30 Revealing Signs He Cares More Than He Says

Not everyone’s best at communicating their feelings. In the case of men, communication is considered even more tricky. This may be the reason why some women are left wondering, “How does he feel about me?”
Whether you’re trying to read between the lines with your crush or your ex, or you just want to figure out how much your boyfriend cares about you can be exciting and maddening at the same time.
Over-focusing on what others think, including romantic partners, can destroy our self-esteem. So, how can we be more aware of how others show they care about us? That’s why we’re showing you all the signs he cares more than he says.
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5 reasons why men have a hard time expressing their feelings
It’s important to note that individuals vary widely, and not all men experience difficulty expressing their feelings. However, there are some societal and psychological factors that can contribute to this phenomenon for some men. Here are five key reasons:
1. Socialization and gender norms
From a young age, many boys are socialized to believe that showing vulnerability or expressing emotions other than anger is a sign of weakness. Traditional gender norms often dictate that men should be stoic, self-reliant, and emotionally reserved. This can lead to a reluctance to share their feelings openly.
2. Fear of judgment
Men might fear that expressing their emotions could lead to judgment or ridicule from others. The fear of being perceived as less masculine or strong can be a significant barrier to sharing their feelings.
3. Limited emotional vocabulary
Some men might not have developed a robust emotional vocabulary, which makes it challenging to accurately identify and express their emotions. This can lead to frustration and avoidance of conversations about feelings.
4. Coping mechanisms
Men might have learned to cope with their emotions by using strategies like avoidance, distraction, or focusing on practical solutions rather than delving into their feelings. While these strategies can be useful at times, they can also hinder healthy emotional expression.
5. Cultural and historical context
In some cultures and historical contexts, men have been expected to be providers and protectors, and this role may have come at the expense of openly discussing emotions. These cultural expectations can persist even as societies evolve.
It’s important to recognize that societal attitudes are changing, and more men are becoming comfortable with expressing their feelings openly. Encouraging open communication, promoting emotional intelligence, and challenging traditional gender norms can all play a role in helping men feel more comfortable expressing their emotions.
How can a man show his emotions without saying anything?
A man can show love without saying it through actions and behaviors that demonstrate care, support, and understanding. This might involve active listening, offering help, showing empathy, and being attentive to their partner’s needs.
Non-verbal gestures like affectionate touches, hugs, and spending quality time together also convey affection.
Considerate actions, such as assisting with chores or surprising their partner with thoughtful gestures, can be expressions of love.
Ultimately, consistent presence, respect, and prioritizing their partner’s well-being showcase love without the need for explicit words.
To learn more about how men express their emotions without words, click here.
30 signs he cares deeply about you
If he’s keeping his feelings close to the vest, don’t sweat it. Here are listed the top thirty signs he cares deeply about you.
1. He expresses his appreciation
One of the biggest signs that he cares deeply about you is whether he makes you feel appreciated.
Research suggests that when a partner regularly expresses appreciation for their spouse, they promote feelings of positivity, and heighten well-being, all of which boosts relationship happiness.
Expressing appreciation is so powerful that it has even been linked to reducing chronic partner pain.
When a guy says he cares about you, he may do this through compliments and expressions of gratitude.
2. He’s honest with you
“He said he cares about me, but how do I know for sure?” Without saying a word, he will show he cares about you when he’s honest with you.
By being honest with you, he silently shows you that he wants to strengthen your relationship and build trust.
3. You feel important when you’re together
How to know if a guy cares about you? One way to tell that he cares deeply about you is by judging the way you feel when you’re together.
Do you feel dejected or sick to your stomach when you’re together, or do you feel valued, respected, and like you’re the one person in the room?
If you answered the latter, it’s a great sign that should leave you saying, “I know he cares.”
4. He respects your boundaries
One tip for how to know if a guy cares about you is to see how he responds to your personal boundaries.
A man who cares about you will respect your desires and will never second-guess you, manipulate you, or try to micromanage your life.
5. He plans surprises
Fun signs he cares more than he says is when he goes out of his way to surprise you with something you like. This could be anything like a surprise vacation, your favorite chocolate bar, or a romantic night out.
6. You make him laugh
One way to test him to see if he cares about you is to make him laugh.
The Journal of the International Association for Relationship Research found that couples who laugh together are happier and more satisfied than couples who don’t share a sense of humor.
If he cares deeply about you, he’ll laugh at what you say even if it isn’t all that funny because he’s just that smitten with you.
