100 Powerful Prayers For Husbands

Covid, unemployment, social distancing, homeschooling, sanitizer- these words have robbed families of all their joy, especially husbands.
During hard times, husbands feel helpless to provide for and protect their families.
‘100 Powerful Prayers for My Husband’ listed in this article are daily prayers and blessings you can speak over your husbands to encourage them.
Speak these prayers out loud day and night. Do not pray your will; pray God’s will (His Word). God does not answer personal prayers. He answers ‘His’ word. So, pray ‘His words’ back to him and watch things change.
As you read a ‘prayer for my marriage’ below, select a few from each section, string them together, and make a beautiful morning prayer. So, with that, let’s give our husbands the ol’ Monday blessing!
Prayers of God’s love for my husband
First, get in a place of thankfulness. Thank God for your husband. Be thankful he is trying his best to protect his family.
Husbands will not ask for help, so a spouse praying for their husband is just what the doctor ordered. Say these prayers of gratitude for all that he does:
- God, thank you that my husband doesn’t fear losing your love because your perfect love expels all fear (1 Jn 4:18).
- Help me to be your tangible love for my husband by speaking to him with patience and kindness (1 Cor 13:4-7).
- I am thankful that my husband is the apple of your eye (Deut 32:10). You died for him because he believes in Jesus (Jn 3:16).
- Thank you that your love for my husband endures forever (Ps 136:26), and your peace surpasses all understanding (Phi 4:7).
- Thank you that nothing can separate my husband from your love. He is more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus who strengthens him (Rom 8:37-39).
- I thank you that your love for my husband cannot be shaken (Is 54:10)
- I thank you that your love for my husband is compassionate, merciful, and faithful (Ps 86:15)
- I am thankful that you rejoice over my husband with singing (Zeph 3:17).
- Thank you that your love is my husband’s refuge. Nothing will come to him or upon him except your love (Ps 5:11:12).
- I thank you for being faithful to my husband (1 Cor: 16:34).
You can say these prayers for your husbands every day and be grateful for all the love and blessings that God is showering on him.
Related Reading: Bible Verses About Family Unity and Peace
Prayers for my husband and our marriage
Marriages are under attack. Divorces and separations have skyrocketed. The family unit is the foundation of our society.
We have to fight to keep it intact. If your marriage is going downhill, pray these powerful prayers of marriage restoration:
- God, we lay down our ways of thinking. Help me to be a helpmate to him (Eph 4:2-3).
- We lay down our families’ traditions and establish your way in our house, therefore, truly becoming one flesh (Gen 2:24).
- Thank you that we are a three-stranded cord that will not be easily broken (Eccl 4:12).
- Thank you that whomever you join together, no one can separate (Mk 10:9).
- Thank you that my husband loves me like Christ loves the church. He washes me in the word so that we both can be holy and without blemish (Eph 5:25-33).
- Teach us how to do everything in love (1 Cor 16:14).
- Let your love and faithfulness never leave us. Write them on our hearts so that we may have favor with you and man (Prv 3:3-4).
- Help us love each other deeply so that love covers our sins (1 Ptr 4:8).
- Help my husband keep his eyes on you and not our circumstances (Ps 143:8).
- Help us be gentle in speech and bear with one another in love (Eph 4:2).
If you chant these prayers for your husband regularly, you and your husband will get the strength to work in favor of your marriage restoration.
Related Reading: Bible Verses for Every Aspect of Married Life
Prayers for my husband’s purpose and destiny
We all were created for a purpose. Whenever you find yourself lost, depressed, or unhappy, you are not living your purpose.
If your husband is exhibiting any of these feelings, say these prayers for your husband regularly.
- Open my husband’s heart, so he knows he is chosen and holy (1 Ptr 2:9).
- My husband is created by you as all things in heaven and on Earth were created by you (Gen 1).
- Thank you that you have a plan and a purpose for my husband. A plan to prosper him and not harm him, a plan to give him hope and a future (Jer 29:11).
- I pray my husband stands firm in your purpose so your will will be fulfilled in him (Ps 33:10).
- Thank you that my husband is your handiwork created to do good works (Eph 2:10).
- Thank you for giving my husband authority to be a disciple and to make disciples (Mth 28:18-20).
- Father, thank you that every step my husband takes is ordained by you (Prv 20:24).
- Thank you that my husband is empowered by all that is just and fair (Prv 2:9).
- Thank you that you are my husband’s prize, his pleasure, and his portion (Ps 16:5).
- My husband has ideas concerning his destiny, but your design will succeed (Prv 19:21).
Related Reading: Marriage Verses in the Bible
Prayers for my husband’s protection and leadership
Leadership is paramount for a family’s success. If a family lacks a leader, it will perish.
