10 Methods to Champion Your Relationship

People don’t need a partner. When you take the time to establish who you are, become comfortable in your skin, loving and value that person, that’s almost fulfilling.
What is missing is the relationship champion who enhances an already satisfactory life. This is a healthy person’s relationship goal. Each individual in a partnership needs the other individual to be their champion
Is that an archaic concept in the modern world?
Not even close nor is it meant for merely one gender. Everyone needs a significant other who is devoted, offers support, shows loyalty, has faith, and instinctively believes in every effort refusing to give up on them.
When you know you have one person who will always have your back regardless of the need, there’s safety and security that you can’t create without a relationship champion in your life.
While you might concur that you would be fine surviving in the world without each other, life is just illuminated with them there.
What Is championing a relationship?
In some cases, neither person in the couplehood is an interim champion. In fact, the relationship is somewhat troubled with difficulties that seem irreparable.
One partner, however, decides to take the lead because they’re holding out hope; they don’t want to merely give up. These are distinct characteristics of a champion of love or relationship champion.
The relationship goal for this person is to uplift and encourage their mate to begin to believe in the resilience of their union in the same way the champion does.
In this way, they can work together to resolve obstacles, work through potential triggers, and communicate through disagreements.
Whenever one person becomes weak, losing sight of the path to move forward, the other person needs to be strong enough for both.
That will mean handling the hard work, putting in the effort, and making the repairs, essentially championing the partnership. The other individual will have their chance to be strong when it’s their turn.
Related Reading: Relationship Advice Every Couple can Benefit From
What can you do to build a thriving relationship?
To build a thriving, strong relationship, aside from becoming a champion person, you need to communicate effectively and have the desire to compromise.
The only way to do either of these things is always to try to look at situations from your partner’s perspective instead of being stuck in your own mindset.
When employing a relationship champion partnership ideology into your couplehood, each of you takes a step back from your typical viewpoint to consider how the issue might look in a different light.
It opens everyone’s mind allowing for better solutions and developing a deeper connection and a stronger bond as the concept becomes a bit easier over time.
To know how to do that, you can take some time to read through international bestselling author Don Miguel Ruiz’s book titled The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship.
It teaches you how to heal your emotional wounds and restore a spirit of playfulness to make a relationship better.
10 ways to be a relationship champion
Most people are thrilled when their life is touched by a growing, thriving, exclusive partnership. It’s even more fulfilling if each of you were to find ways to be a relationship champion for the other person.
That’s not usually the case simply because often, when one person is feeling solid and gregarious, the other is somewhat weak, needing to lean on that partner’s strengths.
It means you are a champion in many instances and will need to know how to handle the responsibility effectively. Let’s look at a few that will benefit each of you.
Since your relationship goal is to strive toward being a better person, it will require taking those breaths before reacting to an issue and acting as the guide leading the relationship toward a safe, secure, and positive outcome.
1. Present your authentic self
You can’t expect your partner to be true to who they are unless you’re genuine with them.
The person won’t be able to accept you entirely unless they get to know your authentic character. No one should put on airs or pretense. So the relationship is more manageable.
2. Actively listen to what your partner has to say
Communication is not just about talking but also about listening. To make your partner feel loved and be the relationship champion, actively listen to your partner. It will lead to a better understanding.
Just remember the 3 A’s of active listening: attitude, attention, and adjustment.
3. Always accept the other person for who they authentically are
It’s essential to remain neutral on every topic. While you have personal opinions and ideas, so does your partner. As a relationship champion, you need to recognize, understand and accept these things.
You won’t agree with everything being two different people with individual thoughts, but that’s when compromise is most vital.
This is one of those times when you need to step away from a possible conflict over opposing views to ask yourself, “Did you champion this?.”
In many cases, you likely let your emotions do the talking instead of taking a moment to consider you’re not the expert on whatever subject you’re discussing (perhaps).
