10 Tips to Reduce Effects of Social Media on Marriage

Social media has the potential to repair, improve or break a marriage.
Social media is a blessing and it has its benefits. But, it can also be a liability that will ruin your marriage. It depends on how you channel the power of social media.
If you channel it into making something productive in your marriage, there will be improvements in your married life. Still, otherwise, the effects of social media on marriage can break things up.
We know the effect social media has on marriage has been a turnaround encounter.
Instead of meeting each other face-to-face, many people meet and interact on social media, dating apps or other digital mediums. However, this can hurt your relationship.
We will look at the various ways in which social media can impact a relationship and ways in which we can protect ourselves from these.
How social media affects relationships
By its very nature, social media allows users to facilitate information sharing with their close people. It gives us access to the lives of so many people around us, but on the other hand, it also allows us to share parts of our lives.
The positive and negative effects of social media on relationships depend on the way that both people in the relationship use social media.
If it is used judicially, it can add a bit of fun and provide some validation to your partner. However, if it is used without maintaining boundaries, it can make you sacrifice the health of your relationship through over-exposure and comparison.
Ways social media has ruined relationships
Maintaining social media boundaries in marriages is important because, without these, social media can ruin your relationship. It can make you hyper aware of the world and how your relationship compares to the expectations set by social media.
Social media and divorce also connect as it can make a person focus and broadcast negative aspects of their relationship.
You can learn more about ways social media ruins relationships here.
10 tips to reduce the negative impact of social media on marriages
Social media and marriage problems may go hand-in-hand for the ones who do not place boundaries on their social media usage.
There are various ways and techniques social media can help you to meet and connect with people, but at the same time, it can cause a serious detachment from the person closest to you – your spouse. Below are the tips to reduce the negative effects of social media on marriage:
1. Don’t go on social media after a disagreement or fight
The habit of going on social media after a disagreement is very common in relationships and marriages of today.
People can develop the habit of going to Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites and expressing whatever they have in mind. One of the effects of social media is that it is very easy to turn to social media for comfort and distraction when there is tension or a storm in your relationship.
At that tense moment, you could post nasty and unpleasant remarks that you will surely regret later.
You might even get depressed by all the posts and pictures of adorable couples out there. You might even be lured to look for a better relationship rather than trying to work things out with your spouse.
2. Be each other’s best fan/follower
One of the advantages of social media is that it is easy to send a note to each other at any time; make sure you put yourselves out there and make public shout-outs to each other on social media.
Show the world how proud you are to have each other and use this as a positive effect of social media on marriage.
Related Reading: Social Media and Marriage: Role of Instagram in Marital Life
3. Avoid critical comparison
There will always be a couple who seems to have a better or worse relationship than you. Avoid all comparisons to save yourself from the negative effects of social media on marriage.
Instead of evaluating and comparing yourselves to them, concentrate on making your marriage the best it can be. And when you read what other couples have shared, don’t see it as a competition for scoring points – enjoy the content for what it is worth.
If you cannot do this on your own, you can consult and go for marriage counseling to understand whether comparison through social media is negatively affecting your relationship.
4. Don’t always be online
Don’t let social media steal every moment of your relationship. If one (or both) of you is always scrolling through their timeline or news feed, even at dinner time or while in bed, the other partner will feel ignored, like they don’t matter.
Therefore, learn to have some offline time to avoid some of the effects of social media on marriage.
Related Reading: 10 Best Pre-marriage Courses That You Can Take Online
5. Set boundaries regarding social media
To protect yourself from the adverse effects of social media on marriage, it is advisable to set boundaries regarding the use and time spent on social media with your partner.
Your partner might feel comfortable with you talking about them and your love for them openly, or they might want to enjoy privacy and prefer to keep your relationship off social media.
6. Be transparent; don’t keep secrets
You should be open and don’t keep secrets from your partner. You have to be transparent on social media. Don’t post, like or share anything you would not like your partner to read or view. It’s also a good idea to think twice about who you send a direct message (DM) on social media.
If you want to decrease the negative impact of social media on relationships, then you need to be open and transparent with your spouse.
Related Reading: 5 Reasons Why Wise Couples Cherish Transparency in a Marriage
7. Don’t look up your ex
No matter how hot your Ex is, don’t try to look or lust after her timeline; it destroys marriages! Most people have the attitude of stalking their ex to see how their lives are; it is bad and should be avoided.
8. Never talk bad about each other in public
No matter what problem you face with your spouse, don’t ever air them on social media or you will invite the negative effects of social media on marriage.
Taking your relationship issues to social media might make your spouse feel humiliated. Sort whatever it is that’s bugging you both among yourselves, not putting them on Twitter.
9. Be cautious of what and who you like
Liking and commenting on pictures of handsome men or beautiful women has ruined many relationships and marriages. You should be careful of what you like, especially if it will make your partner jealous or insecure.
10. Limit what you share on social media
Be careful not to share things you or your spouse do not want others to know. Social media can be tempting, but it is always best to check before posting something that includes someone else, especially your spouse.
Check out this video to learn more about why you should think before you share:
Commonly asked questions
Many people use social media and its impact on relationships can be pervasive and invisible to the eye. However, when couples start noticing their relationship taking a negative turn because of social media, they start asking important questions.
Can social media destroy a marriage or relationship?
Yes, social media can destroy a marriage when the couple or one person develops an addiction to social media, wherein they cannot place a boundary between real life and social media.
For example, if a person is constantly comparing the raw reality of their relationship with the idealized perfection of the projected relationships on social media. It can aggravate their dissatisfaction within the relationship and infuse a toxicity that destroys the marriage.
Final takeaway
The effects of social media on marriage can make or break it. It can add to a relationship when used economically and with restrictions.
Awareness of the equation between social media and relationships cannot be denied. How social media affects relationships might be difficult to understand but the people in the relationship can feel its impact.
If you utilize it the right way, you can reap the benefits of social media’s positive impact, and marriages can flourish because of this. But the negative effects of social media on relationships have to be safeguarded against.
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