20 Revealing Signs He Doesn’t Value You and What to Do About It

Being valued in a relationship means more than just telling a person that you enjoy having them around. It encompasses various behavioral traits that indicate that the person matters to you and that you want to look out for them in all ways.
In a relationship, one of the signs he doesn’t value you anymore is if he only calls when he doesn’t have anything else happening. If he valued you, you would feel like you meant something in his life; you’d also feel appreciated, cared for, and respected within the relationship.
You wouldn’t be brushed to the side when a better opportunity comes along.
In this situation, the genuinely sad thing is not only that your mate doesn’t value you but also that you don’t feel enough value in yourself to recognize when someone treats you like an option and believes you deserve more than that.
Allowing someone else to affect your self-worth negatively should not be acceptable in a relationship. The objective is to learn how to walk away from someone who doesn’t want you with your head held high and your self-confidence intact.
What does it mean when someone doesn’t value you?
When someone doesn’t value you, it means they don’t see your worth or treat you with the respect you deserve. It’s like having a favorite toy that someone doesn’t take care of or appreciate.
For instance, imagine sharing an idea and they dismiss it without listening. It feels like your thoughts and feelings don’t matter to them, making you feel unimportant or ignored. In healthy relationships, people value and respect each other’s thoughts, feelings, and contributions.
However, Marriage and Family Therapist Vicki Botnick points out,
Not everyone shows respect in the same way. Some people don’t make grand gestures or give gifts but rather show their love and appreciation quietly. So if you have questions about how your partner feels about you, ask questions. Listen to the words and compare them to the actions to see if they align.
Why is it important to be in a relationship where you are valued?
Being in a relationship where you are valued is crucial because it means you’re respected and appreciated.
It is like having a buddy who’s always got your back. It means the other person appreciates you, hears you out, and treats you with kindness.
It’s like having your own fan club! Life becomes way more fun and easier to tackle when you know someone’s cheering for you. Being valued is like being the MVP of your own team—it brings a lot of happiness and makes you feel right at home.
Choosing to be in a relationship where you are genuinely valued contributes to a healthier and more fulfilling connection with others.
What are some of the obvious signs that he doesn’t value you?
To know what are signs that he doesn’t value you, you have to ask yourself, “What do you value in a relationship?” and see if that is something mutual you’re getting from your partner.
You can attempt to figure out how to make a man value you, but it’s not likely to change if he doesn’t treat you right. And why would you want to force that instead of finding something real with someone who genuinely loves, respects, and values you?
Marriage and Family Therapist Vicki Botnick sheds light on the situation by suggesting,
It can be helpful to work on your own self-esteem if you find yourself wondering if your partner appreciates you. To be treated well, you need to start with the knowledge that you are worthwhile and deserve respect.
Let’s look at some signs he doesn’t care about the relationship.
1. Lack of respect when speaking to you
There is a rude disregard for how your mate talks to you and in front of you. At one point in the beginning, there may have been manners and a sense of respect. That has faded with time. Now, there are signs he doesn’t value you in his tone and language.
2. He strays
Being interested elsewhere is among the surefire signs you are not valued in a relationship.
Whenever the two of you are not together, you notice signs he doesn’t value you by the way people whisper of the other people your partner is seen out with behind your back.
When a man doesn’t value you, it’s easy to sneak around with other people without concern for your feelings.
3. Never available for you
Everyone has many things happening in their life and a relatively hectic schedule, but the people they hold valuable are always a priority.
When a man ignores your value, there is always something that takes precedence to the point there’s no time to return a message or a phone call. These are unmistakable signs he doesn’t value you or care about you.
4. Accepting but not giving
You can see signs he doesn’t value you when there are requests for you to take care of things that your partner doesn’t have time for, perhaps errands or chores.
But, there is no intention to oblige when you ask the same in return. If the mate does help, it’s a lackluster effort, so there’s no other request to do anything again. At the end of the day, he’s accepting of help but not willing to give it in return.
5. Important dates are ignored
If your spouse repeatedly forgets your birthday or anniversary, There could be more signs your husband doesn’t value you anymore.
Signs he doesn’t appreciate you include not caring when a critical date comes around, even after reminding your mate of the day’s significance. One of the critical signs he doesn’t value you is that there’s no visible effort to celebrate or gesture to signify caring.
6. If you pay for everything
If you have to ask, “Does he value me?” when you’re paying for everything, that’s a sign of poor self-worth.
A mate will show caring by taking their partner out, buying small gifts, and doing other things to demonstrate their love. When this person pays for nothing, you can safely say, “He doesn’t value me.”
7. Not initiating contact
When he doesn’t value you, you will be the one making contact first in every situation, which includes text messages, phone calls, and even stopping by for lunch during the workday. When a mate doesn’t engage, these are obvious signs he doesn’t value you.
8. Plans don’t include you
When making plans, your partner forgets to include you. When inquiring what the mate is up to, the answer is unclear but definitive that you’re not involved. Discussing the future is generally off the table since there is little likelihood that the two of you will have one.
9. Your opinion is not important
When you attempt to put in your opinion on specific topics like what you think about a job project or moving to another position in your mate’s career, there is little interest in what you have to say.