It’s okay for your mate to speak their viewpoint regardless if it differs from yours. Listen to why they feel this way. Maybe it makes perfect sense despite it contrasting your standpoint. Agreeing to disagree is entirely reasonable under these circumstances.
Watch this video for critical mistakes couples make with Drs. David Hawkins and Freda Crews:
4. Show consideration
A priority relationship goal is to be appreciative and show gratitude. That goes beyond merely telling the person or saying “thank you.” Being a relationship champion, you need to handle some of the responsibility for a significant other to feel their efforts are acknowledged.
This shows the individual that you recognize all they do, and it means a lot to you. Not only are you expressing gratitude actionably, but you’re creating a sense of appreciation from your partner, strengthening your bond.
5. Respond instead of reacting
Did you champion the relationship? You might not always do this well. You will have times when you get angry and upset. The first instinct is to use those emotions to lash out.
Becoming capable of speaking without a need for defensiveness should be your relationship goal. Conflicts become personal when there’s negativity and pointing fingers, turning into full-blown battles.
As someone championing the partnership, it’s crucial only to use “I” statements when there’s trouble and remain calm. There is less likelihood of a heated argument when your demeanor remains positive. Some examples are:
- “I think you tend to become defensive when I talk about relationship problems.”
- “I feel sad when you make fun of me in front of my friends.”
- “I feel overwhelmed when you refuse to talk to me.”
Related Reading: Respond Not React to Your Thoughts and Feelings
6. You love your partner
Words, for the most part, are easily said. The tricky part is the feeling that goes into them. People can often say “love you” as they walk into the space or leave, but they don’t always exude love behind the words.
When championing a partnership, words must be felt instead of merely spoken. Instead of rushing out with a quick shoutout, stop.
No matter what your partner is doing or how late you might be, nothing is more important than having a moment before you become separated for some time. Take their hand and show them how much they mean to you.
Related Reading: 100 Ways to Love Your Husband
7. Act as a support system
Meeting someone who champions the relationship means the person will act as a primary source of support for you in every circumstance.
You will have someone who believes in your efforts no matter how grandiose the prospect is and will stand in your corner through troubles, trials, and the moments where you thrive.
It also means this person will need support when they become weak. Those are the times you’ll need to find your inner strength to become the relationship champion.
8. Remember how you contribute to the issues
When you become the champion, that doesn’t mean you’re above contributing to the trouble experienced in the partnership. While it takes two for joy, peace, and harmony, it also takes both of you to create tension, rough patches, and strife.
As the way of the relationship champion dictates, it’s up to you to step back and envision your partner’s perspective.
When you see the problems from their side, where they’re finding issues with something you might have done, you can respond appropriately. Perhaps there’s an apology warranted, along with an explanation.
9. Do something kind each day
Not only as someone championing the relationship but as an overall relationship goal. Both people should strive to do one kind of thing every day. It doesn’t have to involve any expenditure.
People can make so many sweet gestures saturated with meaning and heartfelt intention for their mates. The feeling comes from the effort, not the gesture itself.
10. Continue to work on yourself
Relationships aren’t easy. While they’re meant to enhance a person’s life, they still require a lot of time, work, energy, and effort.
But much of that work involves the individual self-reflecting and experiencing personal growth through each trial and tribulation. You can do that by reading often, maintaining your planned schedule, adopting a new hobby, etc.
Related Reading: Motivate Your Spouse Towards Personal & Spiritual Development
Final thought
Sometimes people look tirelessly for the ideal partner to bring into their life to make it better or fill a void, perhaps complete who they feel they should be.
That’s not why we have mates. You must develop a relationship, love, value, and respect for yourself before making yourself available to someone else.
Once these things are accomplished, you no longer need anyone because you’re fulfilled. So what’s the point if you no longer need them? This is usually when you’re able to recognize the right person, a relationship champion, who will come along to enhance what you already have going on.
And you’re secure enough in who you are that you can take the role when your new mate inevitably has moments of weakness, give and take—the secret to every relationship’s success.
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