10 Stages of a Long Distance Relationship

Every relationship is beautiful in its own way. If you are living together, living in the same country, or a long-distance relationship. A long-distance relationship is falling for a person who lives far apart. A long-distance relationship is all about mutual understanding between the couple. It is about facing many challenges and still finding a way for love. There is a constant pattern in a long-distance relationship.
You have to face lots of hardships, lots of ups and downs, lots of problems. However, your trust in each other can solve any hurdles in a relationship if you want to know that your partner loves you. Then a long-distance relationship is one way to find it.
There may be a lot of obstacles, but in the end, only true love will find its way. You can always know about your partner’s personality through the type of movies they watch. Hence, you can opt for the cheapest spectrum cable packages and plan a virtual movie night.
Related Reading: 20 Long-Distance Relationship Advice for Couples
10 stages in a long distance relationship
Here are some of the stages you will face while being in a long-distance relationship.
1. First meeting and desirability
The first stage of a long distance relationship is meeting each other. The first meeting is the most initial stage of every kind of relationship. In the meet-up, you may or may not fall in love at first sight, but you will never forget the charm of your first meeting.
The charm of the first meeting is pun intended for most people. The first meeting is all about observing each other’s style and personality, which is all about facing each other. It is all about how and in what way you deal with them.
In addition, the first meet-up in a long-distance relationship is so delightful for both of the partners because they cannot meet each other so casually and easily.
They might be meeting each other after a decade. In today’s era, social media takes over everything, and social media is a platform on which you find your true love and communicate with them. Nowadays, people, especially teenagers, prefer to find their love from social media, gaming platforms, or dating apps.
They talk to each other, and if they like each other, they start to date. Then their first meet-up is the glory for them. The desires they have for each other.
However, sometimes you just want to be their friend, or you do not want to commit to anything, so you start it by being friends and then when you feel like there is something in our bond and there is more than friendship, then you try to look forward and give a special name to your relationship.
2. Confronting the distance at starting of the relationship
The second of the stages of a long distance relationship is talking about the distance and what you will do about it. Starting a long distance relationship is tricky, and both partners should be on the same page.
While in a relationship, you have to be honest with your partner from day one. Moreover, you have to tell them about you being apart from your loved ones from the start.
Usually, a long-distance relationship begins when you have to move out due to your job, education, or any other financial reason. Be clear, be consistent and be communicative to your partner because you have to face so many problems communicating to each other to fill out the gap of not meeting face to face.
Being in a relationship, you have to take care of each other and care for each other’s feelings.
You have to be there for each other, and you have to free your time to talk to your loved ones. If you cannot physically be there for each other in a long-distance relationship, you should be there for your partner on face-times, calls, and texts.
You may even question whether your partner is loyal to you or are you fulfilling your commitments, but the only answer is that you have to trust your partner, and you have to keep in touch with your partner and communicate your problems as much as you can.
Read this paper to understand what it takes to make a long distance relationship work.
Related Reading: The 30 Pros and Cons of Long Distance Relationships
3. Building trust in the relationship
The third stage of a long distance relationship is to build qualities such as trust.
Trust is the key foundation of any relationship. The foundation of trust can be shaken in a long-distance relationship. You cannot understand the circumstances of your better half living in a different place. Full stop. It is entirely different from living in the same city.
You do not know where they are and what they are up to. The level of trust in a long-distance relationship should be top-notch. When you are not living together with your loved one, it is hard to control different scenarios. Negative emotions try to impact what you are thinking.
According to Christiana Njoku, a Licensed Professional Counselor,
Trust is one of the core ingredients of every healthy relationship. When it comes to a long-distance relationship, the level of trust has to double.
Sometimes you are not thinking straight because they are out with their friends. Anger and jealousy affect the bond you have with the other person. You have to ignore little things and build trust that is rock hard.
The emotion of possessiveness should not be confused with the emotion of trust. If you can ignore these things, you have a way ahead with your long-distance partner. Something’s just trying to kill their time by going out, so do not feel ignored as they are going through a lot too.
Related Reading: 6 Ways on How to Build Trust in Long-Distance Relationships
4. Checking up on each other and plan your long distance dates
The fourth stage of a long distance relationship is trying to make things work and ensuring you get to see each other as often as possible.
While in a long-distance relationship, you may be busy; your work schedule is not much. You may not be available for your loved ones at that moment. Nevertheless, planning can help you. You can plan when you are free and if your work schedule is free.
Therefore, you can plan your weekend and spend it with your loved ones. Try to connect yourself more often and delight each other with your presence. Checking up on each other, planning a date, and cherishing all the beautiful moments with each other.
Even the most extended call will be the shortest for you when your relationship begins, and you fall in love. However, in the end, you will get through it.
Plan something exciting like visiting a cinema hall, going to the hills for hiking, or trying different adventurous stuff with your partner. It will make you feel good about yourself, and you will love all the experience.
Plan vacations, go to your dream place, enjoy when you have time, and fill up all the gaps and things you had missed when you were apart.
Related Reading: 5 Creative Romantic Long Distance Relationship Ideas for Couples
5. The stress and anxiety in a long distance relationships
The fifth of the emotional stages of a long distance relationship is when one or both of you start to get anxious about the distance. Stress in long distance relationships about what will happen eventually can be challenging to deal with.