Leaders have the vision, and where there is no vision (leadership), the family will perish. Here are a few prayers for your husband’s protection and leadership:
- Thank you that my husband is an effective leader who is above reproach (1 Tim 3:1-7).
- Thank you that all worldly things are under my husband’s feet. He does not get drunk; he is not greedy but manages his time, family, and resources well (Eph 1:22).
- Thank you that as my husband grows in leadership, help him to be able to handle his role without hindrance (Tit 1:6-9).
- Help my husband have patience as his faith and abilities are being tested (1 Tim 4:11- 6:2).
- I pray the gift of shepherding be active in my husband’s life as he enters leadership and teaching roles (1 Ptr 2:25) (Eph 4:2).
- As my husband leads, help him to continue to have a servant’s heart (Mth 20:26).
- Help my husband lead with fairness as his moral compass (Prv 29:14).
- Lord, as my husband leads, I pray that he is selfless, humble, and thinks of others (Phil 2:3).
- Keep my husband’s emotions aligned with your word (Prv 29:11).
- Be his rock, salvation and defense, so that he will not be moved or shaken. (Ps. 62:6)
Related Reading: Bible Verses About Communication In Marriage
Prayers to Strengthen and empower my husband
Husbands are inundated with images of strength from birth. But there is a difference between physical strength and strength of the spirit.
Man-strong is temporary and fleeting, while spirit-strong is eternal. You can choose to speak these prayers for your husband’s strength and empowerment as short, good morning prayers.
- Thank you that stereotypes won’t affect my husband. His identity is in you (Gen 1:27; 5:1).
- Thank you that my husband is ordained to go into all nations in the authority of Jesus Christ (Mth 28:19/Lk 24:47).
- Thank you that my husband will not be overlooked for anything due to race, color, or creed for Christ is his Lord (Rom 10:12).
- Thank you that my husband is empowered through your word (Acts 10:34-35).
- Thank you that my husband walks boldly as a man of God and in perfect peace (Eph 2:14).
- Thank you that my husband walks by faith according to your word, not man’s (Mth 6:31-34).
- Thank you that my husband considers trials pure joy and knows his help comes from you (Jms 1:1-8).
- Thank you for giving my husband courage today. You are with him wherever he goes (Jos 1:1- 9).
- Thank you, my husband walks in freedom with the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 3:17).
- Thank you that my husband walks in truth, for he has the truth in him (Jn 8:31- 32).
Related Reading: Marriage Definition in the Bible
Prayers for wisdom and guidance for my husband
We all need prayers for guidance and prayers for wisdom. We all have circumstances and situations in our lives we need help with.
Ask for guidance and wisdom. He gives to all who ask:
- Father, let my husband feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and be led by Him today (Rom 8:14).
- As my husband seeks understanding and wisdom, let the Holy Spirit lead him into all truth and righteousness (Gal 5:18).
- As my husband seeks wisdom for our family, I pray Your Spirit intercedes on his behalf (Rom 8:26-27).
- I proclaim my husband lives by your spirit and walks with you wherever he goes (Gal 5:25).
- I pray my husband’s speech and actions will be aligned with the Holy Spirit, not the world’s (1 Cor 2:13).
- I pray your truth is my husband’s truth, and your voice is the only voice he heeds (Jn 16:13).
- Thank you, my husband’s trust is in you, for he does not lean on his own understanding (Prv 3: 5-6).
- Thank you for generously giving my husband the wisdom he asks for (Jms 1:5).
- Thank you that my husband is in perfect peace and produces good fruit (Jms 3:17).
- God, may anger be far from my husband and wisdom be in him for he takes wise counsel (Prv 13:10).
These prayers for your husband will help him to gain wisdom from the higher power. God will always guide him despite the challenges.
Related Reading: Bible verses about love
Healing prayers for a healthy sex life and intimacy with my husband
The absence of intimacy and a sex life are tearing marriages apart. When husbands feel stressed over bills and uncertainty in their work, their desire for sex wanes.
If these issues persist, unfortunately, the sex life dies. Speak this healing prayer for your husband and a healthy sex life:
- Thank you for our healthy sex life and that our love for each other is intoxicating (Prv 5:18-19).
- We vow that no other ministry will be a higher honor than our marriage bed that’s undefiled (Heb 13:4)
- Help us to never use our bodies as a weapon against one another. We will only use them to bring healing to one another (1 Cor 7:3- 4).
- Help us keep our sex life a priority and never let us get too busy that we don’t minister to each other (1 Cor 7:5).
- Remind us how important we are to each other so that we never feel lonely (Gen 2:18).
- Help us to increase our love through communication, intimacy, and a healthy sex life (Mth 19:6).
