20 Qualities a Woman Wants in a Man

We all want to be with a good man.
But what are the qualities a woman wants in a man? What is it about a guy that makes him “the one” for you? Is it the material things like flowers and chocolates that he brings you? Or is it the expensive dates he takes you on?
A real relationship is above all of that.
The qualities of a good man are exhibited by someone who has more to offer you than just material wealth.
What do women really want in a man?
Dating can be confusing, and it can make you wonder what qualities a woman wants in a man. The answer to the question can clarify and understand one’s dating or relationship experience.
But what do women want?
Research into the desired good qualities in a man by women shows that these are determined by what kind of relationship the women are looking for. While personality traits were necessary for long-term and short-term relationships, it was more important for a long-term commitment.
What women look for in men is determined by what those qualities mean for the kind of relationship they are looking to have. If women want mature and reliable men, it is because they want a relationship that is free from immature emotions and one that provides support to them.
Signs a woman is interested in someone
The qualities of a good man floor women and ensure that their interest grows in him. She will start acting differently around the guy, and subtle and noticeable changes will be visible to the observant eye.
Signs that a woman has observed good qualities in a man and is interested in him include a combination of the following reactions:
- She makes prolonged eye contact
- She smiles way more than usual
- You catch her looking at you
- She runs her fingers through her hair
- She makes an unusual effort to dress up
- She subtly touches your arm, hair, back, or shoulder
- She often compliments you
- She makes time to meet you
- She remembers little details about you
Learn more about physical signs from a woman that reveal that she is interested in you.
20 qualities a woman wants in her man
It may be confusing for some to understand “What do women want in a man?” but there are some traits that most women desire. These traits usually depend on the kind of dynamic they want to create with their partner.
So here are a few qualities a woman wants in a man that can help you understand relationships better. Use this knowledge to guide you.
1. He is respectful
One of the qualities a woman wants in a man is that her companion respects her decisions and her overall.
A good man has valuable insight to offer when consulted for advice. Yet, he knows that the final decision is your own, and he not only respects but supports it.
The type of men women want may not agree with you, but they always have your back. They know the art of a decent conversation. And that is what takes you forward in a relationship, as you can always agree to disagree on things.
Related Reading: How to Communicate Respectfully with your Spouse
2. He is chivalrous, not conservative
Let’s admit it – it’s nice when a guy does cute things like opening the door for you.
However, one of the qualities a woman wants in a man is someone who has faith in his girl. He knows that she is capable enough to take care of herself.
It’s like a girl should know how to change a car tire so that she can do it herself when she’s in need. However, you should offer your help if something like this happens while you are around.
The kind of man every woman wants doesn’t do something for you because he thinks you can’t do it yourself. He does it purely out of love for you. He’s always proud of how competent you are.
3. He communicates
Communication is the key to a long-lasting, strong relationship. It is the reason why it is one of the essential qualities a woman wants in a man.
A guy who realizes the importance of effective communication is definitely a keeper. A guy who isn’t keen on communicating his feelings, thoughts, and problems isn’t someone with whom you can feel genuinely connected. All problems that arise can often be solved by communicating with your significant other.
Research shows that healthy communication between couples is dependent on the quality and not the number of conversations. A man who realizes that is a keeper, for sure.
He will always communicate with you to work things out. This is an indication of effort on his behalf. Instead of leaving you to overthink and figure out things for yourself, he will be there with the facts and the truth.
4. He is grateful
The most straightforward way of telling whether or not a guy is what a woman wants from a man in a relationship is based on how he treats his lady’s efforts.
Does he expect you to do things for him? Does he ever show gratitude to you? If he isn’t showing you gratitude when you do things for him, you’re with the wrong guy.
A good man wouldn’t take you for granted. He doesn’t expect you to do things for him. However, he is grateful for your efforts when you do stuff for him. And he makes sure you know that!
Related Reading: 10 Ways to Show Gratitude to Your Spouse
5. He is a good listener
Everyone has something to say; however, the one who listens to what you have to say is the one for you.
He cares about your opinion. He is always listening to what you have to say. You won’t be afraid to voice your true opinion in front of him as he is always open to it.
According to marriage & family therapist Lisa Seid:
Finding the right partner can make all the difference in your life, and while no one’s perfect, be okay with taking time until you do find a man with the qualities you’re looking for or who’s at least open and willing to work on developing more of them.
A guy who actually listens to you will remember the things you told him days ago and randomly bring them up on relevant occasions. You’ll find it easier to talk to him. And within him, you’ll always find a friend to talk to.
A positive thing you can do for a woman is hear what she has to say and retain it. So the next time she starts sharing something—whether it be about her day or her life—open your ears, look her in the eye, and give her all your attention.
Related Reading: 4 Tips to Be a Better Listener in a Relationship- Why It Matters
6. He isn’t afraid of commitment
A commitment could mean a lot of things. It could mean the promise of staying with each other for the rest of your lives. It could also mean making a conscious effort to make your relationship work.
A good man isn’t afraid of either type of commitment.
You will always find him making an effort to give you what you deserve. You’ll find him confiding in you and you will also feel protected when he’s around.
All of these things are a sign of his commitment to the relationship. He won’t be scared of being vulnerable around you. And his ego would never be a cause of harm to your relationship.
These are some of the many qualities to look for in a man. It is important to never settle for anyone less than a good man.
7. He is confident (not over-confident)
Most men think they need to be a supermodel to attract a woman. But in fact, if you ask these women what they find attractive in a man, one of the first things they will tell you is that they like a man who projects an air of self-confidence.