You generally won’t know what’s happening until the last minute or even after the decision has already been made.
10. When he needs you, he’ll call
When there’s no other option, he’ll reach out to you. It doesn’t matter that it comes across as though you’re being used. The importance is that there be a need met.
After attending an important event, having sex, or whatever their need may be, the partner returns to being distant and rude. When he treats you like an option, you should treat it as one of the signs he doesn’t value you.
11. Avoiding sex
The only time there is sex is when there is a desperate need since that is reserved for strengthening a bond, and that’s the furthest thing a mate who doesn’t value someone wants to do. If your partner makes excuses when attempting to be intimate, there’s little caring and no value.
Research shows that relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction go hand-in-hand. Avoiding sex becomes a marker that he doesn’t value you in a real way.
12. The phone is a vital component
When your mate is away, your calls and texts go unanswered, but when the two of you are together, their phone is attached to them nonstop. There is no conversation, with your partner mostly ignoring you while they consistently look at the screen.
13. Not spending time together
Signs he doesn’t value you include not wanting to do anything as a couple. In the beginning, you may have spent countless moments together, taking holidays, going to events, having date nights. Now, there’s no effort to spend any time as partners.
Watch this video to learn about how quality time together can impact a relationship:
14. Nothing makes you feel special anymore
There was a time when you would receive flowers for no reason or notes as a gesture of love.
Since there is no longer value placed on you as a person, the individual finds it unnecessary to go out of the way to do extraordinary things. The idea is to find a way to break ties.
15. There’s no effort with the partnership
It takes two people to make a relationship work. Since there’s no desire to keep the partnership thriving on your mate’s part, it all falls on you.
16. Fighting but not making up
You might apologize and attempt to make up when there’s a disagreement, but your mate makes no effort to do so. The fact that you’re upset or sad makes no difference to your partner; instead, he’d prefer to maintain his ego.
17. Your life circumstances are of no interest
When you have a mate, that person is the first one you want to share the news with, but when this person has no interest in your life, the details fall flat.
Your partner should encourage and motivate you, especially if it’s a promotion or a new career choice, but apparent signs he doesn’t value you mean he doesn’t even listen when you share.
18. Your male friends don’t bother him
A little jealousy is natural and should be expected when a mate is genuinely into a partner. When someone doesn’t value you, caring about whether you have male friends or interest in someone else is of little concern to them. The mate would probably encourage the flirtation.
19. The protective quality is no longer there
A partner is generally protective of the ones they love, and they work to defend their honor. Once those qualities disappear, these are signs he doesn’t value you and no longer cares for you.
20. Couples therapy is a “no”
When you ask your mate to attend couples’ therapy to work through the issues you’re having, there is an emphatic no.
Life Coach Krystle Laughter, in her book ‘He Doesn’t Love You If…,’ shares that if a guy still values you, then he will be willing to do everything necessary, including counseling, to make things better.
If your partner is not interested in making improvements or changing the behavior that’s making you unhappy, your recourse is to deal with it or walk away.
In these situations, Marriage and Family Therapist Vicki Botnick points out,
Pay attention to your own feelings of disappointment. A man who makes promises but doesn’t follow through, who makes plans and doesn’t show up, who acts loving in private and critical in public, is not caring enough about your emotions to be consistent.
Relationships can be challenging, especially when it feels like you’re not being valued. Here are some answers to common questions about recognizing disrespect, dealing with being taken for granted, handling lack of appreciation, and steps to take if you find yourself in an undervaluing relationship.
How do I know if he doesn’t respect me?
Watch for dismissive behavior, lack of consideration, and disregard for your opinions. Trust your instincts; if it feels wrong, it probably is.
What are some signs that he’s taking me for granted?
Signs include consistent neglect, unappreciative attitudes, and a lack of effort in the relationship. Communication is key; express your feelings and set boundaries.
How do I deal with someone who doesn’t appreciate me?
You can start by knowing how to treat a man who doesn’t value you. Open communication is crucial. Share your feelings, express your needs, and consider relationship counseling if necessary. It’s essential to feel valued and acknowledged.
What should I do if I’m in a relationship where I’m not valued?
Reflect on your needs and communicate them clearly. If efforts to improve the situation fail, consider seeking support from friends, family, or professionals. Everyone deserves to be valued in a relationship.
How can I leave a relationship where I’m not valued?
Prioritize your well-being. Plan your exit carefully, gather support from friends or family, and seek professional advice if needed. It’s a brave step towards finding a relationship where you are truly valued and respected.
Know your worth
When you allow someone to devalue you, they will run with that. It will worsen before it gets better with rude behavior and disrespectful talk. No one deserves to be treated that way, nor should you want a relationship that functions like that.
If a mate is unwilling to seek counseling to correct this type of behavior, you must do so to see why you would deny your self-worth. A professional can help you regain it and lead you toward a healthier lifestyle and, eventually, a new partnership.
Why does my husband do considerate things for other people but not for me?

Jennifer Jacobsen Schulz
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Expert Answer
It's possible he may be taking you for granted. You're the person who is always there for him, no matter what. He may feel like he no longer needs to make an effort for you. Communicate with him about how this affects you.
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