Should I Block My Ex? 15 Signs to Help You Decide

One of the common questions people ask these days is, “Should I block my ex?” If you feel the same way, read this article to the end to make the best decision concerning your ex.
Gone are the days when conversations were restricted to face-to-face. With the advent of social media, communication is now comfortable and seamless. You can connect with people without seeing them yet have meaningful relationships.
A romantic relationship is one union you can easily find on social platforms. You can chat and make voice and video calls to someone across the ocean. You can even have a virtual date on the internet. It’s beautiful, right?
However, there are some downsides to this new form of connection. If you have just ended your relationship, you may be wondering if there is a need to block your ex. Like you, many have asked repeatedly, “Should I block my ex?” “Is it okay to block your ex?” “Should I block her?”
Indeed, this is a tricky question to answer. Whether an online or face-to-face relationship, feelings have been built, and emotions have been established. Blocking someone you used to have non-stop communication with can’t be easy.
Thankfully, this guide shows you everything you need to know before you block your ex and the signs that can help you decide. Read to the end to find out.
Why are you thinking about blocking your ex?
If you are thinking about blocking your ex, the reason is apparent. You can’t let go quickly. Many people believe virtual or romantic relationships you started online aren’t genuine. But this isn’t true. An online relationship is almost the same as a face-to-face relationship.
Feelings and thoughts are expressed properly with tools like Zoom, Apple’s Facetime, Messenger, WhatsApp, Discord, etc. You can go on a date online, meet each other’s friends, fight, and makeup without seeing each other.
Eventually, you can’t erase the impact you have built on your social accounts even after meeting. The internet is the new world, as many people have built their lives around it. If you break up and are still thinking about blocking your ex-partner, you likely still have feelings for them and keep checking up on them.
On the other hand, they may be the ones disturbing or stalking you on social media. Also, the reason for the breakup might be so hurtful for you that you want to eliminate any connection you have with them.
Breakups are easy, but moving on is the hardest. Erasing everything you have known about a person, especially one you once loved, is difficult. Therefore, it’s expected to ask questions like these – should I block my ex? Or should I block my ex during no contact?”
10 reasons to block your ex
If you haven’t decided on when to block an ex or you need to know why you should block your ex, check out the following valid reasons:
1. You need closure
If you still have a form of connection with your ex after ending your relationship, moving on won’t be a walk in the park. It means you are emotionally attached to your ex and can’t let go. However, you can’t live comfortably if you don’t close this chapter.
When you end a relationship, no matter how loved up you were, you need a total shutdown. You need to appreciate and let go of the memories, count your blessings and losses, and move on.
2. They keep reaching out
Another reason to block your ex is if they can’t stop reaching out on your social accounts. When you can’t see someone physically, the internet is the best way to communicate with them.
Hence, your ex may tag you on a post, send you memes, like your pictures, or post or comment on your page. These are ways to tell you that they can still connect with you. This situation can be bothersome since you both have called it quits. Therefore, you should block your ex.
3. They are stalking you
One genuine reason to block your ex is if they are cyberstalking you. Stalking is the act of following and harassing someone. Social communities are also places where people stalk each other. If you have blocked your ex on certain social accounts, but they still managed to reach you, then it’s considered stalking.
For example, a friend request from your ex in your new Facebook account is creepy. They have been doing some hard work to reach you. At this point, you should consider reporting to law enforcement agents.
As Dr. Jennifer Jacobsen, PhD in Psychology, explains:
Ongoing stalking is often a criminal behavior, and it can be dangerous. If your ex’s behavior rises to the level of stalking, and you feel uncomfortable, reach out to law enforcement.
Related Reading: 25 Tips to Stay Safe When an Ex Becomes a Stalker
4. You can’t move on
Indeed, moving on from something you hold dear is not easy. We have all gone through moments where we can’t see ourselves happy with another person. But guess what! You will move on eventually.
If you keep thinking about your ex, talking about them, or going to places you both used to visit and can’t sleep without checking their social accounts, you may need to block them. Once you block their phone number and social account, you are compelling yourself to let go.
Having access to their life on social media will disrupt your day-to-day activities. It is advisable not to leave an open end to your relationship if you don’t want your paths to cross again.
5. Seeing their lifestyle on social media upsets you
Should I block my ex? Yes, you should if seeing them on social media upsets you.
Again, social platforms are homes to certain people. Therefore, you may see them posting their achievements, party lives, events, meals, car pictures, and so on online for people to see. This is all right, as most of us do it. Your ex may be part of the people who constantly update friends and family on their activities.
If their party photos or other posts upset you, please block them. Seeing their happy posts can make you dwell in thoughts, reread their messages, and think about your time together. This will only make you sad and wallow in pain.
Dr. Jenni Jacobsen says:
When you’re trying to move on, exposing yourself to posts that upset you isn’t going to be helpful.
Related Reading: The Harsh Truth About Social Media and Relationships’ Codependency
6. You can’t stop being curious
Is it okay to block your ex? Yes, if you always want to know what they are up to. It’s a different scenario if you scroll through and see their posts.
However, if you go online specifically to check what they are doing, check their list of friends or followers, like their comments, or snoop around their online friends, you need to block them. It’s damaging to your mental health. Block them and keep yourself busy with your hobbies or exciting activities.
7. Your partner cheated
One valid reason you need to block your ex is infidelity. A partner who cheated on you doesn’t deserve you. They disrespect you and embarrass you in the presence of others. Why would you want to date them? Why should you even think about them?
