be seen.
The question for you now is why are you exploring what a twin flame soulmate karmic is? Is it an intellectual interest in how humans have tried interpreting mystic and spiritual teachings? Or is it a quest for The One?
What is a Twin Flame?
The idea of soulmates, twin flames, and karmic partners comes from Hindu and Buddhist texts. The danger with explaining these terms too literally is that we get caught up in human desires.
These spiritual beliefs aim to get us to rise above our worldly needs to something mysterious and bigger than ourselves. We shouldn’t be looking for a so-called twin flame vs. karmic relationship to complete us or a soulmate that allegedly complements us.
Today’s Western popular culture has taken an old myth where souls were separated at birth to reunite during one of their lifetimes. It’s in both Hinduism and Ancient Greece.
Popular media likes to refer to those separated souls as twin flames. The concept that people like to hear is that we all have a special someone out there that’s connected to us through our souls.
While it’s a lovely story, it’s motivated by the human desire to fill our existential dread of life.
Plato is often quoted for that story of separated souls, which most likely gave rise to the concept of twin flames.
Although, Plato later also said that the concept of soulmates is immature and will not solve our problem of loneliness, as this professor of philosophy describes in his article on Plato and Soul Mates.
What is considered a Twin Flame journey?
Nevertheless, Buddhist circles have a wonderful metaphor that likens souls to flames. Just like a flame can be an individual or part of a bigger fire, our souls are separate and part of a greater whole.
This also helps visualize the idea of rebirth. Imagine that as a flame dies out, it passes its energy onto another wick and candle. The energy continues to live on, but the flame is another.
What is a Karmic connection?
According to Buddhism, the individual identity or the ‘me’ we hold onto in this life is just as impermanent as a flame. This also might raise the debate about twin flame vs. karmic relationships.
Is karma about ‘me,’ or is it something more mysterious at the unconscious level? In Buddhism, twin flame vs. karmic concepts is about transcending from selfish thoughts and habits.
The idea through spiritual practice is to break away from obscuring karma such as ignorance, egotistical desire, lust, clinging to life, or hatred. You do this first by getting to know yourself deeply so you can heal your inner wounds.
Through this process, you liberate your soul and open yourself up to other divine souls.
As Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh explains in his dharma talk on Karma, Continuation, and the Noble Path, karma is an action that is both cause and fruit, or consequence.
So, when we have a thought, it impacts our mental and physical health and those around us. That health is the fruit of karma, good or bad.
Similarly, you impact your health when you think about searching for The One or a soulmate vs. twin flame vs. karmic.
There’s a reason Buddha never talked about romantic love but love as a whole way of being.
Looking for a soulmate or karmic flame makes everything about the ego’s needs and desires. Can a soulmate make me complete? Can a twin flame vs. karmic relationship make me grow, or is it too intense to be right?
All those questions are the wrong questions. Whilst many like to embark on what they call a twin flame journey, this generally leads to toxicity. This is the opposite of a deep, connected experience with another soul.
To popular culture, a twin flame journey starts with longing and waiting. Craving something out of your control is not a healthy approach to life. It causes anxiety and depression as your unreasonable expectations aren’t met.
Instead of going through the painful experience of trying to change the world to suit your needs, how can you heal from within? How can you build your self-esteem and find love in a grounded relationship?
You start by getting to know your inner thoughts, desires, and emotions. You learn that thoughts and emotions don’t define you through acceptance and self-discovery. You then start cultivating self-love.
Deep within is your essence. We all have a divine core of compassion, caring, and connectedness. This can look like a twin flame because you’ve essentially transcended your unconscious karma and can see beyond the illusion of reality.
Karma is more complex than just our thoughts. According to ancient spiritual teachers, karma is stored in the unconscious and passed down through generations.
So, the interpretation of a karmic relationship vs. a twin flame is where two people clash because of negative desires or karma.
Popular culture refers to this as a karmic connection, creating a toxic experience, regardless of the twin flame karmic relationship level. In other words, some believe you can be connected from birth and still have a karmic clash based on past wrongs.
On the other hand, twin flames can be anyone because we are all flames of energy. The ancient teachers promoted that we are all connected as souls rather than in pairs as some would like to believe.