- Keep lust far from us and our marriage bed. (1 Cor 6: 9-10).
- Give us good discernment when watching TV so that we are not tempted by the lust of the flesh (1 Ptr 2:1).
- Help us to walk in righteousness, so our hearts stay pure for you and faithful to each other (2 Tim 2:22).
- Thank you for our covenant of intimacy and your hedge of protection around our marriage bed (Ps 91).
Related Reading: Bible Verses about Marriage and Sex
Prayers for my husband’s provision and prosperity
If your husband is struggling with work, he could be stressed. But provision and prosperity await him through prayer.
Finances are one of the top three reasons couples divorce. We come against that right now. Meditate on these prayers to help keep your provisions flowing.
So, if you have been searching for ‘prayers for my husband at work, ’look no further!
Here are some strong prayers for your husband.
- I pray over my husband’s talents and ideas, for it is you who gives him the power to get wealth (Deut 8:18).
- I thank you for giving my husband our future plan and increasing our finances (Jer 29:11).
- Thank you for supplying my husband’s every need according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19).
- I pray that my husband obeys your commandments and prospers in everything he does (1 Ki 2:3).
- I put the full armor of God on my husband so that he withstands every trial (Eph 6:13).
- Thank you that my husband is not motivated by money, but content in you (Heb 13:5).
- I pray that my husband is steadfast in faith for he will be perfect, complete, and lack nothing (Jms 1:4).
- Thank you that as my husband prays for financial strategies. He seeks first your kingdom and your righteousness, and all he needs will be added (Mth 6:33).
- Thank you that your blessings make my husband rich and add no sorrow (Prv 10:22).
- Thank you for my husband’s reward for his reverent fear of You is riches, honor, and life (Prv 22:4).
Related Reading: Bible Verses About Forgiving Your Spouse
Prayers for fatherhood
Children need their fathers, and fathers need their children. A good father can change the trajectory of his children’s lives for generations to come.
Most men raise their kids like their fathers raised them, and that’s if they had a father. Let’s pray for a special prayer for fatherhood. Our future depends on it:
- God, guide my husband as he trains up our children according to the Bible (Prv 22:6).
- Help my husband communicate to our children in a loving way (Deut 6:6-7).
- Help my husband to be close to our children even though he does not have a close relationship with his family. Turn his heart toward them and their hearts toward him (Mal 4:6).
- Help my husband to be a good disciplinarian to our children (Prv 13:24).
- Help me teach my children how to honor their father so that they will honor their father all the days of their lives (Ex 20:12).
- Teach my husband how to encourage our children through your word (1 Thes 2:11- 12).
- Thank you that my husband and our household serve you (Jos 24:15).
- Thank you that as you raise my husband, he raises our children in the way they should go (Deut 1:29-31).
- Thank you for my husband’s heart and ability to lead his family (Prv 14:26).
- Give my husband the compassion and grace to discipline our children in a way that they won’t become angry or rebellious (Eph 6:1-4).
Discover how Eric and Wendy Ingram endured fear, depression, betrayal, rejection, loneliness, suicidal thoughts, infidelity, and brokenness to give into God’s divine plan and pick up their broken lives in their book The Prodigal Couple: Our Extraordinary Experience of God’s Extravagant Love.
Related Reading: Marital Vows in the Bible
Prayers of reconciliation for my husband’s relationships
If Covid taught us one thing, it’s that family is the most precious gift on Earth. We can get another car or house, but we can’t get another family.
If there are any acrimonious relationships in your husband’s life, pray this prayer of reconciliation for those relationships:
- I pray for my husband’s heart to be tender so that he can reconcile with ____(fill in person’s name).
- Thank you that my husband is made in your image (2 Cor 5:18).
- Help my husband forgive others their trespasses and reconcile with his enemies (2 Cor 5:18-21).
- Help my husband strive for peace so that he sees your holiness in his life (Heb 12:14)
- Thank you for reconciling my husband to you through the blood of the cross (Col 1:20-22).
- Help my husband stay reconciled to you through Christ Jesus so he will not stumble (2 Cor 5:20).
- Thank you that your Spirit of Reconciliation comes upon my husband as he repents for his wrongdoing so that he can be in right standing with you (Acts 3:19).
- Give my husband the strength to love his enemies and those who have betrayed him (Lk 6:27-42).
- Help my husband to forgive easily so that he will be forgiven easily (Rom 6:23).
- Thank you that my husband is merciful toward others as you have been merciful to him (Mth 18:33).
After saying all these prayers for your husband, does your husband feel refreshed?
If yes, that’s great! This is the inevitable power of prayers.
So, remember, when you pray, don’t pray your will; pray God’s word. Until next time, I pray a prayer for peace and health over you and your family. Amen!
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