50 Telltale Signs He Wants to Marry You and What to Look For

Congratulations! If you are reading this, it means you are in a happy relationship, and everything is going great, but you are wondering if he is giving you signs he wants to marry you.
It’s been a good few months or years, and now you’re at the stage of your relationship where things are fabulous, but you’re puzzled whether he is going to propose soon or not.
So, let’s help you as we’ll share some signs he loves you and, wants to marry you, and can’t see a future without you anymore.
How long does it take a man to know he wants to marry you?
No one can tell you, “How long does it take a man to know he wants to marry you?” This is very individual, and although there is no definite answer to this question, there are signs he wants to marry you.
Luckily, we can (maybe) guess it and see it coming if we are paying attention to certain behaviors or gestures.
Not to forget, according to research where 2000 people were polled, it was found that, on average, a person takes six months or 172 days to be sure of marriage with their partner.
50 sure signs he wants to marry you: What to look for
While it’s important to remember that every relationship is unique and there are no foolproof signs that guarantee someone wants to get married, there are some common indicators that may suggest your partner is serious about a future together.
So, looking for signs a man wants to marry you? Here are 50 indicators that will help you be sure and make the next move:
1. He plans the future with you
Will he marry me soon as he always discussing future plans with me? It is a very clear sign he sees himself with you for a long time.
If he’s talking about 5-year goals with you, he is certainly serious about taking the next step. Guys don’t discuss future plans unless they are serious about the relationship.
2. You’re always his plus-one
If you’re wondering how to know if he wants to marry you, see if he brings you to all occasions, work, family-related, or even business events.
If he does, it’s very clear he wants you to meet all the people in his life, and he wants them to meet you since you are obviously someone he is proud of and in love with.
If he invites you to his sister’s wedding and is proud to introduce you to everyone, he’s giving signs he wants to marry you.
3. He is always on time
Being on time is a sign he respects you. Even more, he appreciates you and loves you very much, and he is grateful for every minute you spend together. Isn’t it great to have a guy who is always punctual?
4. He’s touchy
Do you catch yourself cuddling a lot more, just like you did at the start of your relationship? Is he touching your hand more than usual or massaging your neck when you don’t expect it? This might be a sign he’s thinking of popping the question!
5. He’s texting you. A lot
Some of the signs he wants to marry you are not that obvious and can even be confusing. If he’s constantly reminding you of how much he misses you when you’re not together, it means you’re on his mind (a lot).
6. You, and ONLY you
He doesn’t notice other women; he won’t make comments to guys about other good-looking girls passing by. His eyes are on you, and you only.
7. He proposed to move in
Not quite THE question, but pretty damn close! If he suggests moving in, it means he is very serious about your future together. If the first thing when he asked you to move in was “he wants to marry me,” well, you might have been right!
8. He’s vulnerable
If you notice that he is opening up more than before and showing his gentle, vulnerable side more, it’s a clear sign he trusts you and sees a long-term friend and lover in you.
9. He’s there through thick and thin
No relationship is perfect, and if he is there through thick and thin, it’s a sign he’s the one. Too many will run away when they face the first difficulty, but not this guy.
10. He mentioned married life before
He definitely sees himself marrying you if he has mentioned marriage to you before. It might have been just a passing thought, but he would never have mentioned it if it hadn’t crossed his mind!
11. He’s all over you
He just can’t get enough of you! When a man wants you, he can’t hide it. He’s not being a plague; don’t give him a hard time for this, but understand he’s just showing signs he will marry you someday!
12. He shares family stuff with you
We all have skeletons in our closets. If your guy shares some pretty personal family stuff with you, he wants you to know it for a reason. It shows he is vulnerable and ready to commit to you.
13. He confides in you about business stuff, too
Some guys can be very mysterious when it comes to their careers and everything that’s happening at work. If your guy is going after a career and is sharing stuff happening at work with you, he trusts you and wants to hear your opinion.
14. You hang out with his married friends
It could be awkward being around married people if you had no desire to become one of them, too.
However, it’s a good sign he’s ready for marriage if you keep hanging out with his married friends! There are many clear signs he wants to marry you, and this is one of them for sure.