Indeed, a man might just be average-looking, but he gets noticed if he walks into the room confidently.
People naturally gravitate to others who give off an aura of knowing their own worth. So if your sense of self needs working on, you will want to start believing in your own value and showing that side to the world at large.
No woman wants to have to prop up her man’s self-esteem constantly. As one woman told us, “My husband may not be the most handsome man in the room to others, but he thinks that he is, so I do, too.”
8. He plays no mind games
Most women won’t tolerate a man who plays mind games because they may feel disrespected, uncertain, and manipulated.
So if you delay answering her text because you think it gives you the upper hand in the relationship, or you are evasive when she asks you specific questions, forget dating a woman long-term.
She may enjoy or tolerate it initially, but eventually, she will find it upsetting and infuriating. That is when she will break things off with you.
9. He has a sense of humor
Women tend to like a man who can make them laugh. You can’t be funny without being clever, and they like intelligence, too.
A study into couple satisfaction shows that what is essential is not that couples have an identical sense of humor. What is important is that they find each other funny.
So all those little side jokes that drive your friends into peals of laughter, use them liberally with the woman you like. It can help give her a break from things that may be stressing her out.
10. He is kind and considerate
Some women are used to doing things independently and taking care of their own needs. But that is not to say they don’t need a significant other, especially one who is kind and considerate towards them.
So don’t neglect thoughtful gestures and kind words when wooing a woman.
She may appear to not “need” these, but they will mean a lot to her. Roses, chocolates, a post-it with a love message, or just a great cup of coffee made for her and placed on her desk while she is working, all of these thoughtful acts will draw her closer to you.
11. He is self-motivated
Women want a man who is her equal. She doesn’t want the role of being your mother or cheerleader for an extended period of time.
Women usually want their men to be as self-driven and ambitious as she is, without the need for someone standing on the sidelines cheering them on. A bad slump can be an exception, though.
Should you need a sounding board to work out a problem or issue, your partner will be there for you. But if you need someone to reassure you that you are doing a good job constantly, it can be exhausting for your partner.
12. He is honest and reliable
You want a partner that you can depend on, which offers you honesty and support.
One of the main qualities a woman wants in a man is honesty and reliability. She would want someone who can support her, be there for her, and who means what he says.
A dishonest and unreliable man will keep disappointing his partner and show that they don’t value the relationship at all.
13. He is emotionally vulnerable
Gone are the days when the notion of toxic masculinity made hardened and apathetic men seem admirable. Women want real men who are open about their pain and vulnerabilities.
Men who can share how they really feel and don’t run away from their feelings can connect with others better. They can be better partners as their familiarity with their own emotions allows them to sympathize with others.
To learn more about the importance of being emotionally vulnerable, check out this video:
14. He is compatible sexually
Sex is a big part of most adult relationships, and therefore it becomes a factor in what women are attracted to.
In a relationship, what a woman wants in a man is someone with whom she has sexual chemistry. You should feel attracted to your partner for you to have a future together.
You should also be willing to assess and evolve things based on your partner’s desires and urges.
15. He is a nurturer
One of the qualities a woman wants in a man is a person who cares and nurtures the people around them. She looks for someone who can treat her well and encourage them while they are together.
A nurturing man is someone with whom a woman can look to have a family and can therefore picture a future. Also, if their partner is going through a bad patch, they can be depended upon to encourage you to get back up.
Related Reading: 10 Trusted Tips For Encouraging Communication With Your Spouse
16. He is self-aware
It is difficult to be someone who doesn’t understand themself.
Good qualities in a man include someone who is self-aware. They are men who know their flaws and strong points, making them excellent partners as they are not in denial about themselves.
Someone who does not know themself has not taken a moment to reflect on their behavior. This shows a lack of maturity, which does not make for a good life partner as they will not be open to criticism or evolve.
17. He is open to positive criticism
Evolution is part of nature, and it should be a part of our individual lives as well.
One of the main qualities a woman wants in a man is that he should be open to receiving and reflecting on positive criticism.
A good man should be receptive as long as he knows that his partner is not trying to change him completely but is making him think about evolving positively.
Being open to positive criticism does not mean changing completely for your partner. It means that you are ready to consider and reflect upon things that a well-meaning loved one mentions.
18. He disagrees respectfully
If you are trying to understand “What do women look for in a man?” you need to think about fights between couples.
Couples are bound to disagree, but what matters is how they express this disagreement. A partner who gets aggressive or shuts down when a different point of view confronts them is challenging to be with.
Therefore, one of the important qualities women want in a man is the ability to argue or disagree respectfully. It reveals a deep and unfiltered version of someone if they lose their cool when you disagree with them.
19. He is someone with principles
A man of principles is what one needs.
Someone with principles has an internal code of conduct and is willing to stand for these things. You know what they value in life and their priority in life.
Usually, a man who has principles will not keep you guessing and will let you know exactly what they think. They won’t confuse you because they are unsure of how they feel about key issues.
20. He loves her
The most important out of all the qualities a woman wants in a man is someone who loves her truly.
A relationship can become negative and exhausting; if you are stuck with someone who does not love you, your love for them will become a burden. Reciprocal love and mutual affection are the foundation of any healthy relationship.
A woman looking for a man to be in a relationship with finds herself attracted to certain things that are unique to her man. But there are some qualities that she wants in her man that form the foundation of any healthy and lasting relationship.
A mature and dependable partner indicates a relationship that will offer both partners opportunities for growth. It will be a good foundation for the changes and turns that life will go through.
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