You’ll recognize that soul connection when you liberate yourself from your inner wounds because you’ll be free and vibrating with the world’s energy.
All on a journey together
Some refer to this as a twin flame journey with various stages. These range from restlessness and waiting to need the other person to transform yourself with them before finding blissful love. Sadly, this encourages us to rely on others to find our inner peace.
Buddhism talks about stages of enlightenment for each of us. The zen article describes the work each person must go through as part of their experience and not part of being a couple.
That’s not to say that couples can’t be on the same path together and should support each other’s growth. Mature relationships are founded on the drive to nurture each other’s self-discovery.
It isn’t about a karmic connection where you try to fix each other’s issues. It’s about encouraging self-reflection and opening up different viewpoints to step away from the ego.
As Thich Nhat Hanh again explains in his article on the 8-Fold Path, the more we let go of the idea of being separate souls, the more we can end suffering.
We are all soulmates. In other words, we are all souls connected on a deeper level, but we were not separated at birth like the twin flame belief.
Nevertheless, these are all human concepts applied to something we cannot grasp. There’s a reason Spiritual teachers don’t differentiate between twin flame vs. karmic. Instead, they teach love and connectedness. Love and accept yourself first to make yourself whole. The journey is one we have to make as individuals and yet as interconnected souls within a universal consciousness.
If you want to hear more about the inner practice of liberation and the harmony that’s within all of us, listen to Jack Kornfield, one of the key Buddhist teachers who brought the teachings to the Western world around the 70s:
What are soulmates?
We are all a continuation of each other, and if someone else suffers, we suffer as a whole. The idea of non-self is complex, but divine souls get this instinctively. There is no need to be right in a relationship.
All there is is the need for compassion and mutual understanding.
Of course, all relationships go through stages, whether you call them twin flames, soul mates, or karmic relationships. To avoid the toxic journey between people with mental issues or unresolved trauma, get to know yourself first.
Whether you call this personal growth, therapy work, or spiritual awakening, it all comes down to transforming ourselves.
Let go of trying to put human words to mystic and spiritual concepts. Stop looking for a karmic relationship twin flame opportunity and focus on getting to know who you are ‘within’ if you want to find peace.
Your partner and relationship dynamic will immediately shift as you learn self-compassion and spread it around you.
Some might talk about a karmic relationship vs. a soulmate, where the first one creates a stormy passion with lots of growth. The second one is popularly known as someone who can complete you and remove all your fears and insecurities.
While that makes for great films and books, it’s not how human development works. Twin flame vs. karmic is a journey we all undertake to integrate ourselves from within. Then, we attract other equally complete and divine souls for deep and fulfilling relationships.
Twin flame vs. soulmate vs. karmic: Differences
Love isn’t easy, so we pine for a twin flame vs. soulmate concept. It would be easier if someone could liberate us from human suffering. Nevertheless, you will need more than twin flame vs. karmic differences to find happiness.
You have to heal your karmic flame before you can hope to find the depth of ‘twin flame vs. karmic’ love that popular media wants us to believe. As Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield explains in The Heart’s Intention, in Buddhism, we talk about how we wish to interact.
We don’t discuss the difference between a soulmate and a twin flame in therapy. We look at the shadow, inner parts, mind-body connection, or spirituality, depending on which therapy we go for.
Now enters the paradox.
The concept of twin flame vs. karmic isn’t about completing you or fixing your issues. Nevertheless, another twin flame or like-minded soul can support your growth at a similar point.
This is another way to explain the inner turmoil when our partners challenge us. All growth and transformation are uncomfortable before you surrender to the mystery of connected consciousness. Through this, you find shared meaning, purpose, and spirituality.
Related Reading :- How Twin Flame Relationships Work
Can we ever let go of karma and feel complete?
In Buddhism, we’re told that the mind is like an ocean. The various human emotions can make it stormy or calm. Deep within, though, the sea is always calm and pure, just like the mind. So, we battle karma or impurities by training the mind.
Carl Jung calls personal growth the process of individuation, and positive psychology today refers to befriending your mind by accepting it as it is. The more you fight the mind, the stronger the emotions and the suffering. Instead, welcome and accept it.
So, forget about the difference between soulmates, karmic twin flames, or twin flame vs. karmic relationships. Instead, focus on connecting to your inner flame.
