20 Clear Signs an Alpha Male Likes You

Have you noticed that an alpha male is drawn to you for no specific reason? He has not said anything to you, but do you feel his unnecessary closeness is something to worry about? In this post, you will know the signs an alpha male likes you.
These signs will teach you to spot when an alpha male likes you. Additionally, you will learn what to do to draw alpha males to you.
What makes alpha males fall in love?
One thing that makes alpha males fall in love is their sense of purpose. If you live a life headed in a good direction, you will attract alpha males. In addition, if you know how to keep your physical appearance up by looking good, more alpha males will come your way.
Want to know if he will make a good boyfriend? Watch this video to know more.
20 signs an alpha male likes you
Many alpha males are perceived to be unemotional because they are more focused on achieving their goals and objectives. Therefore, you might see an alpha male as someone who might not have time to be vulnerable.
However, if an alpha male likes you, it might be one of the best things to happen to you.
In this research study by P.H Hawley and other brilliant authors, you will learn the true definition of the alpha male. This research study is titled: The myth of the alpha male, which looks into dominance-related beliefs and behaviors among males.
Check out some of the signs an alpha male likes you.
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1. He can talk to you for several hours
Alpha males are known to be absorbed in work or anything that makes them fulfill their goals. However, if you notice that an alpha male spends a long time talking to you, he is interested in you and probably wants something serious.
If he does not have time for unnecessary talks, but he can spare some time, he has feelings for you.
2. He pays more attention to you
If an Alpha male pays more attention to you than other people, he has a special interest in you. Alpha males do not give their time to other people because they are serious-minded and goal-oriented individuals.
They focus more on themselves to achieve their goals without distractions. Therefore, if an alpha male invests attention on you, then you are important to him. This is one of the signs an alpha male likes you.
3. He gives compliments
One of the signs an alpha male likes you is when he constantly sings your praises. He does not hesitate to make you feel good about yourself.
When you begin to notice his emotional side, it is one of the ways how alpha males show love. When you make any little change about yourself, he notices it and praises you for it.
4. He treats you like royalty
Alpha males are true leaders, which means they know how to serve and treat others well. If you wonder how alpha males in relationships treat their lovers, you will notice that they give them special treatment in private and public.
Hence, when you notice an alpha male is moving towards you, and he doesn’t mind treating you special before others, he has feelings for you.
5. He is vulnerable with you
Generally, alpha males are tough guys. If they are not in love, they are likely not to show any weakness. However, if he likes you, one of the signs of alpha male attraction is showing his vulnerability.
He will tell you things that make him vulnerable because he trusts you. Additionally, he will open up to you about some secrets he has locked up against the world.
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6. He dresses to impress
When an alpha guy likes you, he might put an extra effort into impressing you. Therefore, anytime he wants to meet you, he will put extra effort into making you notice that he is looking good for you.
For instance, if he knows what makes you tick fashion-wise, he will wear those items to impress you. He will create an elegant persona that will make you look forward to always seeing him.
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7. He gives you an expensive treatment
The moment alpha males fall in love, you will observe that they will treat you in a way that might make your peers jealous. When an alpha male likes you, he will want to show you off to the world.
Hence, he will not hesitate to spend on you and take you to expensive places. He’s doing this for you to feel special and realize that he has feelings for you.
8. He drives or walks you home
One of the clear signs an alpha male likes you is when he shows off his protective instincts. If an alpha male likes you, he takes your protection and safety into consideration. Hence, he does not see it as a burden to give you a lift to your house or walk you home.
He will always want to ensure that you get home safe because if anything happens to you, he cannot live with it. An alpha male will always prioritize your safety.
9. He shows up to help you
The habit of showing up to help you is one of the signs an alpha male likes you. When an alpha male is in love, he will be available to assist you. If you have emergencies, you can count on him to come through for you.
Generally, alpha males have a busy schedule that makes it hard to spend time with everyone. However, no matter how busy he is, he will always make time for you.
10. He assures you of his support
When it looks like everyone has deserted you, you can count on the alpha male for support. One of the signs an alpha male likes you is when he continues to assure you that he is there for you.
He will keep motivating you to get better at anything you do. If you need help and it is not within his capacity, he will seek help from people who can assist.