Indeed, you might have shared memories and created something beautiful. Nonetheless, they destroyed that when they valued another person over you. Therefore, that is your clue to block your ex.
Related Reading: How To Deal With A Cheater? 7 Things To Note If You Have A Cheating Partner
8. You want a peaceful life
Should I block my ex during no contact? Yes, if you want a calm life. Stalking or keeping up with someone with whom you have ended a relationship is draining and overwhelming. If you aren’t thinking about them, you are staring at the gift they gave you last year or rereading several months-old conversations.
These activities often prevent you from living your life. You may be at work and feel the urge to text them. In turn, this prevents you from concentrating on your job. Therefore, you should block them and focus on your life.
9. You need time to heal
You must block your ex if you just got out of an abusive relationship, physical or verbal. Getting out of a traumatic situation isn’t easy. Such an event can damage your self-confidence and self-esteem. This might prevent you from living as expected.
Suppose you are out of an abusive relationship; congratulations! Now it’s time to heal and gain yourself back. Your first action is to block your ex. This will give you time to heal and focus on essential things in your life.
Learn how to heal from emotional trauma in this video:
10. You hurt them
Blaming another person is easy. If you know you hurt your ex, leading to the end of the relationship, you should block them instead of bothering them to forgive or accept you back. You owe them the chance to heal and think about your actions.
Related Reading: What to Do After You Hurt Your Partner: 10 Tips
5 reasons not to block your ex
While there are many reasons to block your ex, you may need to pause. Check out the following reasons not to block your ex just yet:
1. You need to think
The psychology of blocking an ex means you don’t want to have anything to do with them. Sometimes, we say things out of anger or in the heat of the moment. If you still need time to think about your partner’s actions, you shouldn’t block them. Instead, take your time to reflect on your next decision and if they are suitable for you.
2. You still love them
No one is perfect. Your ex might have misbehaved for one reason or the other. If you think about them a lot or their good qualities seem to override their bad side, you should not block them. Everyone makes mistakes, and your ex might be sorry for what they did to you.
3. Your breakup was mutual
It’s not all breakups that end on a sour note. If you and your partner agreed to end the relationship for a valid reason best known to you, you shouldn’t block your ex on social media. Who knows? A more valuable relationship can come between you, two, later. Such a breakup doesn’t deserve to prevent them from connecting to you on social media or phone calls.
Related Reading: Mutual Breakup: Reasons and How to Recognize the Signs
4. There is a chance to make up
Should I block my ex during no contact? You shouldn’t if there is a chance that you will come back together. Some people take temporary breaks in their relationship to figure out things independently. If this is your situation, wait to block your ex until you have ended it.
5. You want them to know you have moved on
Sometimes you need to show your ex that you are happy without them, and you don’t need to block them to prove it. Also, you may want to give your ex the indication that you have a new lover and no longer think about them. If you want these, don’t block your ex.
Related Reading: 15 Ways on How to Accept and Move on From a Relationship
How long should I keep my ex blocked?
The time you choose to keep your ex blocked depends on many things.
- Have you moved on?
- Are you dating a new person?
- Have you forgiven them?
- Have they stopped stalking you?
- Do you still have feelings for your ex-spouse?
By exploring the questions above and answering them, you will know if your ex needs to stay blocked or if you should unblock them. For instance, if you have forgotten about your ex or that you blocked them, you can unblock them. Also, if you no longer think about them or have started dating another person and are happy, you can unblock them.
Will blocking an ex help you?
Yes, blocking an ex will help you to some extent. If you find yourself stalking them on social media or they are the ones stalking and disturbing you with calls, blocking will help.
Also, if their social posts or the pictures they post upset you, blocking them will make moving on easier. But there are also instances where blocking them might not be necessary.
According to Dr. Jacobsen:
The bottom line is if you’re trying to move on, but you can’t stop yourself from contacting your ex or obsessing over their social media posts, blocking is the best choice.
Related Reading: 15 Reasons Why Ignoring Your Ex Is Powerful
Have a read at the answers to the most asked questions related to blocking your ex.
- Does blocking your ex hurt them?
There is no way to tell if blocking your ex hurts them. But when your ex still wants to get back with you, it might hurt them. Also, if they feel it’s unfair to block them, it will hurt.
- Is it better to block or ignore an ex?
The decision to block or ignore your ex will depend on your situation. For example, if your ex disturbs you with unnecessary calls, you may block them. However, if you are still thinking about your breakup, you may ignore them for the time being.
- Does blocking your ex hurt them?
It entirely depends on your ex. If your ex-spouse still has feelings for you and wishes to get back, it will hurt them when they realize you have blocked them. On the other hand, if your ex doesn’t care, it won’t hurt.
- Is it immature to block your ex?
Blocking your ex isn’t an immature or mature act. It’s just a step you believe is necessary to protect your emotions.
- How do you know when you should block your ex?
You will know when to block your ex if you exhibit the following signs:
- You are thinking about them and drinking.
- You can’t concentrate at work because of your thoughts.
- They stalk you.
- They bother you with calls.
- You know it’s time to move on, but you keep messaging them.
Final Thoughts
Relationships are great, but when they end, they leave individuals bitter and uncertain of their next step. As such, many people ask, “Should I block my ex?” Or is it okay to block your ex?
If you are in this situation, this relationship guide shows you the signs that let you know it’s time to block your ex. If you need an expert’s opinion, you should consider relationship counseling to help you make the best decision.
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