Of course, you can choose what you believe in and whether you want to hold onto the concept of twin flames. Regardless, remember that you attract the souls that mirror your own.
You can never find that soul you dream of without personal growth and self-reflection to heal your past. Then again, no matter your religious or spiritual beliefs, we are capable of compassion, love, and letting go of past trauma. That’s how you open up your heart to love.
Life is a complex web of mental, physical, and something more.
Is it mysticism or spirituality?
Is it magical or occult?
Is it love, grace, essence, or soul?
We all have our beliefs, and we all have our different experiences. Some are intuitive, and some are subjective. Nevertheless, we all try to find meaning for these, including the karmic vs. twin flame debate. Add to that the complexities of our need for freedom versus nurture and commitment.
Little wonder the concepts of a twin flame, karmic relationships, and soulmates have evolved over the millennia. We want answers. Life doesn’t work that way, though. To discover our truth, we must transform ourselves through mental intention and heart intuition.
So, reflect on your personal growth and what’s driving you to investigate the twin flame vs. karmic discussion as you review these questions:
Can a twin flame be karmic?
Do you think you’ve found a twin flame karmic partner? Are you feeling growth and happiness on one side but suffering and confusion on the other? Yes, bonding at a deep level can feel enriching. Nevertheless, healing our karma can feel painful.
On the other hand, a twin flame soulmate could be someone who shines light into your world and feels part of you. Remember that according to ancient traditions, we are all part of the same greater whole.
It could be anyone’s twin, but you were brought together for a reason.
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Can a soulmate be karmic?
The feeling of finding either a soulmate or twin flame is when you sense your energies are in balance. You’ve found the perfect equilibrium between dependence and autonomy, freedom and attachment, separateness and togetherness.
What is a karmic twin flame? Sometimes it’s a divine soul on a quest to heal their karma. Sometimes you can help each other along with natural disagreements as you grow together.
For example, you might be healing your karma by getting inspiration and understanding from your partner. Discovery and curiosity are what make you stronger as a couple.
How can souls be karmic?
According to ancient traditions, all our souls are connected to a greater whole, the world soul. As we all can create thoughts, these all, in turn, create action and consequence. So, a karmic soul carries heavy burdens.
On the other hand, a twin flame or divine soul has connected with the light from within. They’ve begun their inner healing and can connect with others deeper.
If you want to summarize this, a difference between a twin flame vs a karmic soul is the level of healing that person has gone through. Although finding someone completely stripped of all burdens and human desires is rare but not impossible.
What is the difference between twin flames and divine counterparts?
The karmic twin flame soulmate discussion in popular culture all debates subtle differences. Are these people the same, and what’s their purpose in your life? Unfortunately, this question only exploits your deep need for nurture.
It’s very easy to be tempted away from self-growth by looking for twin flame vs. karmic people around us. While this might be fun, it can also lead to more misery when we realize that no one can fix us and we must do the work ourselves.
Of course, some people carry baggage that some might call a karmic twin flame. Yes, on the one hand, these people can support you in life. Nevertheless, if you’re not grounded in your divine counterpart, you’ll either over-project your issues or get dragged down with theirs.
We can become twin flames, soul mates, divine people. The ancient Eastern scripts believe that we all have the divine within us. Even Jesus later said that the kingdom of God is within you.
The real focus should be on finding your inner karmic partner vs the twin flame within you. You are material and spirit all rolled into one to balance out each other.
The more you work on your ego development or find self-actualization, according to psychologist Maslow, the more you’ll find inner peace. You’ll awaken your twin flame vs. karmic healing and attract similar magical souls to accompany you on the journey.
Summing up
People come in and out of our lives. Whether these are divine souls or twin flame vs. soulmate vs. karmic people, we can learn something from each interaction. Some souls are broken and will show you the wrong path. Other souls seem filled with light. Could they be your twin flame vs. karmic moment?
You can build a deep connection with any potential energy flame if you bring awareness to relationships rather than the need to fix something. Are they then your twin or simply another connection to the greater whole? That’s for you to discover on your self-growth journey.
As you grow and heal from within, you’ll gradually transform yourself. Your inner flame will shine its light to attract the right partners for you on your journey. Together you’ll continue your growth journey with compassion, acceptance, and joy. That’s love.
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