Online Dating Is Safer Than You Think – Things to Know to Enjoy a Safe Date Online

You’ve even read horror stories about online dating. Yet, you may still find yourself curious. After all this, the question still remains, is online dating safe?
Although different dating sites, services, and apps approach singles in a slightly unique way to differentiate themselves, they are all accomplishing the same thing. Despite all the criticisms, online dating is no different than traditional dating of the past.
The advantage is that online dating exposes you to far more available people. It allows you to get to know basic information about a person’s likes or dislikes without the awkwardness and wasted time of going on individual dates with every person, only to learn you are not compatible.
Online dating offers you exposure.
Much like dating in a city offers you more exposure to possible dating options than living in a rural area.
‘Pre-screen’ your online dates before the date
In the past, traditional dating required a lot of bravery to go up to someone you didn’t know and introduce yourself, only to find out they are not available. This is a common fear of many active daters.
Using a dating app alleviates this problem.
You know everyone you are looking at is available and interested in meeting new people. In traditional dating, you were often set up with a friend of a friend. When you showed up to the first date, you knew almost nothing about the person.
Now, dating apps allow you to “pre-screen” your dates in a way. You have the ability to learn if they have a good job, if they like the same music or sports as you, or (a growing concern among daters) where they stand politically.
This is a huge advantage right away as it increases your chances of having a successful date.
Read More: The 3 Most Important Tips On Dating You’ll Ever Receive
Beware of scammers and tricksters lurking the cyber-space
However, there are some things to be aware of when dating online. Just like in the real world, there are jerks. Not everyone you may meet online will be a kind person looking for love.
Be aware that their intentions may not match your own. You may be looking for a serious relationship, while they are looking for multiple casual relationships. This can be heartbreaking to discover after starting to get your hopes up.
Keeping your expectations realistic will help you to not discourage online dating too soon.
Just like any other time you use the internet, there are risks associated with using online dating apps. Whenever there is a vulnerable pool of people sharing personal information there will be scammers there to steal it.
It’s popular to log onto a dating app when you travel to a new city to see who you might meet, often times opening the app on unsecured public wifi. It’s a little-known fact that this is all it takes for an eavesdropper to view your online activity in order to obtain personal information. For frequent travelers and public wifi users, a mobile VPN preserves your online privacy on shared networks, helping to keep your information secure.
Furthermore, it’s important to get to know your matches, but it it’s also important to protect information about yourself that could compromise your physical and financial health.
Did you know that 1 in 10 new profiles are fake? Never share your location, address, or any account information with your match until you’re comfortable with them and have spent sufficient time getting to know them to determine their intentions.
Read More: 7 Principles Of Dating That Will Align You With Your Perfect Partner
Understanding the potential risk ensures the safe usage of online dating
Online dating is safe when you understand the potential risks.
It is no more dangerous than actual dating or using the internet in any other way. The same precautions apply for meeting new people from general internet use.
Many people have found success in dating sites and apps, and have even gotten married. The vast majority do not have bad experiences besides the occasional harmless dud dates.
The key to successful online dating is to be realistic about your expectations and have fun doing it.
The internet will always be a place that dangerous people lurk, but taking necessary precautions to protect yourself and your profile will help you steer clear from the jerks and scammers, thereby, giving yourself a better chance of finding the one.
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