The True Meaning of Being in a Relationship

What does it mean to be in a relationship?
Defining a romantic relationship or being in a relationship may seem like a trivial task, but in reality, when we engage in one, we get so caught up in it that it becomes difficult to remember what is it truly supposed to be about.
Sometimes it’s because we jump from one short relationship to another when none of them feels right.
Sometimes it’s because we’ve struggled in a toxic relationship for such a long time that dissatisfaction started to feel normal or because we are so deeply in love that it blinds us.
To get back on the right course, we need to remind ourselves what are the priorities and what are the signs of a healthy relationship.
What is the meaning of a relationship
It is important to touch base with what it means to be in a relationship. Here is a shot at summing up the real relationship meaning.
- Meaning of being in love means being there for each other, through thick and thin
- Striking the balance between freedom and bondage
- Being vulnerable and having faith in each other, embracing the good and bad gracefully
- Maintaining open and honest communication with each other
- Giving each other space to pursue individual interests and allowing time part to miss each other
- Motivating each other to be the best version of yourself
- For some, the definition of being in a relationship is celebrating the tiny victories and helping each other overcome setbacks
- Meaning of relationship lies in dedication towards your partner and the partnership
- What does a relationship mean for elderly couples? It is companionship and sharing mutually enjoyed activities
Here are some useful insights to help you remember the true meaning of being in a relationship.
Understanding each other
Being in a relationship not only means knowing each other really well, for example, knowing the name of your partner’s childhood pet, a favorite book, or what they hate about college, or work, but it also means deeply understanding each other.
You should know what life goals and aspirations drive your partner, the values they cherish, their hopes and fears, their biggest virtues and flaws, and things they like and dislike about themselves.
Only when you truly understand your partner, you can understand their actions and therefore, support them for what they are no matter what.
Admiring each other
If there is something that your partner does that you can’t do or is good at something that you’re not, and you admire them for that, it is a sign of a healthy bond.
Every partner should feel like the other partner is someone worth admiring and they look up to them.
Having someone beside you that you could learn from constantly is a treasure you should preserve. This way, you point out the best in your partner and make them feel more confident.
If both partners learn from each other, admire each other for that knowledge, together they walk towards an improved version of themselves and eventually become wiser and healthier.
Admiration is one of the keys to keeping the spark alive.
Having fun together
We sometimes tend to forget this important ingredient. What is a relationship without fun? If your partner makes you crack up, you are on the right track.
Developing your own language and having your own little jokes that nobody else understands; waiting to get home from work because you know that the time spent with your loved one is going to be enjoyable.
Having many activities that you like doing together are signs that you are a duo that can provide some positive energy and truly enjoy each other’s company.
When you are feeling down, your partner can make you smile easily, and that’s exactly how it should be, not the other way around.
Being affectionate with each other
In a healthy relationship, there’s not a day that passes by in which partners don’t say a kind word to each other, hug, or kiss. They should be all over each other and enjoy exploring each other’s bodies.
Affection is what divides a romantic bond from a friendship.
Your partner should be attractive to you and light up a fire inside of you.
Of course, in long relationships, it is not so obvious, but it is important that it is still there, even if that feeling is dormant, and that your partner can still make butterflies flutter in your stomach from time to time.
Related Reading: Types of Relationships
Taking care of your relationship
What is a relationship if there is no empathy and a sense of responsibility toward nurturing the relationship?
Both individuals should understand their responsibility to make it work and always try to be the best partner they can be in a true relationship.
Being in a relationship means not trying to fix the other person to satisfy one’s own needs.
They accept the other person for what they are and help them if they can, but don’t try to control or fix them.
Knowing your boundaries and limits in a relationship, to be aware that you can always self-develop, and that your partner is never going to be perfect, is the key to a relationship full of respect and empathy.
Being a team
What is a true relationship?
In essence, A true relationship does not happen overnight, it is cumulative of healthy communication, care, intimacy, companionship, deep love, mutual understanding, help, and unflinching support. Both should smile together.
When you are in a real relationship with someone that you respect, care for, admire, look up to, and if it is mutual, you can be sure that you are in a happy, healthy place.
Being in a relationship means being on the same team and maintaining a healthy, trustful marital friendship.
Always work hard on your relationship because you care about it and want to nurture it, not because you want it to survive one more day or a week. You and your partner are a team that fights together against the barriers that life throws at you, and for your goals and dreams. Both of you must try to create the best versions of yourselves.
If your partner is someone that makes you smile when you are feeling down, that understands you when you can’t even understand yourself, that brings up the best in you, teaches you valuable lessons, and can’t wait to get home to you, then your relationship is what it is truly supposed to be about.
What are the expectations to be found in a healthy relationship?

Anne Duvaux
Expert Answer
A healthy relationship is one based on mutual care and friendship. In the day-to-day, that means appreciating each other's strengths and weaknesses and using them to learn from each other and build what a partnership means to you. Conflict isn't avoided, but it is transformed into a sharing of opinions to explore how to merge those opinions to discover an even more fulfilling way forward. It's also about doing small acts of love for each other throughout the week to remind yourselves that you are there for each other. To ensure these things are happening and avoid mindreading, many couples plan check-in get-togethers every week, whether over lunch or dinner. The aim is to connect and communicate to keep learning about each other and to share how they feel. The ground rule is to stay away from blame and focus on one's feelings and needs to find a mutual overlap.
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