10 Signs He Wants to Kiss You

When you like someone, you feel fireworks.
There’s an explosion of chemistry and you can’t wait for that romantic moment when he finally leans in and presses his lips against yours. If you’ve fallen hard for your crush, you’re probably counting down the minutes for the big moment when your lips meet.
Surprise kisses are nice, but sometimes you want to know when it’s coming. That way you can dress up a little, freshen your breath, and pucker up.
Do you have a crush? If so, you’ve probably been waiting for those flirtatious hints that he’s coming in for a kiss. Don’t go in blind.
Read for 10 telltale signs he wants to kiss you
1. He’s a flirt
Flirting is the most obvious way of expressing interest in someone. It’s what we do when we’re trying to attract someone. We strive to make them laugh, slip in a little sensual innuendo, and overall look for a way to make someone smile and remember us.
Do you have a friend who always seems to be flirting with you or a cool guy at work who lights up when you walk into the room? If your friend, colleague, or crush can’t seem to stop flirting with you, it’s a clear sign of interest.
2. He tries to touch you
Touch is one of the ways that we connect to people we like. Do you have a crush? If so, you’ve probably been waiting for those flirtatious hints that he’s coming in for a kiss.
Studies show that the oxytocin released during physical touches, such as holding hands or hugging, creates a bond between two people.
Physical touch with someone you like is also shown to lower stress and increases trust.
If your guy holds your hand, grabs your waist, or pulls you close, get ready because he’s about to kiss you.
3. He seems nervous
Kissing someone for the first time is exciting.
It’s also nerve-wracking! Working up the courage to put yourself out there and make a connection with someone isn’t for the faint of heart.
If you’ve been hanging out and suddenly notice your guy is acting nervous, sweating, or can’t seem to focus on your conversation anymore, he may be going in for a kiss.
4. He lingers
Again, proximity is everything when it comes to creating that first kiss.
Lingering is a hesitation. It’s your guy taking his time and proceeding slowly, working up the nerve to kiss you.
Do you notice your guy lingering close to your face after a hug? If he pulls you close and lingers for just a second too long, he’s probably ready to smooch.
Side note, this is also a respectable time to pull back if you aren’t interested in kissing the man in question.
5. Physical chemistry is undeniable
Chemistry and sexual tension are, for the most part, mutual feelings. So, if you’ve been spending a lot of time with someone and realize your chemistry has shifted to something beyond friendship, it may mean a kiss is coming your way.
When the signs he wants to kiss you start popping up, you need to start paying attention and get ready to either reciprocate or stop him in his tracks.
6. He makes strong eye-contact
For better or worse, when someone wants to kiss you, you can feel it! Take notice if something in his demeanor changes or he starts making strong eye-contact.
Eye-contact is powerful, especially for those who are already in the throes of sexual chemistry.
By maintaining eye-contact he’s trying to show you that he cares about what you’re saying. By checking you out, he’s making it clear that he finds you attractive. And by staring down at your lips, he’s sending out one of the biggest signs that he wants to kiss you.
7. He sets the mood
Your guy is confident. He knows that in order to win that kiss, he has to romance you first. This includes creating an atmosphere that is worthy of a Hollywood smooch.
Some things he might do include:
- Buying flowers for you
- Lighting candles
- Taking you to a sweet or romantic setting
- Pulling you close and whisper something sweet or seductive
- Putting on mood music
- When your guy starts setting the mood for romance, be prepared for him to come in for a kiss.
8. He tries to talk sexy
Has your conversation turned to something a little more personal?
All that sex talk can really start to rev him up. If you’ve been sharing some personal details about your intimate life, have been flirting, or are having a naughty chat back and forth, you are sending him clear signals that he should go in for a kiss.
9. He kisses you elsewhere
Is your guy leaning in to kiss your hand, neck, nose, cheek, or forehead? If so, he is clearly trying to work up the nerve to get close to your lips. Take this as a crystal-clear sign that he wants to kiss more than just your cheek.
10. He tells you so
As mentioned above, some guys will plan out a romantic setting before a kiss. They’ll work hard to create an ambiance, take you out on a date, and then surprise you with a peck.
Others will just tell you what they want. One of the most clear-cut signs that he wants to kiss you is if he tells you so. He may say: “I have to kiss you now” or he may say it in the form of a question, “Can I kiss you?”
Whichever route he takes, his message is clear.
The first kiss with someone new is one of the most exciting experiences you can have with your crush. One of the biggest signs he wants to kiss you is his body language. Does he flirt? Does he love to be near you? Does he linger close when you go to say goodbye? If so, he definitely wants to kiss you.
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