10 Undeniable Signs He is Committed to You for Real

One of the best feelings you may experience in your lifetime is being sure that you are with a guy who is committed to you. That way, you feel secure in the relationship and know that your place is with him.
To be sure about this, however, you must check for the presence of signs he is committed to you. When these are there, they give you a feeling of comfort and security. But, you may get jittery when you’re not sure he is not fully committed to the relationship.
This brings us to the million-dollar question, “What are the signs he’s serious about you?” And how can you be sure that he isn’t just another guy looking to have fun and disappear into thin air when he feels like it?
In this article, we will show you what to look out for the telltale signs he is committed to you.
What are the signs of a committed relationship?
Like most other things in life, you would know when you are in a committed relationship. Your partner would make you feel warm and safe around them, and you’ll be able to tell that they are in this for the long term.
To serve as a reminder, here’s our list of the top 15 signs of a committed relationship.
10 sure signs he is committed to you
Beyond the butterflies you feel in the pit of your belly when he’s near and the sparks that fly when you look into his eyes, you want to be sure that he is really into you and wants to make the relationship work.
This is because commitment in a relationship is as important as love. Research has proven that relationships become stronger when partners intentionally communicate their commitment to each other.
To help you end your questions once and for all, when he shows you these signs, he is letting you know, “I am committed to you.”
1. He lets his guard down
It is generally believed that men aren’t big on showing their emotions. While the causes of these are mostly still being unraveled, the average male is trained to believe that he must be strong, and being strong implies that he is mostly not permitted to let others know what he feels every time.
This is why you may discover that many men do not let people in on their emotions.
However, one of the significant signs he sees you long-term is that he isn’t ashamed to let his guard down when he’s with you. He lets you in on his emotions, talks to you and allows you to see a part of him that he keeps away from the public.
Others may know him as a cold-hearted man. But he may just let you see a soft-hearted boy who wants to be loved under that facade.
Related Reading: 20 Ways to Let Your Guard Down in a Relationship & Why You Should
2. He wants to know more about you
Beyond taking you to bed for a quick romp in the sack, one of the signs he wants a committed relationship is that he attempts to get to know you better. He can invite you to hang out with him, and while this happens, he tries to get to know you.
The real you. Not just the side of you that you have presented to the public for a long time. Heads up, though. Sometimes, he would try to do this by asking you some pretty personal questions.
3. He takes you to meet his family and closest friends
One of the telltale signs that a guy is committed to you is that he makes this move; he tries to get you to meet the people important to him. If he wants you to meet the people that are important to him, it is usually because you are important to him.
If he is not yet ready to commit, he may not want to introduce you to them. But if he readily introduces you to his loved ones, then treat that as one of the signs he is committed to you.
4. He wants to be around you
Everyone is busy until it comes to something or someone they truly value. One of the signs he is committed to you is that he makes an effort to be around you.
Regardless of how hard he has to work and other responsibilities hanging around his neck, he will make it a point of duty to be with you. Sometimes, his excuses can be clumsy; but they will all boil down to the same thing.
Whether during a fancy vacation or indoors, a guy who is committed to you will never get tired of being around you. This is one of the key examples of commitment in a relationship.
5. He values your advice and opinions
One way to feel worthless is when you are with a partner who never asks for your advice but has a way of making critical decisions that affect all of you.
When a guy always wants to do things his way and would never ask your opinion on sensitive matters (even those that concern you), that could be because he doesn’t yet see the two of you as being in a committed relationship.
On the flip side, one of the surest signs he is committed to you is that he seeks your advice and opinions on almost everything (even the trivial issues). Beyond seeking your advice, he also acts on your words of wisdom when you give them.
When you find a guy like this, know he is a keeper.
6. He is your biggest cheerleader
One of the ways to know that a guy is committed to you is to critically examine how he relates to your ambition and big wins. Does he encourage you to reach out for all you can be, or does he act nonchalantly when big things happen to you?
Beyond supporting you with his words, does he make sacrifices to help you reach your dreams? One way to know that he is committed to you is that he is willing to step out of the spotlight if that’s what you need.
When you can speak to him about your dreams, goals, and ambitions and feel his unwavering support, you may want to consider holding on to him because he is definitely a keeper.
Related Reading: 30 Signs He Cares More Than He Says
7. He defends you
One of the signs he is committed to you is that he will do all he can to defend your reputation before people.
For example, if his friends try to take a jab at you when you’re hanging out with them, he will step in and warn them to back off. If his family says terrible things about you, he will be willing to defend your honor.
A man committed to you understands that he is responsible for ensuring that people keep seeing the best of you. Hence, when anyone tries to undermine you, they may meet a part of him they never knew existed.
Check out this video to learn more about when your partner doesn’t defend you:
8. Soon enough, you’ll get a key
While this may not happen immediately, another sign he committed to you is that you may soon get a key to his house. This is usually the result of spending so much time together.
When you start spending so much time together, he may figure that giving you those keys is important. Beyond handing over his keys to you, this gesture is meaningful because it connotes acceptance.
It is a sign that he has opened the doors of his heart up to you and given you unrestricted access to his privacy. This isn’t one of those gestures you take for granted.
9. Talks about you on social media
Okay, he may not have made a public declaration of his undying love for you (like you see in the movies), but one of the signs a guy is committed to you is that he starts showing parts of your life on social media.
Sharing about you on social media may manifest in several ways. For example, he can post some of the quirky pictures you took when you had a picnic in the sun with a cryptic caption.
While this may not be a standard measure, showing parts of your life on social media can be one of those signs he will eventually commit (if he hasn’t already).
10. He tells you
Confession is the ultimate sign he is committed to you. A guy who confesses his feelings to you and lets you know he wants to pursue something more long-term has it bad for you.
Research has shown that men are more averse to commitment, so when a guy tells you that he is looking for some commitment in your relationship, he might just be telling the truth.
Getting some clarity
You’ll notice critical signs when a guy wants more than just a quickie (that is, he wants to pursue a strong relationship with you). This article has covered 10 of them.
As important as a confession from him is, ensure that you don’t take his word for it. Before making up your mind, do well to look out for other signs he is committed to you. You can also give it a shot when you are convinced that his feelings are genuine.
LMHC Kimberly Smith says,
It is just as important that his actions match his words. Don’t fall into the fallacy of potential, which may never be realized.
How do you know that he is not a player?

Anne Duvaux
Expert Answer
We can never completely know everything about someone, and even a hardcore player can commit and change, which I have also seen many times. The question isn't so much about his past behavior but about how he relates to you today. The best approach is to look for the clues. So, is he genuinely interested in your life and your passions? Would he spend an afternoon with your parents/caregivers looking through your baby photos? Most importantly, does he remember your likes and dislikes? Players can sometimes be very crafty in sounding interested but they usually forget everything shortly afterwards. In short, look for an in-depth connection rather than a flighty one.
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