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11. He always checks on you
If you have ever asked how alpha males treat their girlfriends, one of the things to know is they do not fail to check on them. When it comes to keeping tabs on someone they are interested in, they don’t perform below par.
His default nature is to be sure that you are doing fine, and one of the ways he can know this is to keep checking on you.
12. He allows you to express your opinions
When it comes to alpha male relationship psychology, one of his traits is to give you the freedom of expression. He allows you to own up to your individuality without forcing his opinions or lifestyle down your throat.
If he knows that you are wrong, he will allow you to make your point before correcting you lovingly. An alpha male knows that more conflicts will occur if he keeps criticizing you.
13. He wants to meet your family and friends
Anytime an alpha male starts telling you that he wants to meet your loved ones, it is one of the signs an alpha male likes you. He is ready to take a step further with you when it gets to this point.
He might want a serious relationship or probably wants to marry you. If an alpha male shows these signs, he is ready to put down some of his walls because of you.
14. He loves to surprise you
One of the interesting alpha male traits in a relationship is he loves to surprise you. When an alpha male likes you, he will always think of ways to make you happy. Hence, he will do things out of the blues that will throw you off your feet.
This is one of the ways he keeps you happy because you mean so much to him. Similarly, he will do the little things that count that make you know that he pays extra detail to what goes on in your life.
15. He is not put off by your mood swings
Anytime you have mood swings, it does not discourage the alpha male from being there for you. Knowing how to love an alpha male is easy because their maturity and emotional intelligence make it easy for them to handle you despite your mood swings.
Alpha males know that mood swings are normal, just like you could be overly excited on some days. Hence, during your bad times, he knows how to handle you.
16. He doesn’t pressure you to play your roles
If you are trying to decipher alpha male meaning in a relationship, one of the things to check out is how they allow you to take your time when performing your roles.
If you are dating an alpha male, he will give you the chance to learn how to reciprocate love without pushing his demands down your throat.
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17. He does not compare you to anyone
When it comes to comparison in relationships, an alpha male detests it with passion. He ensures that he does not compare you with anyone. An alpha male does not want you living in anyone’s shadow.
Hence, even though you feel that you are not worthy and you start talking about other people, he will stop you in your tracks. This is when he will remind you that you are uniquely created, and you should not be a copycat.
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18. His eye contact is extra
Anytime you are with an alpha male, one of the signs he likes you is making extra eye contact. Usually, when we want to approach someone or make them notice us, establishing eye contact sends a subtle message.
However, when you notice his eye contact is more intense and repeated, he might have feelings for you.
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19. He tries to maintain physical proximity
Another way to notice the signs an alpha male likes you is when he tries to get closer. You will notice that he likes staying close to you in private and public.
For instance, if you go out on a date, he prefers to sit next to you rather than across the table.
20. He makes you laugh
If an alpha male likes you and is trying to win you over, he will try to make you laugh. An alpha male knows that if he makes you laugh, he is on the right track to winning your heart.
How do alpha males display love?
Alpha males show love in different ways depending on their capacity. What matters is the intentionality that comes with it. The core of an alpha male’s love is protecting you and making you feel on top of the world.
When an alpha male loves you, it would be easy for you to focus on other aspects of your life because he will always be there for you.
Sean Wayne’s book titled Alpha Male Dating, helps you understand more about alpha males in a relationship.
How can you make an alpha male interested?
If you don’t want to scare or piss an alpha male off, there are some ways to keep him interested so that he will keep fawning over you. One of the ways how to please an alpha male is to act a bit mysterious.
You need to keep him wondering what you have up your sleeves.
This will make him distracted from other things and drawn to focusing on you. Another way to sustain the alpha male attraction is to avoid being needy or clingy.
You have to show him that you are independent and can take care of yourself. If an alpha male demands time and space, do not hesitate to give him. Disobeying his requests might piss him off.
To understand more about dating alpha males, check out Alan Anderson’s book titled Alpha Male. This book helps you understand the approach alpha males use when approaching women.
The takeaway
After reading through this post on the signs an alpha male likes you, it would be easier for you to tell why an alpha male keeps behaving in a particular way towards you.
Dating an alpha male comes with understanding and patience. Therefore, if you need more tips on how to date an alpha male, consider going for a relationship counseling class.
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