This is another stage in the long-distance relationship. When you are not living with your partner or physically distant, it influences your overall mental health. Little things like your partner putting up a happy Instagram post can affect what you are thinking. This is one of the early stages of long distance dating.
The negative emotions capture your mind differently. You feel like they are having all the fun, and you are being treated in the worst possible way. This is not a helping step in your long-distance relationship. Not every day is Sunday, and we have different emotions to cope with.
There are days when you are feeling low, and there are days when you are high on energy. It all depends on your equation with your partner. Overthinking can ruin a long distance relationship. Do not stress about little things.
Always trust your partner and believe their side of the story. Communication is the key. Try to communicate about little things. Tell them about your day, tell them you love them, and trust them.
Watch this video to understand long distance relationships better.
6. Sending presents, flowers, and letters to your loved ones
The sixth stage of a long distance relationship is to send each other presents or notes to let them know they are loved, even from a distance. Efforts in long-distance relationships are critical.
While being in a long-distance relationship, you have to face so many things. You even have to enjoy your success solely, but sometimes if your partner is free, they will come and surprise you, but if they are busy, they may send you some gifts and love letters, which will be so special for you.
Writing for your loved one is one of the most beautiful ways of expressing your love. Your loved one will get so happy if he receives your cute beautiful love note when they are overburdened by the work pressure or burden of books on their shoulders.
Chocolates and flowers can help too. They can make it look more pleasing. In addition, a unique gift can be the subscription of reasonable spectrum cable packages.
Maybe you cannot hug your partner when you need him, but a letter can make them feel good about themselves and may feel the warmth of your love. Sending love and care packages maybe the beautiful memories of being in a long-distance relationship.
Sometimes putting effort into your relationship can make your partner feel more meaningful and special.
How different are long distance relationships from relationships where both people are located in the same geographical area? Read this research to find out.
Related Reading: 30 Long-Distance Relationship Gifts Ideas
7. Post-visit depression
The seventh stage of a long distance relationship is when you feel depressed and sad after you have just visited each other. Feelings of sadness and depression in long distance relationships can be very common.
It is hard for some people to accept the distance in their relationship. They might be depressed about it and have anxiety and question when we will meet them? Are they the right choice for us?
However, we have to overcome this feeling if we love our partner truly. Talk to them and clear out all the assumptions in your mind. You do not have to isolate yourself when in a long-distance relationship. Go out with friends and enjoy yourself often, have movie nights with your siblings, and talk to your parents.
Make yourself busy in other activities, and do not feel like you are alone. Talk to your loved ones about your day. Meanwhile, if you miss the love of your partner, then ask them if they are free. They can visit you, or you can go visit them.
In the meantime, plan different activities with your partner. Do them virtually, or if you are free, you can do it physically. Look out for special deals and discounts on things they like. You can also help them look for a reasonable cable package to fade away the feelings of loneliness.
Related Reading: How to Deal With Depression in a Relationship
8. Perceive your relationship differently
The eighth stage of a long distance relationship is when you may have differences of opinion, especially when it comes to your relationship.
You should always think about different ways of making your relationship strong. Think differently out of the box. Act mature adults who are deeply and madly in love. Do everything to strengthen your relationship. Think about your good days with your partner.
Always encourage the little things you both are doing. All the efforts matter a lot when you live away from your partner. Try to establish a connection with your partner emotionally or spiritually.
Put your heart and soul into your relationship. When you feel like things are slipping away, remember all the good memories with the other person. This way, in the heart, you will know that the other person is worthy enough to fight all these challenges.
Think ok about your future and that you people will be together again soon. These hardships will define you as a couple, so stay strong and stick together. It is like the couple who slay together and stay together, cherish the goods and enjoy little things. Ignore the negativity around you and enjoy the positives of life.
9. Moving forward
The ninth stage of a long distance relationship is understanding the way forward.
There may come the point in a long-distance relationship where you feel like it will not work. You tend to realize that it is irrational to maintain your relationship. You lack the feeling of physical connection you have with the other person.
You have certain regrets and doubts that are overpowering your relationship. I will tell you that letting go is a wise decision for the peers around you. Your family will give you the bright side of your future. You will think that it is better to end the relationship for the well-being of each other, and it is time to move forward.
Related Reading: 10 Long Distance Relationship Problems and What to Do About Them
10. Commitment in a relationship
The tenth stage of a long distance relationship is finally committing to each other.
Christiana Njoku further adds,
Commitment is necessary in making a relationship work out. If there is prospect in your long-distance relationship, then you need to be committed to make it work.
Nevertheless, if you see the other side of the coin, you will see heartbreak. Deep inside, you will feel connected and committed to your better half. However, you will have your weak points, but letting go is not a choice.
Do not commit to a long-distance relationship because of any fear of breaking up. Commit only if you feel like committing to this relationship. If you both feel like staying together, you can work things out.
Related Reading: Significance of Commitment in Relationships
In the end, not every relationship is the same. Every couple feels and behaves differently. You might give some stages and encounter some of the stages. If you are more like friends, you tend to skip many stages because you know the other person inside-out.
You can view things out of a romance, but the level of trust in female arity will differ. A long-distance relationship requires a lot of time to mature into a long-term commitment. Every relationship’s end goal is to last until eternity or a lifetime stop.
Do not let any state overshadow your relationship. If you feel light staying in any relationship, make it happen. So tackle your relationship in a way you feel like it is right.
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