15. He wants to join accounts
Yup. If your boyfriend wants to join accounts, this is a HUGE thing and definitely one of the signs he wants to wife you. Otherwise, he would never suggest this.
It’s also one of the signs he’s the one because you don’t want a man who’s afraid to share his financial background with you.
16. He’s giddy
As in “seeing his high school sweetheart again” giddy, he’s probably trying to find a perfect moment, or he is thinking about your face seeing the ring and just having fun planning it all out.
Maybe you thought his all-of-a-sudden great mood was not a big deal, but it actually might be one of the signs he might want to marry you, which definitely means it is a big deal!
17. His clock is ticking
It may surprise you, but guys have a clock, too. And it ticks, just like women’s. Some men worry they are getting too old and might pop the question sooner rather than later if they want to start their family on time.
18. He gives you hints
If he is giving you some hints such as “start looking at dresses” or “book your calendar off,” it means he has something planned for the two of you. He must be too shy to put it forth blatantly, but things are sure in his mind.
19. He cares about your interest
If he asks about your work, friends, or hobbies, it means you matter to him, and he wants to know what’s happening in your world. This also opens up a great source of communication.
20. His language changed
If he has stopped saying “if” and using “when” instead, he has clearly decided in his mind that the marriage is happening soon. This only shows his confidence in being with you.
21. Sharing is caring
He doesn’t mind sharing his things with you. Personal or business, he’s willing to share them with you. Once he does that, be sure he is comfortable with and trusts you.
22. You’re the only one
Listen attentively. We don’t know how long it takes a man to know he wants to marry you, but one thing we know: if he keeps saying, “You’re the only one who…” He is thinking about making you his wifey.
23. He asks for your opinion
Important decisions to be made, and who does he go to? You. Now, he no longer handles things in his head but shares them with you.
If you’re wondering, “Does he want to marry me?” you can be sure that you are now his go-to person, and he may very soon propose to you.
24. He likes sleepovers
You at his place, or him at yours. Doesn’t matter. If he really likes sleepovers, he’s very fond of you, trusts you, and sees a future with you. This shows his extreme level of involvement.
25. He makes marriage jokes
One of the clearest signs is that he jokes about marriage a lot. Except that he’s not joking, but he’s not ready to come out yet.
26. Vacations together
If you are having vacations together, your relationship is mature, and he probably sees himself marrying you if he enjoys vacations together and wants to book more.
27. He books vacations for next year
If he’s already considering booking vacations for next year, it might be one of the signs he wants to marry you because why would he think so far ahead in the future?
28. He is choosing exotic destinations for holiday
Now, this might be one of the hints he will propose. If you’re usually not going to the Bahamas for summer, there might be a good reason why you’re choosing it now.
29. He’s already in the role
If he acts like your husband already: asks for your advice, turns to you for support in hard times, respects you, values you, and is not afraid to show it in public, too, it means he is already playing that role in your life.
30. He believes in marriage
Some guys don’t. And those who do, they will let you know. He wants you to know he believes in it, and that’s plenty of signs that he really wants to marry you in the future (or very soon).
31. He doesn’t laugh when others talk about marriage
There’s a tendency to laugh off a topic anyone wants to avoid. And with marriage, most people do that to avoid further talks. But he’s mature enough and even more. It might be another sign he wants to marry you.
32. He is very relaxed near you
Very, very comfortable. It might mean some romance is gone, but being friendly, open, and comfortable with someone are the most important things. And if you feel the chills in your company, it’s definitely a positive thing.
33. You’re family, too
He considers you a part of his family. He counts you, invites you to family events, and does the same things for you as he would for his family. You probably already are if you feel like part of his family.
34. He talks about the future, and you’re there too
If he’s talking about changing careers, buying a house, or moving to another country, he sees you there, too, and mentions it.
35. “We”
If he’s using “we” instead of “I” or “me,” it is a sign he has changed his perception and accepted the idea you two are one now.
36. He talks about kids
If he mentions kids, or you see him looking at other families with kids and commenting on it, it’s probably because it’s on his mind, too.