7. He doesn’t mind making sacrifices
If you’ve been wondering, “How does he feel about me?” Here’s a hint: he cares if he’s willing to make sacrifices to be with you.
If he is willing to skip football with the guys to accompany you to a family dinner, you can tell where his priorities lie. In short, he’s putting you and the family first. You’ll be able to say, “he cares for me,” confidently.
8. He knows how to listen
One of the telling signs he cares more than he says is if he listens to you when you’re talking.
Listening without playing on his phone or interrupting you are both signs that he’s taken a genuine interest in your life and wants to get to know and understand you.
9. Little gifts pop up
Another sign he cares about you is if he brings you gifts. These are not meant to be expensive but are meant to be gifts that showcase his care and consideration for you.
From flowers to something as small as bringing you a keychain from his recent business trip, it means that he was thinking about you when you weren’t around – and that’s a great sign!
10. He asks you questions
When a man says he cares about you, you’ll know he means it when he asks you questions.
Research published by Harvard University found that being curious about a partner is a sign that your love is alive and well.
Staying curious is one of the big signs he cares more than he says.
11. He’s an expert at conflict resolution
One of the signs he cares deeply about you is if he’s willing to do what it takes to resolve any conflict between the two of you. He cares if he is willing to communicate, apologize, and work through any problems you’re having.
12. He remembers little things about you
If your guy remembers your favorite childhood memory, the name of your middle-school boyfriend, and knows what candies are your favorite, it’s a good sign that he’s falling for you.
13. He notices changes in you
One of the signs that he cares deeply about you is if he notices things about you, like whether you’ve bought a new shirt or changed your hair. This can mean he’s interested and paying attention.
14. He consults you before making decisions
When a guy says he cares about you, he’ll show it by checking in with you before making any decisions that will affect both of you, such as moving, taking a new job, or (if you aren’t together) dating someone new.
15. He gets protective
A man will show he cares about you by the way he acts when something bad happens to you.
If he gets protective of your physical and emotional well-being, you’ll know that he has great affection for you.
16. He values your opinion
You’ll know he cares deeply about you if he always shows respect for your opinions and suggestions.
When someone values your opinion, it shows that he cares deeply about you. This signifies a level of emotional investment and consideration, indicating that they value your input in their decision-making process.
It suggests that they see you as an important and integral part of their life, and they want to involve you in choices that affect both of you.
Ultimately, valuing your opinion demonstrates a desire for mutual understanding and collaboration, which are key components of a caring and meaningful relationship.
17. He’s checks in
Thinking about your ex and wondering if he still cares? A guy who checks in with you via text or phone call post-breakup is a man who still has you in his sights.
If he isn’t your ex, checking in is still a great sign that you’re on your man’s mind.
18. He takes an interest in your hobbies
You’ll know he cares about you if he takes an interest in your interests. This means he wants to be a part of your life on a deeper level.
As a bonus? SAGE Journals found that sharing hobbies promotes happiness in couples.
19. You’re affectionate together
One sign he cares deeply about you is if he goes out of his way to hold your hand or put an arm around you when you’re together.
Not only is this flirty and fun, but touch also releases the oxytocin hormone, which promotes bonding.
20. He smiles when you smile
One of the telling signs he cares more than he says is if he can’t help but smile when you smile.
When someone mirrors your emotions, such as smiling when you smile, it indicates a genuine emotional connection and empathy. This behavior suggests that the person is attuned to your feelings and is responsive to them.
Smiling is a non-verbal way of showing that they are engaged and happy in your presence, which can be a strong indicator of their affection and care for you.
Mirroring emotions like smiling demonstrates a level of emotional connection and understanding that often comes from a place of caring deeply about someone’s happiness and well-being.
21. He isn’t afraid of sacrifices
Another sign he cares about you is if he’s willing to make sacrifices for you.
When someone is willing to make sacrifices, it shows that they prioritize the other person’s well-being and happiness over their own comfort or convenience. Sacrifices can take various forms, such as giving up personal time, altering plans, or even making major life decisions that consider the other person’s needs and desires.
If he’s willing to stay up a little late just to see you once before he dozes off, take it as a sign that “he cares for me.”
22. He’s there when you need him
When a guy says he cares about you, he’ll show it by how he treats you. If he is your ride-or-die, I’ll-be-there-anytime-you-call guy, then it’s a great sign that “he cares for me.”
