17 Revealing Signs You’re Just an Option for Them

Are you tired of wondering where you stand in someone’s life? It’s a painful realization to discover you’re just a backup plan, not the priority you deserve to be.
Imagine consistently being put on hold, your needs always coming second. These feelings often point to a harsh reality: you might not be as important to someone as they are to you. The signs you’re just an option can be subtle yet revealing, indicating that you’re merely occupying a temporary spot until something better comes along.
Understanding these signs you’re just an option is crucial. They serve as red flags that you need to address or reassess your place in the relationship. Let’s decode these signs, ensuring you never find yourself sidelined again.
17 signs someone is keeping you as an option
In relationships, understanding where you stand is crucial for emotional well-being. If you’re uncertain about your partner’s intentions, recognizing the signs you’re just an option can be enlightening. This insight helps navigate the often complex dynamics of modern relationships, ensuring you know your worth and when it might be compromised.
1. Inconsistent communication
As per experts, communication is at the heart of any relationship, and it indicates the willingness to invest in the relationship.
When someone treats you as an option, their communication can be sporadic and unpredictable. You might find yourself receiving a flurry of texts or calls for a few days, followed by a sudden silence for an extended period.
This pattern indicates that they reach out to you when it’s convenient for them or when their preferred companions are unavailable, highlighting one of the signs they keep you as an option.
2. Last-minute plans
A clear sign of being an option is when you are mostly included in plans at the last minute. This suggests that you were not their first choice but rather a backup when their other plans fell through. It can often feel like they only remember you exist when it suits their needs.
3. Non-committal language
If someone is keeping you as an option, they will likely use vague and non-committal language when discussing the future.
Studies have shown that a person’s goal for a relationship changes the tenor of language in which they communicate on dating apps.
Phrases like “maybe,” “someday,” or “we’ll see” are common. This ambiguity serves to keep their options open, avoiding any solid commitment that might close doors to other possibilities, demonstrating the option meaning in a relationship.
4. Absence in public social media
Your presence in their life might be minimal where others can see it, especially on social media.
If you find that you’re rarely, if ever, featured in their posts, stories, or important life updates shared online, it could indicate that they prefer to keep their relationship with you private, possibly to maintain the appearance of being single or available.
5. Reluctance to define the relationship
Someone who views you as an option might steer clear of defining the relationship. They might dodge questions about your status together or give elusive answers, preventing any formal acknowledgment of a commitment. This reluctance often reflects their intent to keep things casual and non-binding.
6. Avoiding serious discussions
If bringing up topics about feelings, your future together, or any serious matter related to your relationship results in them changing the subject, it’s often a sign they are keeping you as an option. They avoid deep discussions that could lead to stronger emotional connections, maintaining a distance that allows them emotional freedom.
7. Limited availability
People who see others as options tend to make themselves available only at their convenience. You may notice that they often disregard your schedule, making plans that are centered around their time and ignoring your needs or previous commitments.
8. No deep emotional connection
A significant sign of being an option is the lack of a deep emotional bond.
Conversations may remain superficial, and they might share very little about their deeper emotions, fears, or dreams. This surface-level interaction prevents the formation of a meaningful, emotionally connected relationship, and is one of the crucial signs you’re just an option.
9. Your gut feeling
Trust your intuition if you feel like you’re just an option. This nagging suspicion often arises from a combination of the other signs, even if they haven’t been explicitly recognized yet. Your subconscious might be picking up on inconsistencies and half-hearted gestures that your conscious mind is still trying to rationalize.
10. Selective responsiveness
If they only respond to texts or calls selectively and often delay replying, it suggests they’re not prioritizing your communication. This pattern is particularly telling if they suddenly become more responsive when they treat you like an option, indicating that their interest is convenience-driven rather than genuine concern or affection.
11. Rarely initiating contact
Signs you’re just an option are evident when you are always the one to initiate conversations or suggest meeting up. This clear indicator that your relationship might not be as reciprocal as it should be shows a lack of genuine interest and value towards the relationship from their side.
12. Indifference to your absence
A partner who cares will notice and care about your absence. If they seem indifferent or barely curious about what you do when you’re not together, it might mean they’re detached from the relationship and possibly keeping you as just one of several options. This attitude is a classic example of being treated like an option.
13. Mixed signals
Receiving mixed signals—where they are affectionate one moment and distant the next—can be confusing and may be a tactic to keep you guessing. This inconsistency can be a strategy to maintain control and avoid deepening the relationship, keeping you as a convenient option rather than a priority.
If a man is sending you mixed signals, learn what you can text him using this video:
14. They keep their options open
If they openly flirt with others or casually mention their attractions, it’s a stark indicator that they see you as an option. By keeping their romantic options visible and on the table, they prevent the relationship with you from becoming too settled or committed.
15. Priority on their convenience
When all plans are made according to their time, location, and convenience, it indicates a lack of consideration for your preferences. A relationship should involve compromise and mutual consideration, not one-sided convenience.
16. Lack of commitment to plans
Frequent cancellations—especially without significant reasons—or flaking on plans last minute shows a lack of respect and commitment to the time you spend together. This behavior suggests that they do not value the relationship enough to make it a priority.
17. Exclusivity is off the table
Their refusal to be exclusive, despite discussions or your expressed desire for a committed relationship, is a critical sign. It demonstrates that they wish to keep their options open, not just with casual dating but possibly avoiding commitment altogether with anyone. This stance ensures they are not too attached, leaving their options open for others.
Going through the emotional terrain of feeling like a secondary option in a relationship can be challenging. Here are some insights into common concerns that arise in such situations.
Is it worth waiting for someone who sees you as an option to change?
Waiting for someone to change their priorities can be a heart-wrenching process with no guaranteed outcomes. If their behavior consistently shows you’re just an option, it’s often healthier to move forward without them. Investing in relationships where mutual respect and affection are prioritized is crucial for your emotional well-being.
How should I respond if I feel like I’m just an option?
Communicate your feelings clearly and assertively. Let them know it’s important to you that your relationship evolves to reflect mutual commitment and respect. If they’re not open to addressing these issues, consider if this relationship meets your needs or if you might be happier with someone who values you more.
What emotional effects might I experience from being treated as an option?
Being treated as an option can lead to feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, and neglect. You might feel like you’re not good enough or that you have to compete for their attention. This can be emotionally draining and can negatively impact your mental health, leading to anxiety or depression.
Can a relationship recover from this dynamic?
Recovery is possible if both partners are willing to put in sincere effort. This involves open communication, counseling, and a commitment to reassess and adjust the balance of the relationship. Both parties need to feel valued and prioritized; without these changes, the relationship may continue to falter under the weight of its lopsided dynamics.
Summing up
Recognizing these signs can be disheartening, but it is crucial for your emotional well-being. If you notice multiple indicators from the list of signs you’re just an option, it’s essential to address this with your partner.
Clear communication about your observations and feelings can clarify where you stand. If the discussion confirms these signs you’re just an option, consider what this relationship offers you versus what it takes away. Being someone’s backup is not just disrespectful, but it also prevents you from finding a relationship that fully values you.
Everyone deserves a partner who sees them as irreplaceable. If you’re not getting the respect and commitment you need, it might be time to move on and prioritize your own happiness. Choose to invest where you are truly valued.
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