37. He mentions weddings and venues
One of the common things to consider before making your wedding is the venue. If your boyfriend is looking around at hotels or other venues, he’s going to ask you to marry him soon.
38. He’s never jealous
Some guys are more jealous than others, but it’s certain he wants a future with you if he never reacts to certain things and has 0 jealousy. He trusts you, and he is the one to marry.
39. He’s saving
To date, he has been living a carefree life, but suddenly, he is saving money for something and being very mysterious about it. Maybe for your wedding? Or it could be that he has become more cautious with money because he is saving for the future.
40. Talking about parenting
It’s crucial for him to know where you are when it comes to kids, and he wants to know this before he pops the question of you have totally different ideas about raising kids.
41. Aging together
If he says how nice it would be to grow old together and gets you to imagine all the things you could do when you’re older, he sees himself marrying you. This is, in fact, one of the biggest lines of the proposal as well.
42. You’re the one to call
He can count on you at all times. You both have built such a strong connection that he thinks of you first in times of need. You’re his emergency contact. Not his mom or sister. You.
43. You feel free to be yourself around him
You can be yourself without any filter. You both lay bare your insecurities. The crucial thing to consider before popping the question– Can I be me when I am with her? If you’re both free to be yourselves, happy days!
44. He opens up a savings account (with you)
If he’s discussing saving plans with you, he sees you in his future, and he sees himself sharing his future with him. This is classical “he wants to marry you” psychology, and it’s good he’s thinking this way.
45. He gives you the credit card
He trusts you so much that he lets you have his money. He almost considers his money as yours. If he feels free to share his credit card with you, it’s just like you’re married already. He feels safe and comfortable with you.
46. He wants to know it all
He’s dropping questions about your dream wedding. What is the dress like, what’s the location, food, etc.? He discusses all such things because he wants to understand where you both match and how this can be planned.
Watch this video where Matthew Hussey, a dating expert and life coach, explains the secrets to how to get a guy to commit to you:
47. Your rings are missing
Has your ring been missing for some time now? Cutest of all. Don’t worry. You’ll find it back soon. He just stole your ring to get the ring size!
48. He asks about your ring size
He might look for tactics to know your ring size, as some guys are quite direct and will just ask for the correct size. That’s when you know your relationship is reaching another level.
49. You stop by the jewelry windows
He has already begun shopping mentally. He is planning things, from jewelry to weddings, and wants you to comment on diamond rings so he can get to know your taste. How cute!
50. He is very mysterious
He is planning things in secrecy. Probably because he wants to surprise you, and you wonder about what he does, where he goes, and what he’s up to. He is probably arranging the ring or the proposal site! How exciting!
Marriage is a significant milestone in a relationship. Many individuals wonder about the signs and behaviors that indicate a person’s readiness for marriage. In this section, we will explore indications that a man wants to marry you and how he may act before proposing.
How do I know if he wants to marry me?
Signs that indicate a man wants to marry you include expressing future plans together, discussing marriage-related topics, introducing you to family and close friends, and showing a strong commitment to the relationship.
What makes a guy want to marry you?
A guy may want to marry you based on various factors such as love, compatibility, emotional connection, shared values, trust, communication, and a desire for a long-term commitment with you as a life partner.
How long before a man knows he wants to marry you?
The time frame varies for each person. Some men may know within months, while others may take years. Factors influencing this include emotional readiness, stability in the relationship, and shared experiences that solidify the bond.
How does a man act before he proposes?
Before proposing, a man may display signs like increased affection, spending quality time together, discussing future plans, seeking your opinion on important matters, and showing a heightened interest in your happiness and well-being. He may also be nervous or excited about the proposal’s topic.
There are so many signs he wants to marry you, but it’s still a mystery what makes them decide when the right time is.
As psychologist and marriage therapist Silvana Mici says,
The decision is very personal and different for every individual. Keep in mind that these are just general signs and can differentiate from person to person.
As we said, no one knows how long it takes a man to know he wants to marry you, but when he wants you, he will do anything to win you permanently.
Men and women speak different languages, and we know from the book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.” However, we can still get around and try to decipher men’s behavior and see if he’s getting ready to pop the big question soon.
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