Being there for you demonstrates his willingness to offer support, understanding, and comfort, indicating a strong emotional connection. This kind of presence also reflects his commitment to your relationship and his desire to help you navigate life’s ups and downs.
In essence, his availability during your times of need underscores his caring and empathetic nature, making it a clear indicator of his deep feelings for you.
23. His socials go quiet when you’re together
A 2019 study found that 51% of couples say their partner used their phones when they were trying to have a conversation with them. Further studies show how crippling checking your cell can be to a relationship.
One telling sign he cares deeply about you is if he puts his phone away when you’re around and gives you his undivided attention.
24. He always makes eye contact
You’ll know he cares about you by his body language and the physical reactions he makes when you’re around.
Does he blush when you compliment him? Does he maintain eye contact when you’re talking? If so, this is a great sign he has a big crush on you.
25. You act like a team
One of the revealing signs he cares more than he says is by treating you like a partner, not just a crush.
Partners have common relationship goals and work as a team when it comes to problem-solving and decision-making.
26. Communication is on point
Does he care about me? One of the biggest signs he cares about you is if he is open and honest about his feelings and intentions.
Communication is the best way to get to know each other, resolve issues, and express your feelings. If your man is willing to communicate, it means he wants to build something strong with you.
27. You’re friends with each other’s friends
To get to know whether he cares about you, check out your closest group of friends. Is he one of them? Moreover, are you friends with any of his friends?
One Cornell University study found that the number of friends a couple shares can strengthen their relationship. If your man has involved you in his inner circle of friends, it’s a good sign that he cares deeply about you.
28. He thinks about your future together
When a man says he cares about you and thinks about your future, believe him.
If he isn’t interested in starting a life with you, it’s unlikely he would talk about a future together. There’s no way he would risk you getting attacked by bringing up a future together.
29. You never go to bed angry
One tip on how to know if a guy cares about you is how he reacts to arguments.
Does he shut you out and give you the silent treatment, or does he refuse to go to bed angry? If he wants to make up before bed, it’s a great sign that both you and your feelings matter very much to him.
30. He opens up to you
Vulnerability is a sign of healthy relationships, but men aren’t always comfortable being vulnerable. That is why one sign that he cares deeply about you is if he opens up and shares his most personal thoughts with you.
Opening up means he trusts you and wants to build something real with you.
Watch this video to learn more about successful love between people, which requires vulnerability:
Commonly asked questions
Here are the answers to some questions that can help you understand better when someone cares for you deeply but is unable to express this using their words:
Does he really care if he doesn’t say it?
It’s natural to wonder about unspoken feelings. Actions often speak louder than words. Look for consistent support, attention, and effort in his behavior. If he shows genuine concern for your well-being and invests time, he likely cares deeply, even if verbalizing it is a challenge.
How can I tell if he’s just being nice?
Distinguishing between genuine interest and politeness can be tricky. Observe his consistency; meaningful conversations and shared interests signal more than mere pleasantries. Also, note if he goes the extra mile to help or spend time with you, as true intentions often show through actions.
What if he’s not ready for a relationship?
Respect his readiness level. If he’s hesitant about commitment, communication is key. Discuss your desires openly, but be understanding of his perspective. It’s important not to pressure him into something he’s not prepared for, allowing your connection to develop naturally.
What if I’m reading too much into things?
Overthinking is common. Seek a balance between intuition and rationality. Reflect on his consistent behaviors rather than isolated incidents. Discuss your feelings with friends for perspective. Give yourself permission to enjoy the process without overly dissecting every interaction.
How can I get him to open up more?
Creating a comfortable environment is crucial. Be patient and attentive, actively listening when he does share. Share your own thoughts and feelings to encourage reciprocity. Engage in activities he enjoys, as shared experiences often lead to deeper conversations.
Building trust takes time, so allow him space to open up at his own pace.
Summing up
Men and women don’t always communicate in the same way. This can be frustrating, especially when you want to know where your relationship is headed.
So, does he care? Decipher how he expresses his love and care by reviewing these thirty signs he cares more than he says.
If he truly cares about you, he will respect your opinion, support your decisions, listen and communicate, and try to make an emotional connection with you.
If your man does some of the things listed in this article, there are good chances that he cares about you more than he can say.
However, nothing compares with open and honest communication. Some people are adept communicators and charmers, so it’s best to avoid second-guessing people. Talk to each other for the surest sign of commitment.
These are all signs of a loving, caring partner who can potentially make you a happy woman eventually.
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